

        Article summary

        The use and management of your account in Buckaroo Payment Plaza can be done at various levels. Different employees have different roles and rights within the Plaza. It is also possible to create a custom role for a user within the Buckaroo Payment Plaza. A custom-made role can also be added to a standard role. The role creation manual explains how a role can be created and how it can be added to a user.

        The following roles are available within Buckaroo Payment Plaza:

        • Administrator
        • Read-only
        • Employee
        • Employee, elevated rights
        • Technical Administrator
        • Financial Administrator
        • Perform refunds (supplementary role)
        • Approver Paymentorders & Refunds
        • View Dashboard
        • Buckaroo Payment Analyzer
        • User Management
        • Marketplace Seller
        • Custom-made role

        The administrator has all the rights that the merchant can have and can therefore use all possible functionalities of the Plaza, including creating a new user. This role is able to do anything in the plaza except to create or edit the subscriptions.

        Note: If the user needs to be able to create or edit Subscriptions, the Technical Administrator role must be added to this user.

        Technical Administrator

        This role is necessary to create or modify Subscriptions. The Technical Administrator has the same rights as the administrator, except for the financial rights. This role is suitable for a web developer, as all technical settings such as templates, push settings, digital signature, etc. can be managed by this user. Some reports are visible to the Technical Administrator because they are important for testing purposes. Some functionalities that the Technical Administrator lacks are the call center, various reports, the ability to offer refunds and files. Once everything is fully set up, you can deactivate this role so that the web developer no longer has access to your account.

        Financial Administrator

        The Financial Administrator has the same rights as the administrator, except for all technical rights. Some functionalities that the Financial Administrator has at his disposal include performing transactions via the call center, executing refunds and offering files.

        Tip: The functionalities that Technical- and Financial Administrators can use depend on the modules you purchase. If you want to see exactly what rights they have, you can create an employee account with these rights and test it.


        The employee has general rights such as viewing transactions, but has no other financial rights such as executing refunds.

        This role has the following options: Transactions, Invoices, Call Center, Reporting.

        Employee, elevated rights

        The employee with elevated rights has general rights and limited financial rights. For example, a customer service employee does not make technical adjustments, but must be able to execute refunds. An important difference between Employee, elevated rights and Administrator is that the Administrator can adjust settings.

        This role has the following options: Transactions, Invoices, Call Center, Refunds, Reporting.


        This is the role with the least rights; this user can only view transactions to be able to answer customer questions, but cannot view reports.

        Perform refunds (supplementary role)

        This is a supplementary role; this role cannot be assigned to a user independently. This role is useful when you want a user to be able to execute refunds but not have any other financial rights.

        Custom-made role

        This role can be customized by indicating what a role may do. For more information, please refer to the following manual.

        This document is only available in Dutch. In this document, it is shown how you create a custom role and apply this for a user.

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        Custom made rolls are not available by default. If you wish to use this service, this can be requested by sending an e-mail to wecare@buckaroo.nl.

        Creating an Employee

        Employees with the "administrator" profile can create new employees. Use the following steps:

        My Buckaroo
        Create new user

        Detailed Overview per Role

        The table below shows what each employee role can and cannot do.


        Two-factor Authenticatie (2FA)

        To better protect accounts, it is possible to set up Two-factor authentication.
        On this page you can find more information about this feature and how to set it up.

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