Reserve action

      Reserve action

        Article summary

        Basic parameters

        Reserve Request

        The reserve action is the first step to process the payment of an order with Klarna. It will return a redirect URL to forward the consumer.
        Important to handle the push sent by Buckaroo of the reservation that contains the Klarna order reference ID. This will require to handle the follow-up actions

        Minimal Reserve request

            "Currency": "EUR",
            "Invoice": "Ref.1 OrderID",
            "ClientIP": {
                "Type": 0,
                "Address": ""
            "Services": {
                "ServiceList": [
                        "Name": "klarnakp",
                        "Action": "Reserve",
                        "Parameters": [
                                "Name": "locale",
                                "Value": "de-DE"
                                "Name": "OperatingCountry",
                                "Value": "DE"
                                "Name": "ArticleTitle",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "Blue Toy Car"
                                "Name": "ArticleNumber",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "12345"
                                "Name": "ArticleType",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "General"
                                "Name": "ArticleQuantity",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "2"
                                "Name": "ArticlePrice",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "12.34"

        Full Reserve request

            "Currency": "EUR",
            "Invoice": "Ref.1 OrderID",
             "PushURL" : "https://merchantURL.domain",
            "ClientIP": {
                "Type": 0,
                "Address": ""
            "Services": {
                "ServiceList": [
                        "Name": "klarnakp",
                        "Action": "Reserve",
                        "Parameters": [
                                "Name": "locale",
                                "Value": "de-DE"
                                "Name": "ArticleTitle",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "Blue Toy Car"
                                "Name": "ArticleNumber",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "12345"
                                "Name": "ArticleType",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "General"
                                "Name": "ArticleQuantity",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "2"
                                "Name": "ArticlePrice",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "12.34"
                                "Name": "ArticleVat",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "21"
                                "Name": "ArticleImageUrl",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": ""
                                "Name": "ArticleProductUrl",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": ""
                                "Name": "ArticleType",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "2",
                                "Value": "Discount"
                                "Name": "ArticleTitle",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "2",
                                "Value": "Discount on product"
                                "Name": "ArticleNumber",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "2",
                                "Value": "1234567"
                                "Name": "ArticleQuantity",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "2",
                                "Value": "1"
                                "Name": "ArticlePrice",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "2",
                                "Value": "-2.50"
                                "Name": "ArticleVat",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "2",
                                "Value": "0"
                                "Name": "BillingFirstName",
                                "Value": "Testperson-de"
                                "Name": "BillingLastName",
                                "Value": "Approved"
                                "Name": "BillingStreet",
                                "Value": "Neue Schönhauser Str. 2 XII"
                                "Name": "BillingStreet2",
                                "Value": "Bill Ergänzungen"
                                "Name": "BillingPostalCode",
                                "Value": "10178"
                                "Name": "BillingCity",
                                "Value": "Berlin"
                                "Name": "BillingCountry",
                                "Value": "DE"
                                "Name": "BillingCellPhoneNumber",
                                "Value": "01761528435"
                                "Name": "BillingEmail",
                                "Value": ""
                                "Name": "ShippingFirstName",
                                "Value": "Testperson-de"
                                "Name": "ShippingLastName",
                                "Value": "Approved"
                                "Name": "ShippingStreet",
                                "Value": "Neue Schönhauser Str. 3 IIV"
                                "Name": "ShippingStreet2",
                                "Value": "Shipp Ergänzungen"
                                "Name": "ShippingPostalCode",
                                "Value": "10178"
                                "Name": "ShippingCity",
                                "Value": "Berlin"
                                "Name": "ShippingCountry",
                                "Value": "DE"
                                "Name": "ShippingPhoneNumber",
                                "Value": "01761428434"
                                "Name": "ShippingEmail",
                                "Value": ""
                                "Name": "OperatingCountry",
                                "Value": "DE"
                                "Name": "Pno",
                                "Value": "10071970"
                                "Name": "ShippingSameAsBilling",
                                "Value": "false"
                                "Name": "ContentType",
                                "GroupType": "Attachment",
                                "Value": "application/vnd.klarna.internal.emd-v2+json"
                                "Name": "Body",
                                "GroupType": "Attachment",
                                "Value": "{\"ExtraMerchantData\":\"Value\"}"

        Request Parameters

        localestringOAllowed Values nl-NL / en-NL / nl-BE / fr-BE / be-BE / en-BE / de-DE / en-DE / de-AT / en-AT / de-CH / fr-CH / it-CH / en-CH / sv-SE / en-SE / nb-NO / en-NO / da-DK / en-DK / fi-FI / sv-FI / en-FI / en-GB / en-IE / fr-FR / en-FR / it-IT / en-IT / es-ES / en-ES / pt-PT / en-PT / pl-PL / en-PL
        OperatingCountrystringMAllowed values NL / BE / DE / AT / CH / DK / SE / NO / GB / FI / PL / IE / FR / IT / ES / PT
        ArticleTitlestringMName of article
        ArticleNumberstringOUnique product number
        ArticleTypestringOAllowed values: physical / digital / shipping_fee / surcharge / discount / gift_card / store_credit
        ArticlePricedecimalMPrice Including VAT
        ArticleQuantityintegerMNumber of articles
        ArticleVatdecimalOVAT percentage
        ArticleImageUrlstringOUrl of Product image
        ArticleProductUrlstringOUrl of PDP
        BillingFirstNamestringOCustomer first name
        BillingLastNamestringOCustomer last name
        BillingStreetstringOCustomer 1st line address
        BillingStreet2stringOCustomer 2nd line address
        BillingPostalCodestringOCustomer postal code
        BillingCellPhoneNumberstringOCustomer phone number
        BillingCitystringOCustomer city
        BillingCountrystringOCustomer Country
        BillingEmailstringOCustomer email address
        PnostringOCustomer birthdate format: DDMMYYYY or Customer PNO
        ShippingSameAsBillingbooleanOCustomer address and shipping address is the same TRUE / FALSE
        ShippingCareOfstringOPerson/company receiving the shipment on behalf of the shipping recipient
        ShippingFirstNamestringODelivery address first name.
        ShippingLastNameStringODelivery address last name.
        ShippingStreetstringODelivery address 1st address line
        ShippingStreet2stringODelivery address 2nd address line
        ShippingPostalCodestringODelivery address postal code
        ShippingCitystringODelivery address city
        ShippingCountrystringODelivery address country code. It should be the same as Billing country.
        ShippingEmailstringODelivery address email address
        ShippingCellPhoneNumberstringODelivery address phone number
        ShippingCompanystringODelivery address company name
        ContentTypestringOContent type agreed with Klarna ex. "application/vnd.klarna.internal.emd-v2+json"
        BodystringOAdditional Parameters based on agreed format with Klarna

        Reserve response

        A succesful request will return a requiredAction redirect URL to forward the consumer to the Hosted page of Klarna.

        General Reserve response

            "Key": "49EF793FC7AC404EABC4F57A32F5F08D",
            "Status": {
                "Code": {
                    "Code": 791,
                    "Description": "Pending processing"
                "SubCode": {
                    "Code": "S002",
                    "Description": "An additional action is required: Redirect to KlarnaKp"
                "DateTime": "2019-12-03T14:48:27"
            "RequiredAction": {
                "RedirectURL": "",
                "RequestedInformation": null,
                "Name": "Redirect",
                "TypeDeprecated": 0
            "Services": null,
            "CustomParameters": null,
            "AdditionalParameters": null,
            "RequestErrors": null,
            "ServiceCode": "KlarnaKp",
            "IsTest": true,
            "ConsumerMessage": null

        Reserve push

          "DataRequest": {
            "Key": "34C088DBD9244F27B3C62C21C7D6D6C8",
            "Invoice": "Ref.1 OrderID Reserve",
            "ServiceCode": "KlarnaKp",
            "ActionCode": "Reserve",
            "Status": {
              "Code": {
                "Code": 190,
                "Description": "The request was successful."
              "SubCode": null,
              "DateTime": "2023-03-27T07:28:26"
            "IsTest": true,
            "Order": null,
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "AmountDebit": 0,
            "Services": [
                "Name": "KlarnaKp",
                "Action": null,
                "Parameters": [
                    "Name": "ReservationNumber",
                    "Value": "11ab9249-95c7-41e8-86fa-0a60030d9eef"
                "VersionAsProperty": 1
            "CustomParameters": null,
            "AdditionalParameters": null,
            "MutationType": 0,
            "IssuingCountry": null,
            "StartRecurrent": false,
            "Recurring": false,
            "CustomerName": null,
            "PayerHash": null,
            "PaymentKey": null

        Push Parameters

        ServiceCodestringMKlarna serivce label is KlarnaKp
        CodestringMContains the status of the transaction
        IsTestbooleanMIf their is actual funds processed
        ReservationNumberStringOcontains ReservationNumber of Klarna for future actions ex. CancelReservation or Pay

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