The Pay action can be used to perform a payment
Use the base request as instructed on this page
Pay request
Service specific parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Recommended | Description |
Locale | string | Possible values: en-US, zh-CN, zh-TW. Determines the displayed language for the customer. If the parameter is not provided, the language is English (default). Suggestion for implementation: use the billing address in the order information. If the billing country is China, send value zh-CN. If the billing country is Taiwan, send value zh-TW. Anything else, send value en-US. Another option is to check the customer's browser language. |
Example request
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountDebit": 10,
"Invoice": "Testinvoice 1234",
"Services": {
"ServiceList": [
"Name": "WeChatPay",
"Action": "Pay",
"Parameters": [
"Name": "Locale",
"Value": "en-US"
Pay response
The response contains two URL's; the RedirectURL and the QrCodeUrl. In general, the consumer should be redirected to the RedirectURL; a QR code will then be displayed to the customer to complete the payment. For mobile devices, this will not intiate the WeChat app, making this payment option not applicable for mobile payments.
Service specific parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Recommended | Description |
QrCodeUrl | string | The QrCodeUrl can be used for displaying the QR code on POS devices. But in general (for e-commerce transactions), the RedirectURL should be used to redirect the customer. | ||
BankStatementId | string | ID that will be shown on the customer’s bank statement. | ||
expirytimestamp | string | Timestamp that shows when the WeChat Pay QR code will no longer be valid. |
Example response
"Key": "79FF157971FD401B8BD50952E09EXXXX",
"Status": {
"Code": {
"Code": 791,
"Description": "Pending processing"
"SubCode": {
"Code": "S002",
"Description": "An additional action is required: Redirect to WeChatPay."
"DateTime": "2019-10-18T13:07:12"
"RequiredAction": {
"RedirectURL": "",
"RequestedInformation": null,
"PayRemainderDetails": null,
"Name": "Redirect",
"TypeDeprecated": 0
"Services": [
"Name": "WeChatPay",
"Action": null,
"Parameters": [
"Name": "expirytimestamp",
"Value": "1571404000"
"Name": "BankStatementId",
"Value": "3E154AA"
"Name": "QrCodeUrl",
"Value": "weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl?pr=LOqdxxx"
"CustomParameters": null,
"AdditionalParameters": null,
"RequestErrors": null,
"Invoice": "Testinvoice 1234",
"ServiceCode": "WeChatPay",
"IsTest": true,
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountDebit": 10,
"TransactionType": "C050",
"MutationType": 1,
"RelatedTransactions": null,
"ConsumerMessage": null,
"Order": null,
"IssuingCountry": null,
"StartRecurrent": false,
"Recurring": false,
"CustomerName": null,
"PayerHash": null,
"PaymentKey": "57FBEE1B06DE41B0ACBDED6B6A44XXXX"
Pay push
After successful completion of the payment by the customer, a push response will follow with the final transaction status.
Service specific parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Recommended | Description |
QrCodeUrl | string | The QrCodeUrl can be used for displaying it on POS devices. But in general (for e-commerce transactions), the RedirectURL should be used to redirect the customer. | ||
ConsumerAmount | decimal | The amount that has been paid in the consumer's currency. | ||
ConsumerCurrency | string | The currency in which the payment has been done. |
Example push
"Transaction": {
"Key": "9D2C9F2938E24B7D8A3165F7BDA4XXXX",
"Invoice": "Testinvoice 1234",
"ServiceCode": "WeChatPay",
"Status": {
"Code": {
"Code": 190,
"Description": "Success"
"SubCode": {
"Code": "S990",
"Description": "The request was successful."
"DateTime": "2019-08-07T12:30:13"
"IsTest": true,
"Order": null,
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountDebit": 0.01,
"TransactionType": "C050",
"Services": [
"Name": "WeChatPay",
"Action": null,
"Parameters": [
"Name": "QrCodeUrl",
"Value": "weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl?pr=XYZXXXX"
"Name": "ConsumerAmount",
"Value": "7"
"Name": "ConsumerCurrency",
"Value": "CNY"
"VersionAsProperty": 1
"CustomParameters": null,
"AdditionalParameters": null,
"MutationType": 1,
"RelatedTransactions": null,
"IsCancelable": false,
"IssuingCountry": null,
"StartRecurrent": false,
"Recurring": false,
"CustomerName": null,
"PayerHash": null,
"PaymentKey": "1EAB3CFDE6914B01BD8A7C4B8EAFXXXX"
This action can be used to perform a refund on a WeChatPay transaction.
Use the base request as instructed on this page
Refund request
Example request
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountCredit": 0.01,
"Invoice": "testinvoice 1234",
"OriginalTransactionKey": "9D2C9F2938E24B7D8A3165F7BDA4Exxx",
"Services": {
"ServiceList": [
"Name": "wechatpay",
"Action": "refund"
Pay response
Example response
"Key": "B4A21C5F70A940088EA85A6E5BBBAxxx",
"Status": {
"Code": {
"Code": 190,
"Description": "Success"
"SubCode": {
"Code": "S990",
"Description": "The request was successful."
"DateTime": "2019-08-21T16:20:28"
"RequiredAction": null,
"Services": null,
"CustomParameters": null,
"AdditionalParameters": null,
"RequestErrors": null,
"Invoice": "testinvoice 1234",
"ServiceCode": "WeChatPay",
"IsTest": true,
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountCredit": 0.01,
"TransactionType": "C051",
"MutationType": 1,
"RelatedTransactions": [
"RelationType": "refund",
"RelatedTransactionKey": "9D2C9F2938E24B7D8A3165F7BDA4Exxx"
"ConsumerMessage": null,
"Order": null,
"IssuingCountry": null,
"StartRecurrent": false,
"Recurring": false,
"CustomerName": null,
"PayerHash": null,
"PaymentKey": "A7192A3231CE48AF8003317758838xxx"
Pay push
Example push
"Transaction": {
"Key": "B4A21C5F70A940088EA85A6E5BBBAxxx",
"Invoice": "testinvoice 1234",
"ServiceCode": "WeChatPay",
"Status": {
"Code": {
"Code": 190,
"Description": "Success"
"SubCode": null,
"DateTime": "2019-08-21T16:20:28"
"IsTest": true,
"Order": null,
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountCredit": 0.01,
"TransactionType": "C051",
"Services": null,
"CustomParameters": null,
"AdditionalParameters": null,
"MutationType": 1,
"RelatedTransactions": [
"RelationType": "refund",
"RelatedTransactionKey": "9D2C9F2938E24B7D8A3165F7BDA4Exxx"
"IsCancelable": false,
"IssuingCountry": null,
"StartRecurrent": false,
"Recurring": false,
"CustomerName": null,
"PayerHash": null,
"PaymentKey": null