If Credit Management module is purchased, this menu will be displayed. This overview lists all invoices.
This overview contains the following information:
✅ Invoice date: The invoice date
✅ Website: The URL of the website.
✅ Invoice number: The invoice number
✅ Amount: The original invoiced amount
✅ Open: The the outstanding amount
✅ Debtor: The name of the Debtor
✅ Status: The status of the Invoice
By clicking on a specific invoice, the corresponding details can be viewed. This page includes several tabs, each of which is specified below.
Under ‘Invoice’, you’ll find the current invoice status. From here, you can click to view the merchant information, the debtor, and the Credit Management scheme.
Under ‘Payments’, you’ll find an overview of all payments and refunds for this invoice. This overview contains the following information:
✅ Insert date: The date of the transaction
✅ Description: The description of the transaction
✅ Amount: The amount and currency of the transaction
✅ Transaction type: The type of transaction
✅ Status: The status of the transaction
From here, you can click straight to the specific transaction.
Under ‘Status log’, you’ll find an overview of all the status changes of the invoice.
Under ‘Communication’, you’ll find all communication with regard to the invoice. Click on a communication to see its content.
Credit notes
Under ‘Credit notes’, you’ll find an overview of all submitted credit notes. This overview contains the following information:
✅ Date of creation: The date of the credit note
✅ Invoice key: The unique key of the invoice
✅ Invoice number: The invoice number of the credit note. This number has to differ from the original invoice number
✅ Description: The description of the credit note
✅ Amount: The amount of the credit note
✅ VAT: The VAT amount
Gateway requests
Under ‘Gateway requests’, you’ll find all API requests. Click on the request to see its details.
Under 'Pushes,' you'll find all push messages regarding the invoice. Click on the message to see the entire push message.
Credit Management report
Under ‘Credit Management Report’, you’ll find a financial summary of the invoices.
Available actions
Add to comparison list: With this option it is possible to add the currect report to the comparison. When there are more than two reports in the comparison list, it will be possible to compare the added reports.
Available filters
Invoice date: With this option the report can be filtered by the selected 'From' and 'To' date.
Website: With this option the report can be filtered by the selected website(s). It is possible to select multiple websites.
Scheme: With this option the report can be filtered by the selected scheme(s). It is possible to select multiple schemes.