Pay action

      Pay action

        Article summary

        Base JSON request

        Use the base request as instructed on this page

        Pay Request

        A pay action should be communicated once the order is being delivered. There are 2 scenario's supported.

        1. All products are shipped and a full pay is requested
        2. Part of the order is shipped and a partial pay is requested

        Pay full request

            "Currency": "EUR",
            "AmountDebit": 12.45,
            "Services": {
                "ServiceList": [
                        "Name": "klarnakp",
                        "Action": "Pay",
                        "Parameters": [
                                "Name": "ReservationNumber",
                                "Value": "d91f5f42-f011-4611-9575-77bb0446d7d2"

        Pay partial request

            "Currency": "EUR",
            "AmountDebit": 10.00,
            "Services": {
                "ServiceList": [
                        "Name": "klarnakp",
                        "Action": "Pay",
                        "Parameters": [
                                "Name": "ReservationNumber",
                                "Value": "a8b06a1d-a873-4f9e-8800-9c958a40e4c9"
                                "Name": "ArticleNumber",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "12345"
                                "Name": "ArticleQuantity",
                                "GroupType": "Article",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "1"

        Pay with shipping detials request

            "Currency": "EUR",
            "AmountDebit": 22.45,
            "Services": {
                "ServiceList": [
                        "Name": "klarnakp",
                        "Action": "Pay",
                        "Parameters": [
                                "Name": "ReservationNumber",
                                "Value": "952707f5-47e7-48f1-bb0f-a47afd510870"
                                "Name": "ShippingMethod",
                                "GroupType": "ShippingInfo",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "HOME"
                                "Name": "Company",
                                "GroupType": "ShippingInfo",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "DHL Express"
                                "Name": "TrackingNumber",
                                "GroupType": "ShippingInfo",
                                "GroupID": "1",
                                "Value": "AAAA1234567890"

        Request parameters

        ReservationNumberstringMKlarna order ID
        ArticleNumberstringOUnique product number
        ArticleQuantityintegerMNumber of articles
        ShippingMethodstringOAllowed values PickUpStore / Home / BoxReg / BoxUnreg / PickUpPoint / Own / Postal / DHLPackstation / Digital / Undefined / PickUpWarehouse / ClickCollect / PalletDelivery
        CompanystringOName of the shipping company
        TrackingNumberstringOUnique tracking number

        Pay Response

            "Key": "058ABA06A4A24840AB6B77FA5689CAF2",
            "Status": {
                "Code": {
                    "Code": 190,
                    "Description": "Success"
                "SubCode": {
                    "Code": "S990",
                    "Description": "The request was successful."
                "DateTime": "2023-03-27T13:46:17"
            "RequiredAction": null,
            "Services": [
                    "Name": "KlarnaKp",
                    "Action": null,
                    "Parameters": [
                            "Name": "CaptureId",
                            "Value": "ecb8c843-eea0-4e2a-968d-56a6b8d00ba6"
            "CustomParameters": null,
            "AdditionalParameters": null,
            "RequestErrors": null,
            "Invoice": "Ref.1 OrderID Pay",
            "ServiceCode": "KlarnaKp",
            "IsTest": true,
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "AmountDebit": 22.45,
            "TransactionType": "C117",
            "MutationType": 1,
            "RelatedTransactions": null,
            "ConsumerMessage": null,
            "Order": null,
            "IssuingCountry": null,
            "StartRecurrent": false,
            "Recurring": false,
            "CustomerName": null,
            "PayerHash": null,
            "PaymentKey": "D21F647EE3284E16AC1F3A5C99053CAE"

        Response Parameters

        ServiceCodestringMKlarna serivce label is KlarnaKp
        CodestringMContains the status of the Pay
        IsTestbooleanMIf their is actual funds processed
        CapturedIDObjectOcontains CaptureId of Klara

        Pay Push

          "Transaction": {
            "Key": "058ABA06A4A24840AB6B77FA5689CAF2",
            "Invoice": "Ref.1 OrderID Pay",
            "ServiceCode": "KlarnaKp",
            "Status": {
              "Code": {
                "Code": 190,
                "Description": "Success"
              "SubCode": {
                "Code": "S990",
                "Description": "The request was successful."
              "DateTime": "2023-03-27T13:46:17"
            "IsTest": true,
            "Order": null,
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "AmountDebit": 22.45,
            "TransactionType": "C117",
            "Services": [
                "Name": "KlarnaKp",
                "Action": null,
                "Parameters": [
                    "Name": "CaptureId",
                    "Value": "ecb8c843-eea0-4e2a-968d-56a6b8d00ba6"
                "VersionAsProperty": 1
            "CustomParameters": null,
            "AdditionalParameters": null,
            "MutationType": 1,
            "RelatedTransactions": null,
            "IsCancelable": false,
            "IssuingCountry": null,
            "StartRecurrent": false,
            "Recurring": false,
            "CustomerName": null,
            "PayerHash": null,
            "PaymentKey": "D21F647EE3284E16AC1F3A5C99053CAE",
            "Description": null

        Push Parameters

        ServiceCodestringMKlarna serivce label is KlarnaKp
        CodestringMContains the status of the transaction
        IsTestbooleanMIf their is actual funds processed
        CapturedIDObjectOcontains CaptureId of Klara

        Was this article helpful?