

        Article summary

        If the Subscription module is purchased, this menu will be displayed. This overview lists all subscriptions.


        This overview contains the following information:

        Debtor name: Name of the debtor
        Key​: The unique key for this subscription (also called SubscriptionGuid)
        Billing interval: How often are invoices created
        Start date​: The start date of the subscription
        End date​: In case the subscription has been stopped, the end date of the subscription
        Payment method: The payment method of the subscription
        Payment identifier: The iban, email address, mandate reference or card number which is used for this subscription
        Status: Status of the subscription

        By clicking on a subscription, you can see the details of the subscription.

        Available actions
        This option allows you to download all selected subscriptions in a .CSV file format.

        Available filters

        Subscription key, Debtor, Product, Price schedule, Invoicing interval, Status, Start date.


        Under ‘Details’, you’ll find more information about the subscription. From here on, you can click straight to the debtor, the original data request and the Credit Management scheme.

        Available actions

        Stop subscription: Click here if you wish to stop the running subscription.


        Under ‘Invoices’, you’ll find an overview of all invoices that are linked to this invoice. This overview contains the following information:

        Date: The date when the invoice was created
        Invoice number: The Invoice number
        Amount: The original invoice amount
        Amount paid: Total amount that is paid of the invoice
        CM-scheme/schedule: The name of the Credit Management scheme
        Status: Invoice status

        From here, you can click straight to the specific invoice.


        Under ‘Products’, you can see all pricing plans that are linked to the subscription. Here you’ll find the unique key for this subscription, the start date and possible end date, and the status of the subscription.

        Available actions

        Edit charges: Under "Edit charges", you’ll find a pop-up screen displaying the financial details of the pricing plan.Including the name, number of units, price, VAT rate, etcetera. You can also see the type of cost, which indicates whether you’re dealing with one-off or recurring costs.


        The status log keeps track of all modifications. It also shows when an invoice was created.

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