Invoice push

      Invoice push

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        Status veranderingen van de facturen die met Credit Management 3.0 zijn aangeboden, worden verzonden in de vorm van een invoicepush aan de Merchant terug gemeld. Hieronder staan de verschillende codes die in de push voorkomen uitgelicht met daaronder de status en event pushberichten uitleg. Allereerst een pushbericht voorbeeld:

           "InvoiceStatusCode": 10,
           "PreviousStepIndex": 0,
           "PreviousStepDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
           "Event": "ChangedStatus",
           "EventCategory": "FinancialChange",
           "EventDateTime": "2017-09-18T16:42:10.3607772+02:00",
           "EventParameters": [
               "Key": "StatusCode",
               "Value": "10"

        Statuscodes bij een factuur

        CodeBetekenisBeschrijving Invoice Status Code
        10ActiveThe invoice follows its scheme, if applicable.
        20PausedThe invoice currently does proceed on its scheme.
        21PausedByDisputeLike Paused, but specifically caused by a manually registered dispute.
        22PausedByPaymentPlanLike Paused, but specifically caused by a payment plan. This status can only be removed through termination of the payment plan.
        23PausedDueToValidationThe invoice is paused because one or more scheme actions could not be performed due to a validation error.
        70PendingTransferToCollectionAgencyThe invoice is marked for transfer to the collection agency, in accordance with its scheme.
        71TransferredToCollectionAgencyThe invoice is at the collection agency, and awaiting their response.
        72AcceptedByCollectionAgencyThe collection agency has accepted the invoice and will work on it.
        73ProcessedByCollecionAgencyThe collection agency has finished its work on the invoice.
        74ProcessedByCollectionAgencyIncompleteThe collection agency has finished its work on the invoice but did not manage to (fully) collect the invoice.
        75PendingRecallThe recall request has yet to be confirmed by the collection agency.
        76RecalledCollection agency has confirmed the recall.
        77RecallFailedCollection agency has confirmed the recall attempt to be unsuccessful.
        79RefusedByCollectionAgencyThe collection agency has not accepted the invoice.
        80WrittenOffThe invoice was manually written off by the merchant.
        81ErrorAtCollectionAgencyThere was an error in transferring the invoice to the collection agency.
        82CaseClosedAtCollectionAgencyThe collection agency hase closed the case and no further action will be taken on their part.
        90RejectedThe invoice was rejected, most likely because its request was invalid. It has never been active.
        91CancelledThe invoice has been active, but is no longer. For example, this can happen to the partial invoices created by a payment plan (see CreatePaymentPlan) if they cease to apply.
        99EmergencyThis invoice was manually disabled because of an emergency. Tech support is examining it.
        0NotSetA technical error took place. This status should never occur.

        Gebeurtenissen bij een factuur

        Gebeurtenis (Event)Beschrijving gebeurtenis (in Engels)
        1ChangedTransactionStatusOne of the invoice’s transactions changed status in a relevant way. Generally only a change to ‘successful’ is relevant, although there are exceptions, e.g. a Sepa Direct Debit moving to or away from ‘pending’ influences PendingSlowPaymentAmount
        2ChangedStatusThe invoice changed status, e.g. to ‘active’ or ‘paused’. See below for options
        3CreatedCreditNoteCredit note was created on the invoice. Note that a push may be sent for the credit note itself, but the CreatedCreditNote event on the original invoice is the most relevant
        4SentReminderMessageA reminder was sent for the invoice, in accordance with its scheme
        5SentBackupReminderMessageA reminder was sent for the invoice using a backup method, in accordance with its scheme. E.g. the scheme may be set to send a letter if the e-mail cannot be delivered
        6SkippedReminderBecauseNoMethodsRemainA reminder action in the invoice’s scheme has failed to reach the debtor. This happens when all of the given communication methods bounce (e.g. incorrect e-mail address) or have been marked as unreachable by the merchant (e.g. through the Debtor screen in the Payment Plaza)
        7IncreasedAdminFeeThe administration fee on the invoice has been increased, in accordance with the invoice’s scheme
        8TransferredToCollectionAgencyThe invoice has entered the collection agency process, in accordance with its scheme. Note that the ChangedStatus event provides more detailed updates as the invoice status changes throughout this process (transfer, acceptance, refusal, completion)
        9CreatedRecollectA recollect was created for the invoice, in accordance with its scheme. This happens when Sepa Direct Debit recollection is active on the scheme, when the previous attempt fails and there is enough time for another attempt
        10SentPaymentInvitationMessageA payment invitation was sent for the invoice, in accordance with its scheme
        11SentBackupPaymentInvitationMessageA payment invitation was sent for the invoice using a backup method, in accordance with its scheme. E.g. the scheme may be set to send a letter if the e-mail cannot be delivered
        12CmSchemeValidationErrorOne or more scheme actions could not be performed due to a validation error
        13InvoicePausedDueToValidationErrorsThe invoice is paused because one or more scheme actions could not be performed due to a validation error. This will only occur if (1) the payment invitation could not be performed, (2) not a single reminder message within a CM step could be performed or (3) the invoice could not be transferred to the collection agency.
        Cat.Event CategoryDescription Category
        1FinancialChangeany change that relates to the invoice’s amounts, including the initial invoice creation, transaction status changes, and credit notes
        2ValidationErrorA validation error occurred
        3Otheranything else, e.g. a reminder being sent


        De Merchant kan het Buckaroo Credit Management ook gebruiken voor het verzenden van push berichten voor eigen gebruik. Denk dan aan acties of herinneringen die door de eigen systemen worden gebruikt om acties te nemen. Bij het aanmaken van het event kan ook de waarde in het push bericht als een een code of omschrijving worden ingevuld. Denk voor deze toepassing aan bijvoorbeeld zelf vorm te geven meldingen als:

        • Het aansturen van de mail- of andere berichten service van de Merchant, op basis van een tekst als: "Verstuur eerste herinnering [invoicenumber]" Dit wordt gebruikt als Buckaroo alleen de trigger hoeft te geven en het CRM systeem van de Merchant de mails of andere berichten zelf verstuurd.

        • Het plannen van een bel moment inclusief de gegevens. De tekst kan dan zijn: "Bel klant [debtorcode] over factuur [InvoiceNumber] het openstaande bedrag is [InvoiceAmountOpen]" Dit wordt gebruikt voor acties die Buckaroo niet zelf uitvoert, maar die voor de Merchant wel onderdeel zijn van het behandelplan.

        • Het geven van een waarschuwing voor het openstaande posten beheer. Met een bijvoorbeeld een tekst als: "W03 : [invoicenumber] gaat de laatste herinneringsfase in"
          Dit gaat over het geautomatiseerd kunnen inschatten en waarschuwen voor de openstaande posten in een bepaald moment in tijd van het behandelplan.

        Voorbeeld van een CustomEvent in een pushbericht is hieronder schuin gedrukt in de vorm van een invoicepush weergegeven:

          "Invoice": {
            "InvoiceKey": "2EC4B83B55E74xxxxxx9C6627A208",
            "InvoiceNumber": "CreditManagement3_0001_1618441848",
            "WebsiteKey": "vcKCxxxxCDw",
            "DebtorCode": "TestDebtor001",
            "DebtorGuid": "7668521FA3xxxxxx0A444A5B194FB",
            "SchemeKey": "nhxxx3j",
            "IsTest": true,
            "Type": "RegularInvoice",
            "Culture": "nl-NL",
            "InvoiceDate": "2021-04-01T00:00:00",
            "DueDate": "2021-04-15T00:00:00",
            "InvoiceStatusCode": 10,
            "PreviousStepIndex": 0,
            "PreviousStepDateTime": "2021-04-15T01:14:01",
            "Event": "CustomEvent",
            "EventCategory": "Other",
            "EventDateTime": "2021-04-15T01:15:34.2773546",
            "EventParameters": [
                "Key": "CustomEventMessage",
                "Value": "This is a test"
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "AmountDebit": 0.0500,
            "AmountCredit": 0.0000,
            "AmountAdminCosts": 0.0000,
            "AmountCreditNotes": 0.0,
            "AmountPaid": 0.0,
            "AmountAdminCostsPaid": 0.0,
            "AmountPendingSlow": 0.0,
            "OpenAmount": 0.0500,
            "OpenAmountAdminCosts": 0.0000,
            "OpenAmountInclAdminCosts": 0.0500,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "CustomParameters": [
            "AdditionalParameters": [

        Stop Subscription

        De facturen kunnen door de Subscription module van Buckaroo worden gegenereerd. In dat geval kan, vanuit Credit Management, de Subscription worden stilgezet in één van de stappen in het Credit Management schema. De facturen die tot dan toe zijn aangemaakt, blijven bestaan en worden nog steeds opgevolgd. Alleen wordt de Subscription stilgezet, waardoor er geen nieuwe facturen meer worden aangemaakt. Het Push bericht dat dan wordt verzonden, ziet er als volgt uit:

          "Invoice": {
            "InvoiceKey": "9C9D0305DE4A47178DE903FA91C1xxxx",
            "InvoiceNumber": "testinvoice12xcx",
            "WebsiteKey": "xxxx",
            "DebtorCode": "johnsmith123",
            "SchemeKey": "xxxx",
            "IsTest": true,
            "Type": "RegularInvoice",
            "Culture": "nl-NL",
            "InvoiceDate": "2017-09-18T00:00:00+02:00",
            "DueDate": "2017-12-12T00:00:00+01:00",
            "InvoiceStatusCode": 10,
            "PreviousStepIndex": 3,
            "PreviousStepDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
            "Event": "StoppedSubscription",
            "EventCategory": "Other",
            "EventDateTime": "2017-09-18T16:42:10.3607772+02:00",
            "EventParameters": [
                "Key": "StatusCode",
                "Value": "10"
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "AmountDebit": 10.0,
            "AmountCredit": 0.0,
            "AmountAdminCosts": 0.0,
            "AmountCreditNotes": 0.0,
            "AmountPaid": 0.0,
            "AmountAdminCostsPaid": 0.0,
            "AmountPendingSlow": 0.0,
            "OpenAmount": 10.0,
            "OpenAmountAdminCosts": 0.0,
            "OpenAmountInclAdminCosts": 10.0,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "SubscriptionGuid": "BDDC3050DB1B41E2983B0B5ABD98xxxx",

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