Invoice push
Status changes of the invoices offered with Credit Management 3.0. will be communicated to the Merchant by means of an invoice push. Below, you’ll find a list of the different codes that can be used in the push, with an explanation of the status and event push messages. But first, here’s an example of a push message:
"InvoiceStatusCode": 10,
"PreviousStepIndex": 0,
"PreviousStepDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"Event": "ChangedStatus",
"EventCategory": "FinancialChange",
"EventDateTime": "2017-09-18T16:42:10.3607772+02:00",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "StatusCode",
"Value": "10"
Invoice status codes
Code | Meaning | Description Invoice Status Code |
10 | Active | The invoice follows its scheme, if applicable. |
20 | Paused | The invoice currently does proceed on its scheme. |
21 | PausedByDispute | Like Paused, but specifically caused by a manually registered dispute. |
22 | PausedByPaymentPlan | Like Paused, but specifically caused by a payment plan. This status can only be removed through termination of the payment plan. |
23 | PausedDueToValidation | The invoice is paused because one or more scheme actions could not be performed due to a validation error. |
70 | PendingTransferToCollectionAgency | The invoice is marked for transfer to the collection agency, in accordance with its scheme. |
71 | TransferredToCollectionAgency | The invoice is at the collection agency, and awaiting their response. |
72 | AcceptedByCollectionAgency | The collection agency has accepted the invoice and will work on it. |
73 | ProcessedByCollecionAgency | The invoice is paid at the collection agency and the collection agency has finished its work on the invoice. |
74 | ProcessedByCollectionAgencyIncomplete | The collection agency has finished its work on the invoice but did not manage to (fully) collect the invoice. |
75 | PendingRecall | The recall request has yet to be confirmed by the collection agency. |
76 | Recalled | Collection agency has confirmed the recall. |
77 | RecallFailed | Collection agency has confirmed the recall attempt to be unsuccessful. |
79 | RefusedByCollectionAgency | The collection agency has not accepted the invoice. |
80 | WrittenOff | The invoice was manually written off by the merchant. |
81 | ErrorAtCollectionAgency | There was an error in transferring the invoice to the collection agency. |
82 | CaseClosedAtCollectionAgency | The invoice was not paid at the collection agency and the collection agency has closed the case and no further action will be taken on their part. |
90 | Rejected | The invoice was rejected, most likely because its request was invalid. It has never been active. |
91 | Cancelled | The invoice has been active, but is no longer. For example, this can happen to the partial invoices created by a payment plan (see CreatePaymentPlan) if they cease to apply. |
99 | Emergency | This invoice was manually disabled because of an emergency. Tech support is examining it. |
0 | NotSet | A technical error took place. This status should never occur. |
Invoice events
Event | Description of event | |
1 | ChangedTransactionStatus | One of the invoice’s transactions changed status in a relevant way. Generally only a change to ‘successful’ is relevant, although there are exceptions, e.g. a Sepa Direct Debit moving to or away from ‘pending’ influences PendingSlowPaymentAmount |
2 | ChangedStatus | The invoice changed status, e.g. to ‘active’ or ‘paused’. See below for options |
3 | CreatedCreditNote | Credit note was created on the invoice. Note that a push may be sent for the credit note itself, but the CreatedCreditNote event on the original invoice is the most relevant |
4 | SentReminderMessage | A reminder was sent for the invoice, in accordance with its scheme |
5 | SentBackupReminderMessage | A reminder was sent for the invoice using a backup method, in accordance with its scheme. E.g. the scheme may be set to send a letter if the e-mail cannot be delivered |
6 | SkippedReminderBecauseNoMethodsRemain | A reminder action in the invoice’s scheme has failed to reach the debtor. This happens when all of the given communication methods bounce (e.g. incorrect e-mail address) or have been marked as unreachable by the merchant (e.g. through the Debtor screen in the Payment Plaza) |
7 | IncreasedAdminFee | The administration fee on the invoice has been increased, in accordance with the invoice’s scheme |
8 | TransferredToCollectionAgency | The invoice has entered the collection agency process, in accordance with its scheme. Note that the ChangedStatus event provides more detailed updates as the invoice status changes throughout this process (transfer, acceptance, refusal, completion) |
9 | CreatedRecollect | A recollect was created for the invoice, in accordance with its scheme. This happens when Sepa Direct Debit recollection is active on the scheme, when the previous attempt fails and there is enough time for another attempt |
10 | SentPaymentInvitationMessage | A payment invitation was sent for the invoice, in accordance with its scheme |
11 | SentBackupPaymentInvitationMessage | A payment invitation was sent for the invoice using a backup method, in accordance with its scheme. E.g. the scheme may be set to send a letter if the e-mail cannot be delivered |
12 | CmSchemeValidationError | One or more scheme actions could not be performed due to a validation error |
13 | InvoicePausedDueToValidationErrors | The invoice is paused because one or more scheme actions could not be performed due to a validation error. This will only occur if (1) the payment invitation could not be performed, (2) not a single reminder message within a CM step could be performed or (3) the invoice could not be transferred to the collection agency. |
14 | CollectionAgencyWebhook | An event has taken place at the collection agency. |
Cat. | Event Category | Description Category |
1 | FinancialChange | any change that relates to the invoice’s amounts, including the initial invoice creation, transaction status changes, and credit notes |
2 | ValidationError | A validation error occurred |
3 | Other | anything else, e.g. a reminder being sent |
Event parameters
Each invoice event has one or more event specific parameters. Here are a few examples:
Event: ChangedStatus
"Event": "ChangedStatus",
"EventCategory": "FinancialChange",
"EventDateTime": "2017-09-18T16:42:10.3607772+02:00",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "StatusCode",
"Value": "10"
Event: ChangedTransactionStatus
"Event": "ChangedTransactionStatus",
"EventCategory": "FinancialChange",
"EventDateTime": "2023-12-05T09:33:33.4908194",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "TransactionKey",
"Value": "694804CE1D6F408EA4BCCE860A354057"
"Key": "TransactionStatusCode",
"Value": "190"
Event: CollectionAgencyWebhook (collection agency sent email)
"Event": "CollectionAgencyWebhook",
"EventCategory": "Other",
"EventDateTime": "2023-11-20T22:55:00.3463353",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "status",
"Value": "sub.status.send_email"
"Key": "reference",
"Value": "JanVanPietersen123"
"Key": "paymentLink",
"Value": ""
"Key": "mainStatus",
"Value": "main.status.extrajudicial"
Event: CollectionAgencyWebhook (payment at collection agency)
"Event": "CollectionAgencyWebhook",
"EventCategory": "Other",
"EventDateTime": "2023-11-20T22:55:00.3463353",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "amount_paid",
"Value": "40.15"
"Key": "payment_date",
"Value": "2023-06-30+06%3a46%3a27"
"Key": "paymentId",
"Value": "16544564"
"Key": "paymentLink",
"Value": ""
"Key": "reference",
"Value": "JohnSmith1"
"Key": "mainStatus",
"Value": "main.status.closures"
Event: CollectionAgencyWebhook (payment fulfilled at collection agency)
"Event": "CollectionAgencyWebhook",
"EventCategory": "Other",
"EventDateTime": "2023-11-20T22:55:00.3463353",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "status",
"Value": "sub.status.full_payment"
"Key": "statusReasonClose",
"Value": "reason.close.full_payment_received"
"Key": "paymentLink",
"Value": ""
"Key": "reference",
"Value": "JohnSmith1"
"Key": "mainStatus",
"Value": "main.status.closures"
Event: CollectionAgencyWebhook (file withdrawn at collection agency)
"Event": "CollectionAgencyWebhook",
"EventCategory": "Other",
"EventDateTime": "2023-11-20T22:55:00.3463353",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "status",
"Value": "sub.status.do_not_generate_invoice"
"Key": "statusReasonClose",
"Value": "reason.close.withdrawn_by_client"
"Key": "paymentLink",
"Value": ""
"Key": "reference",
"Value": "JohnSmith1"
"Key": "mainStatus",
"Value": "main.status.closures"
Event: CollectionAgencyWebhook (invoice merged to other file)
"Event": "CollectionAgencyWebhook",
"EventCategory": "Other",
"EventDateTime": "2023-11-20T22:55:00.3463353",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "status",
"Value": "sub.status.merged"
"Key": "statusReasonClose",
"Value": "reason.close.merged"
"Key": "paymentLink",
"Value": ""
"Key": "reference",
"Value": "JohnSmith1"
"Key": "mainStatus",
"Value": "main.status.closures"
"Key": "merged_to",
"Value": "95967944"
Event: CollectionAgencyWebhook (payment arrangement)
"Event": "CollectionAgencyWebhook",
"EventCategory": "Other",
"EventDateTime": "2023-11-20T22:55:00.3463353",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "status",
"Value": "sub.status.payment"
"Key": "paymentLink",
"Value": ""
"Key": "reference",
"Value": "JohnSmith1"
"Key": "mainStatus",
"Value": "main.status.closures"
Event: CustomEvent
"EventParameters": [
"Key":" CustomEventMessage",
"Value": "This is a test"
The Merchant can also use Buckaroo Credit Management to send push messages for their own use. Think of actions or memories that are used by their own systems to take actions. When creating the event, the value in the push message can also be entered as a code or description. For the usage, think of notifications that you can design yourself such as:
Controlling the mail or other messaging service of the Merchant, based on a text such as:
"Send first reminder [invoicenumber]"
This is used when Buckaroo only has to give the trigger and the CRM system of the Merchant sends the mails or other messages itself.Scheduling a phone call including the data of the invoice. The text can then be:
"Call customer [debtorcode] about invoice [InvoiceNumber] the outstanding amount is [InvoiceAmountOpen]"
This is used for actions that Buckaroo does not perform itself, but that are part of the treatment plan for the Merchant.Giving a warning for the management of outstanding invoice amounts. The example text could look like:
"W03: [invoicenumber] enters the last reminder phase"
This is about being able to automatically estimate and warn for the outstanding money at a certain point in time in the treatment plan.
Example of a CustomEvent in a push message is shown below in italics as an invoice push:
"Invoice": {
"InvoiceKey": "2EC4B83B55E74xxxxxx9C6627A208",
"InvoiceNumber": "CreditManagement3_0001_1618441848",
"WebsiteKey": "vcKCxxxxCDw",
"DebtorCode": "TestDebtor001",
"DebtorGuid": "7668521FA3xxxxxx0A444A5B194FB",
"SchemeKey": "nhxxx3j",
"IsTest": true,
"Type": "RegularInvoice",
"Culture": "nl-NL",
"InvoiceDate": "2021-04-01T00:00:00",
"DueDate": "2021-04-15T00:00:00",
"InvoiceStatusCode": 10,
"PreviousStepIndex": 0,
"PreviousStepDateTime": "2021-04-15T01:14:01",
"Event": "CustomEvent",
"EventCategory": "Other",
"EventDateTime": "2021-04-15T01:15:34.2773546",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "CustomEventMessage",
"Value": "This is a test"
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountDebit": 0.0500,
"AmountCredit": 0.0000,
"AmountAdminCosts": 0.0000,
"AmountCreditNotes": 0.0,
"AmountPaid": 0.0,
"AmountAdminCostsPaid": 0.0,
"AmountPendingSlow": 0.0,
"OpenAmount": 0.0500,
"OpenAmountAdminCosts": 0.0000,
"OpenAmountInclAdminCosts": 0.0500,
"IsPaid": false,
"CustomParameters": [
"AdditionalParameters": [
Stop Subscription
The invoices can be generated by the Buckaroo Subscription module. In that case, from Credit Management, the Subscription can be stopped in one of the steps in the Credit Management scheme. The invoices that have been created up to that point remain and are still under control of Credit Management. The Subscription is stopped, so that no more new invoices are created. The push message that is then sent looks like this:
"Invoice": {
"InvoiceKey": "9C9D0305DE4A47178DE903FA91C1xxxx",
"InvoiceNumber": "testinvoice12xcx",
"WebsiteKey": "xxxx",
"DebtorCode": "johnsmith123",
"SchemeKey": "xxxx",
"IsTest": true,
"Type": "RegularInvoice",
"Culture": "nl-NL",
"InvoiceDate": "2017-09-18T00:00:00+02:00",
"DueDate": "2017-12-12T00:00:00+01:00",
"InvoiceStatusCode": 10,
"PreviousStepIndex": 3,
"PreviousStepDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"Event": "StoppedSubscription",
"EventCategory": "Other",
"EventDateTime": "2017-09-18T16:42:10.3607772+02:00",
"EventParameters": [
"Key": "StatusCode",
"Value": "10"
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountDebit": 10.0,
"AmountCredit": 0.0,
"AmountAdminCosts": 0.0,
"AmountCreditNotes": 0.0,
"AmountPaid": 0.0,
"AmountAdminCostsPaid": 0.0,
"AmountPendingSlow": 0.0,
"OpenAmount": 10.0,
"OpenAmountAdminCosts": 0.0,
"OpenAmountInclAdminCosts": 10.0,
"IsPaid": false,
"SubscriptionGuid": "BDDC3050DB1B41E2983B0B5ABD98xxxx",