Collection agencies

      Collection agencies

        Article summary

        With Credit Management, unpaid invoices can also be handed over to a debt collection agency. If a debt collection agency is called in, it is desirable that the debtor has already been notified of the WIK (Wet op de Incassokosten/Law on Collection Costs) during the dunning process. The debt collection agency will need to receive additional information about the debtor or receivable. An automated process requires that this information (such as name, address, place of residence) was already shared with the Buckaroo Plaza when the invoices were submitted.

        After the invoice has been handed over to a debt collection agency, Buckaroo’s payment link will be deactived in order to prevent double payments. The feedback on the debtor’s payment behaviour that is communicated to the debt collection agency will be processed in the Buckaroo Payment Plaza. Consequently, the debtor overview in the Buckaroo Plaza is always up to date.

        The following debt collection agencies with fully automated invoice processing are connected to the Plaza:

        COEO Incasso (formerly known as CIB / Centraal Invorderings Bureau)
        Intrum Justitia

        COEO Webhooks
        If the merchant is subscribed to Buckaroo's COEO integration, then there is an additional option to receive real-time updates on events that take place at COEO. To use this feature, the COEO webhooks need to be activated within the COEO account of the merchant. The setings need to be set as follows:
        COEO webhook settings new.png

        Once activated, COEO will sent webhooks to Buckaroo in the event of, for example payments, payment reminders and payment arrangements. This event information will be pushed through invoice pushes to the merchant. See the invoice push section for more information.

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