E-mandate requests

      E-mandate requests

        Article summary


        This action returns the list of available banks that can be used by the consumer.

        Base JSON request

        Use the base request as instructed on this page

        GetIssuerList request


        Basic parameters

        Example request

           "Services": {
              "ServiceList": [
                    "Name": "emandate",
                    "Action": "GetIssuerList",

        GetIssuerList response


        Service specific parameters

        DebtorBankIdstringThis is the bank ID used to create a CreateMandate or ModifyMandate request.
        DebtorBankCountrystringThe country of the requested bank.
        DebtorBankNamestringThe name of the bank that can be used to display to the consumer.
        Basic parameters

        Example response

           "Key": "5414DEAAB1984AD49278126DC00AF837",
           "Status": {
              "Code": {
                 "Code": 190,
                 "Description": "Success"
              "SubCode": {
                 "Code": "S001",
                 "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
              "DateTime": "2017-08-03T08:57:14"
           "RequiredAction": null,
           "Services": [
                 "Name": "emandate",
                 "Action": null,
                 "Parameters": [
                       "Name": "issuer1_DebtorBankId",
                       "Value": "ABNANL2A"
                       "Name": "issuer1_DebtorBankName",
                       "Value": "ABN Amro Bank"
                       "Name": "issuer1_DebtorBankCountry",
                       "Value": "Nederland"
                       "Name": "issuer2_DebtorBankId",
                       "Value": "ASNBNL21"
                       "Name": "issuer2_DebtorBankName",
                       "Value": "ASN Bank"
                       "Name": "issuer2_DebtorBankCountry",
                       "Value": "Nederland"
                       "Name": "issuer3_DebtorBankId",
                       "Value": "INGBNL2A"
                       "Name": "issuer3_DebtorBankName",
                       "Value": "ING Bank"
                       "Name": "issuer3_DebtorBankCountry",
                       "Value": "Nederland"
                       "Name": "issuer4_DebtorBankId",
                       "Value": "KNABNL2H"
                       "Name": "issuer4_DebtorBankName",
                       "Value": "Knab"
                       "Name": "issuer4_DebtorBankCountry",
                       "Value": "Nederland"
                       "Name": "issuer5_DebtorBankId",
                       "Value": "RABONL2U"
                       "Name": "issuer5_DebtorBankName",
                       "Value": "Rabobank"
                       "Name": "issuer5_DebtorBankCountry",
                       "Value": "Nederland"
                       "Name": "issuer6_DebtorBankId",
                       "Value": "RBRBNL21"
                       "Name": "issuer6_DebtorBankName",
                       "Value": "RegioBank"
                       "Name": "issuer6_DebtorBankCountry",
                       "Value": "Nederland"
                       "Name": "issuer7_DebtorBankId",
                       "Value": "SNSBNL2A"
                       "Name": "issuer7_DebtorBankName",
                       "Value": "SNS Bank"
                       "Name": "issuer7_DebtorBankCountry",
                       "Value": "Nederland"
                       "Name": "issuer8_DebtorBankId",
                       "Value": "TRIONL2U"
                       "Name": "issuer8_DebtorBankName",
                       "Value": "Triodos Bank"
                       "Name": "issuer8_DebtorBankCountry",
                       "Value": "Nederland"
           "CustomParameters": null,
           "AdditionalParameters": null,
           "RequestErrors": null,
           "ServiceCode": "emandate",
           "IsTest": true,
           "ConsumerMessage": null


        This action creates an e-Mandate request and returns a URL where to the consumer can be redirected to approve the request.

        CreateMandate request


        Service specific parameters

        debtorbankidstringThe bank id of the consumer (BIC), the possible values can be retrieved with the GetIssuerList action. This information is required, but it is possible to let the customer fill it in on the Buckaroo checkout page. In that case, leave the debtorbankid parameter out and add the basic parameter "ContinueOnIncomplete" with a value of 1.
        debtorreferencestringRequiredAn ID that identifies the debtor to creditor, which is issued by the creditor. For example: a customer number/ID. Max. 35 characters.
        sequencetypedecimalRequiredIndicates type of eMandate: one-off or recurring direct debit. 0 = recurring, 1 = one off.
        purchaseidstringRequiredAn ID that identifies the emandate with a purchase order. This will be shown in the emandate information of the customers' bank account. Max. 35 characters.
        mandateidstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference“ is the id used to perform the SEPA direct debit calls in the future. If not provided in the request, then Buckaroo will generate one and return in the response. If provided by merchant, then it has to start with a predetermined prefix. You can find it in your Buckaroo Plaza account: My Buckaroo > General information > Mandate prefix.
        languagestringRequiredThe consumer language code in lowercase letters. For example “nl”, not “NL” or “nl-NL”. This will be the language of the customer's bank page.
        emandatereasonstringA description of the (purpose) of the emandate. This will be shown in the emandate information of the customers' bank account. Max 70 characters.
        maxamountdecimalRequired for B2BThis is the maximum amount per SEPA Direct Debit. Debtor can change this value during the authorization process. The (altered) value will be communicated in the push message to the Merchant. This parameter is for B2B only and required if that's the case.
        Basic parameters

        Example request

           "Currency": "EUR",
           "Services": {
              "ServiceList": [
                    "Name": "emandate",
                    "Action": "CreateMandate",
                    "Parameters": [
                          "Name": "emandatereason",
                          "Value": "testing"
                          "Name": "sequencetype",
                          "Value": "1"
                          "Name": "purchaseid",
                          "Value": "purchaseid1234"
                          "Name": "debtorbankid",
                          "Value": "INGBNL2A"
                          "Name": "debtorreference",
                          "Value": "klant1234"
                          "Name": "language",
                          "Value": "nl"
                          "Name": "mandateid",
                          "Value": "02Q1234567890"

        CreateMandate response

        The response contains a MandateID, that can be used as the MandateReference for (Simple) Sepa Direct Debits.


        Service specific parameters

        MandateIdstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference” for the emandate, with this id you can retrieve the status from the GetStatus action and perform SEPA direct debit transactions.
        ErrorResponseMessagestringThe error response message, empty if no error has occurred.
        IsErrorstringIf an error has occurred.
        AccountnamestringName of the bank account as it is registered at the bank.
        BankIdstringBIC code of the debtor’s bank.
        IbanstringDebtor’s bank account number.
        OriginalMandateIdstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference”.
        ReferencestringReference ID that identifies the debtor to creditor, which is issued by the creditor.
        SignerNamestringName of the person signing the eMandate.
        ValidationReferencestringThe ValidationReference can be used in a (Simple) SEPA Direct Debit transaction as the Electronic Signature. It is advised to save this value somewhere. However, you can provide only the MandateId / MandateReference in your (Simple) SEPA Direct Debit request and Buckaroo will find the matching ValidationReference. Can be up to a maximum of 128 characters.
        MaxamountdecimalThe authorized maximum amount for a SEPA Direct Debit. This amount can be different from the requested amount.
        Basic parameters

        Example response

           "Key": "D9ED99F67C8D4BC8BC78E0BB9D16xxxx",
           "Status": {
              "Code": {
                 "Code": 791,
                 "Description": "Pending processing"
              "SubCode": {
                 "Code": "S002",
                 "Description": "An additional action is required: RedirectToMandate"
              "DateTime": "2018-12-19T12:08:30"
           "RequiredAction": {
              "RedirectURL": "https://testcheckout.buckaroo.nl/html/redirect.ashx?r=1208BEF39F63433CBD7394693A73xxx",
              "RequestedInformation": null,
              "Name": "Redirect",
              "TypeDeprecated": 0
           "Services": [
                 "Name": "emandate",
                 "Action": null,
                 "Parameters": [
                       "Name": "MandateId",
                       "Value": "02Q1234567890"
                       "Name": "IsError",
                       "Value": "False"
           "CustomParameters": null,
           "AdditionalParameters": null,
           "RequestErrors": null,
           "ServiceCode": "emandate",
           "IsTest": true,
           "ConsumerMessage": {
              "MustRead": false,
              "CultureName": null,
              "Title": null,
              "PlainText": null,
              "HtmlText": null

        CreateMandate push


        Service specific parameters

        MandateIdstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference“ is the id used to perform the SEPA direct debit calls in the future.
        IsErrorstringIf an error has occurred.
        EmandateStatusstringStatus of the emandate
        SignerNamestringName of the person signing the eMandate.
        AccountNamestringName of the bank account as it is registered at the bank.
        BankIdstringBIC code of the debtor’s bank.
        IbanstringDebtor’s bank account number.
        ReferencestringReference ID that identifies the debtor to creditor, which is issued by the creditor.
        ValidationReferenceThe ValidationReference can be used in a (Simple) SEPA Direct Debit transaction as the Electronic Signature. It is advised to save this value somewhere. However, you can provide only the MandateId / MandateReference in your (Simple) SEPA Direct Debit request and Buckaroo will find the matching ValidationReference.
        OriginalMandateIdstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference”.
        MaxAmountstringThe authorized maximum amount for a SEPA Direct Debit. This amount can be different from the requested amount.
        EmandateStatusstringStatus of the emandate
        Basic parameters

        Example push

           "DataRequest": {
              "Key": "D9ED99F67C8D4BC8BC78E0BB9D16xxxx",
              "Invoice": null,
              "ServiceCode": "emandate",
              "ActionCode": "CreateMandate",
              "Status": {
                 "Code": {
                    "Code": 190,
                    "Description": "Transactie succesvol uitgevoerd"
                 "SubCode": null,
                 "DateTime": "2018-12-19T12:09:09"
              "IsTest": true,
              "Order": null,
              "Currency": "EUR",
              "AmountDebit": 0,
              "Services": [
                    "Name": "emandate",
                    "Action": null,
                    "Parameters": [
                          "Name": "MandateId",
                          "Value": "02Q1234567890"
                          "Name": "IsError",
                          "Value": "False"
                          "Name": "EmandateStatus",
                          "Value": "Success"
                          "Name": "SignerName",
                          "Value": "J. de Tester"
                          "Name": "AccountName",
                          "Value": "J. de Tester"
                          "Name": "BankId",
                          "Value": "INGBNL2A"
                          "Name": "Iban",
                          "Value": "NL13TEST0123456789"
                          "Name": "Reference",
                          "Value": "klant1234"
                          "Name": "ValidationReference",
                          "Value": "TestValidation"
                          "Name": "OriginalMandateId",
                          "Value": "02Q1234567890"
                          "Name": "MaxAmount",
                          "Value": "0.00"
                    "VersionAsProperty": 1
              "CustomParameters": null,
              "AdditionalParameters": null,
              "MutationType": 0,
              "IssuingCountry": null,
              "StartRecurrent": false,
              "Recurring": false,
              "CustomerName": null,
              "PayerHash": null,
              "PaymentKey": null


        This action returns the status of an e-Mandate. When the e-Mandate is successful, the response also contains the ValidationReference. The ValidationReference can be used in a (Simple) SEPA Direct Debit transaction as the Electronic Signature. It is advised to save this value somewhere. However, you can provide only the MandateId / MandateReference in your (Simple) SEPA Direct Debit request and Buckaroo will find the matching ValidationReference.

        Base JSON request

        Use the base request as instructed on this page

        GetStatus request


        Service specific parameters

        mandateidstringRequiredThe mandateId or “mandate reference“ is the id used to perform the SEPA direct debit calls in the future.
        Basic parameters

        Example request

           "Services": {
              "ServiceList": [
                    "Name": "emandate",
                    "Action": "GetStatus",
                    "Parameters": [
                          "Name": "mandateid",
                          "Value": "001234516BB5979412DB939BBE305D1xxxx"

        GetStatus response


        Service specific parameters

        EmandateStatusstringStatus of emandate
        SignerNamestringName of the person signing the eMandate.
        AccountNamestringName of the bank account as it is registered at the bank.
        BankIdstringBIC code of the debtor’s bank.
        IbanstringDebtor’s bank account number.
        ReferencestringReference ID that identifies the debtor to creditor, which is issued by the creditor.
        ValidationReferencestringThe ValidationReference can be used in a (Simple) SEPA Direct Debit transaction as the Electronic Signature. It is advised to save this value somewhere. However, you can provide only the MandateId / MandateReference in your (Simple) SEPA Direct Debit request and Buckaroo will find the matching ValidationReference.
        OriginalMandateIdstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference”.
        MaxAmountstringThe authorized maximum amount for a SEPA Direct Debit. This amount can be different from the requested amount.
        Basic parameters

        Example response

           "Key": "BD6C0EF1CCF946C3AAB663CF2FAD1706",
           "Status": {
              "Code": {
                 "Code": 190,
                 "Description": "Success"
              "SubCode": {
                 "Code": "S001",
                 "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
              "DateTime": "2017-08-03T09:18:56"
           "RequiredAction": null,
           "Services": [
                 "Name": "emandate",
                 "Action": null,
                 "Parameters": [
                       "Name": "EmandateStatus",
                       "Value": "Success"
                       "Name": "SignerName",
                       "Value": "J. de Tester"
                       "Name": "AccountName",
                       "Value": "J. de Tester"
                       "Name": "BankId",
                       "Value": "TESTNL2A"
                       "Name": "Iban",
                       "Value": "NL13TEST0123456789"
                       "Name": "Reference",
                       "Value": "klant1234"
                       "Name": "ValidationReference",
                       "Value": "TestValidation"
                       "Name": "OriginalMandateId",
                       "Value": "001234516BB5979412DB939BBE305D1xxxx"
                       "Name": "MaxAmount",
                       "Value": "0.00"
           "CustomParameters": null,
           "AdditionalParameters": null,
           "RequestErrors": null,
           "ServiceCode": "emandate",
           "IsTest": true,
           "ConsumerMessage": null


        This action can be used to modify a Customers’ E-mandate. You can change the customers’ bank account number without the need for a new e-Mandate.

        Base JSON request

        Use the base request as instructed on this page

        ModifyMandate request


        Service specific parameters

        originalmandateidstringRequiredThe mandateId or “mandate reference” of the original e-Mandate. This will not change after a successful amendment
        debtorbankidstringBIC code of the customer's bank.
        Basic parameters

        Example request

           "Currency": "EUR",
           "Services": {
              "ServiceList": [
                    "Name": "Emandate",
                    "Action": "ModifyMandate",
                    "Parameters": [
                          "Name": "OriginalMandateId",
                          "Value": "02QD7689C4575724CFFA5D71E1F9E38xxxx"
                          "Name": "Debtorbankid",
                          "Value": "ABNANL2A"

        ModifyMandate response

        The response contains a redirect URL that can be used to redirect the customer to the online environment where the request can be approved and completed.


        Service specific parameters

        MandateIdstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference”, with this id you can retrieve the status from the GetStatus action and perform SEPA direct debit transactions
        IsErrorstringIf an error has occurred
        Basic parameters

        Example response

           "Key": "A92C2228C65840D496107DE20B79xxxx",
           "Status": {
              "Code": {
                 "Code": 791,
                 "Description": "Pending processing"
              "SubCode": {
                 "Code": "S002",
                 "Description": "An additional action is required: RedirectToModifyMandate"
              "DateTime": "2018-12-19T11:59:03"
           "RequiredAction": {
              "RedirectURL": "https://testcheckout.buckaroo.nl/html/redirect.ashx?r=3E620DBD2F5D485386C8FEF856BCxxxx",
              "RequestedInformation": null,
              "Name": "Redirect",
              "TypeDeprecated": 0
           "Services": [
                 "Name": "emandate",
                 "Action": null,
                 "Parameters": [
                       "Name": "IsError",
                       "Value": "False"
                       "Name": "MandateId",
                       "Value": "02QD7689C4575724CFFA5D71E1F9E38xxxx"
           "CustomParameters": null,
           "AdditionalParameters": null,
           "RequestErrors": null,
           "ServiceCode": "emandate",
           "IsTest": true,
           "ConsumerMessage": {
              "MustRead": false,
              "CultureName": null,
              "Title": null,
              "PlainText": null,
              "HtmlText": null

        ModifyMandate push


        Service specific parameters

        EmandateStatusstringStatus of the e-mandate
        MandateIdstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference”, with this id you can retrieve the status from the GetStatus action and perform SEPA direct debit transactions
        ErrorResponseMessagestringThe error response message, empty if no error has occurred
        IsErrorstringIf an error has occurred
        AccountnamestringName of the bank account as it is registered at the bank
        BankIdBIC code of the debtor’s bank
        IbanstringDebtor’s bank account number
        OriginalMandateIdstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference”
        ReferencestringReference ID that identifies the debtor to creditor, which is issued by the creditor
        SignerNameName of the person signing the eMandate
        ValidationReferencestringThe ValidationReference can be used in a (Simple) SEPA Direct Debit transaction as the Electronic Signature. It is advised to save this value somewhere. However, you can provide only the MandateId / MandateReference in your (Simple) SEPA Direct Debit request and Buckaroo will find the matching ValidationReference.
        MaxamountdecimalThe authorized maximum amount for a SEPA Direct Debit. This amount can be different from the requested amount and is for B2B only
        Basic parameters

        Example push

           "DataRequest": {
              "Key": "A92C2228C65840D496107DE20B79xxxx",
              "Invoice": null,
              "ServiceCode": "emandate",
              "ActionCode": "ModifyMandate",
              "Status": {
                 "Code": {
                    "Code": 190,
                    "Description": "Transactie succesvol uitgevoerd"
                 "SubCode": null,
                 "DateTime": "2018-12-19T11:59:06"
              "IsTest": true,
              "Order": null,
              "Currency": "EUR",
              "AmountDebit": 0,
              "Services": [
                    "Name": "emandate",
                    "Action": null,
                    "Parameters": [
                          "Name": "IsError",
                          "Value": "False"
                          "Name": "MandateId",
                          "Value": "02QD7689C4575724CFFA5D71E1F9E38xxxx"
                          "Name": "EmandateStatus",
                          "Value": "Success"
                          "Name": "SignerName",
                          "Value": "J. de Tester"
                          "Name": "AccountName",
                          "Value": "J. de Tester"
                          "Name": "BankId",
                          "Value": "abnanl2a"
                          "Name": "Iban",
                          "Value": "NL13TEST0123456789"
                          "Name": "Reference",
                          "Value": "klant1234"
                          "Name": "ValidationReference",
                          "Value": "TestValidation"
                          "Name": "OriginalMandateId",
                          "Value": "02QD7689C4575724CFFA5D71E1F9E38xxxx"
                          "Name": "MaxAmount",
                          "Value": "0.00"
                    "VersionAsProperty": 1
              "CustomParameters": null,
              "AdditionalParameters": null,
              "MutationType": 0,
              "IssuingCountry": null,
              "StartRecurrent": false,
              "Recurring": false,
              "CustomerName": null,
              "PayerHash": null,
              "PaymentKey": null


        This action can be used to cancel a business E-mandate. This option is only available for the b2b service. In that case the Mandate can be blocked by the settings within the online banking environment of the consumer. Please note that you are legally required to offer this to your customers when you are making use of B2B e-mandates. Furthermore, the debtor has the option of canceling the mandate in his bank environment anyways. If you offer the option on your own website, you get the benefit of knowing when the customer cancels the mandate.

        Base JSON request

        Use the base request as instructed on this page

        CancelMandate request


        Service specific parameters

        MandateIdstringRequiredThe mandateId or “mandate reference” of the original e-Mandate.
        PurchaseidstringRequiredAn ID that identifies the emandate with a purchase order. This will be shown in the emandate information of the customers' bank account. Max. 35 characters.
        Basic parameters

        Example request

           "Currency": "EUR",
           "Services": {
              "ServiceList": [
                    "Name": "emandateb2b",
                    "Action": "CancelMandate",
                    "Parameters": [
                          "Name": "mandateid",
                          "Value": "00122B82DA08C5F41A4B3A01B8EEF35xxxx"
                          "Name": "Emandatereason",
                          "Value": "test cancellation"
                          "Name": "Purchaseid",
                          "Value": "purchaseid 123"

        CancelMandate response


        Service specific parameters

        MandateIdstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference”
        ErrorResponseMessagestringThe error response message, empty if no error has occurred
        IsErrorstringIf an error has occurred
        Basic parameters

        Example response

           "Key": "CC821C9C83E84AE9AB261B436713FD3D",
           "Status": {
              "Code": {
                 "Code": 791,
                 "Description": "Pending processing"
              "SubCode": {
                 "Code": "S002",
                 "Description": "An additional action is required: RedirectToCancelMandate"
              "DateTime": "2017-08-03T17:27:18"
           "RequiredAction": {
              "RedirectURL": "https://testcheckout.buckaroo.nl/html/redirect.ashx?r=C62C997A6AE3456AA04E32C8CA66xxxx",
              "RequestedInformation": null,
              "Name": "Redirect",
              "TypeDeprecated": 0
           "Services": [
                 "Name": "emandateb2b",
                 "Action": null,
                 "Parameters": [
                       "Name": "IsError",
                       "Value": "False"
                       "Name": "MandateId",
                       "Value": "00122B82DA08C5F41A4B3A01B8EEF35xxxx"
           "CustomParameters": null,
           "AdditionalParameters": null,
           "RequestErrors": null,
           "ServiceCode": "emandateb2b",
           "IsTest": true,
           "ConsumerMessage": {
              "MustRead": false,
              "CultureName": null,
              "Title": null,
              "PlainText": null,
              "HtmlText": null

        CancelMandate push


        Service specific parameters

        MandateIdstringThe mandateId or “mandate reference”
        ErrorResponseMessagestringThe error response message, empty if no error has occurred
        IsErrorstringIf an error has occurred
        Basic parameters

        Example push

           "DataRequest": {
              "Key": "CC821C9C83E84AE9AB261B436713xxxx",
              "Invoice": null,
              "ServiceCode": "emandateb2b",
              "ActionCode": "CancelMandate",
              "Status": {
                 "Code": {
                    "Code": 190,
                    "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
                 "SubCode": null,
                 "DateTime": "2017-08-03T17:28:34+02:00"
              "IsTest": true,
              "Order": null,
              "Currency": "EUR",
              "AmountDebit": 0,
              "Services": [
                    "Name": "emandateb2b",
                    "Action": null,
                    "Parameters": [
                          "Name": "IsError",
                          "Value": "False"
                          "Name": "MandateId",
                          "Value": "00122B82DA08C5F41A4B3A01B8EEF35xxxx"
                          "Name": "EmandateStatus",
                          "Value": "Cancelled"
                    "VersionAsProperty": 1
              "CustomParameters": null,
              "AdditionalParameters": null,
              "MutationType": 0,
              "IssuingCountry": null,
              "StartRecurrent": false,
              "Recurring": false,
              "CustomerName": null,
              "PayerHash": null,
              "PaymentKey": null

        Was this article helpful?