

        Article summary

        If you’ve purchased the Credit Management module, this menu will be displayed. This overview contains all debtors.


        This overview contains the following information:

        ✅​ Website: The URL name
        ✅​ Debtor code: The unique reference of the debtor
        ✅​ Name: The name of the debtor
        Street: If known, the street name and house number
        ✅​ City: If known, the city name
        ✅​ Country: If known, the name of the country
        Email address: If known, the email address

        Possible filters

        Click on the ‘Filters’ button to search for specific debtors. You can search for debtors using (a combination of) the following aspects:
        First name, Last name, Debtor code, Website, Street name, Zip code, City, Country code, Telephone number, Email address, Websites.

        Click on a debtor and you’ll see all the details of this debtor. This page includes several tabs, each of which are specified below.


        Under ‘General’, you’ll find all the available information about the debtor. All information available to us will be displayed on this screen.


        Under ‘Invoices’, you’ll find an overview of all invoices with regard to this debtor. This overview contains the following information:

        Invoice number: The invoice number
        Invoice date: The date of the Invoice
        ✅​ Due date: The due date of the Invoice
        ✅​ Amount: The original amount of the Invoice
        Credit notes: The total amount of credit notes on the invoice
        Paid: The total paid amount on the invoice
        ✅​ Open: The outstanding amount on the invoice

        Click on an invoice to open the specific Invoice.


        Under ‘Subscriptions’, you’ll find an overview of all subscriptions with regard to this debtor. This overview contains the following information:

        ✅​ Key: The unique SubscriptionGuid of the subscription
        Billing interval: The invoicing interval of the subscription
        ✅​ Start date: The start date of the subscription
        End date: The end date of the subscription
        ✅​ Status: The status of the subscription

        Click on a subscription to open the specific subscription.

        Debtor Files

        This heading is only available if the debtor has outstanding invoices for which the option 'Manage Debtor Collection' has been activated in the used credit management scheme. All these invoices are then grouped under 1 file number so that there is a better overview of all outstanding invoices.

        Guid: The unique guid of the debtor file
        File number: Number of the debtor file
        Creation Date: The creation date of the debtor file
        Open Amount: The total amount of the outstanding invoices
        Status: The status of the debtor file

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