

        Article summary

        Structure of a rule

        A rule consists of an if/then statement between a condition and an action. If the condition is met, then the action is performed.

        Rule structure:

        If [Condition] Then [Action]


        A condition consists of one or more expressions. Multiple expressions can be combined with AND or OR operators.

        Example condition:

        [Expression A] AND [Expression B] OR [Expression C]


        There are 3 possible actions to choose from:

        WarnA warning is given for the transaction
        RefuseThe transaction is refused, or will be automatically refunded in the case of an After-The-Fact refusal
        ExemptThe transaction is exempted from Shield rules and lists


        An expression is a combination of datapoints/functions and relational operators.

        Expresssion example 1:

        • [Datapoint A] [relational operator] [Datapoint B]
        • Card number country equals Client Ip Country

        Expression example 2:

        • [Datapoint A] [relational operator] [value]
        • Amount greater than 300

        Expression example 3:

        • [Function] [relational operator] [value]
        • Card number attempts within 5 minutes greater than 3

        The following datapoints and functions are available to use in an expression.


        All datapoints (including custom datapoints) are available to include in an expression.


        There are 8 different functions available to include in an expression

        Card numbers attempted from client IPCount of unique debit- or credit card numbers used per Client IP per time interval, within the merchant domain.
        Gift card attempts from client IPCount of unique giftcard numbers used per Client IP per time interval, within the merchant domain.
        Payment attemptsCount of payment attempts per Client IP per time interval, within the merchant domain.
        Card numbers attempted from client IP (global)Count of unique debit- or credit card numbers used per Client IP per time interval, across all Buckaroo merchants.
        Gift card attempts from client IP (global)Count of unique giftcard numbers used per Client IP per time interval, across all Buckaroo merchants.
        Card number originates from unknown countryCard number country could not be identified
        Client IP originates from unknown countryClient IP country could not be identified

        Relational operators

        Relational operators are used to combine datapoints, functions and values with eachother.

        Contains textCard number contains text 5561
        EqualsCard number type equals ChargeCard
        Greater thanAmount greater than 500.00
        Greater than or equalAmount greater than or equal 500.00
        Less thanAmount less than 1.00
        Less than or equalAmount less or equal 1.00
        Not equalsCard number brand not equals Mastercard
        Occurs inCard number brand occurs in UnionPay,Rupay,Belkart

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