Create invoice configuration
- Name of the invoice flow
- Website key belonging to the subscription configuration
- Choice of Credit Management reminder scheme
- Prefix belonging to the invoice numbers generated by Buckaroo
- Invoice description with tags
- Number of days between the date of the invoice and the due date of the invoice
- Sending of a prenotification regarding a new invoice
Create product
- Name of the product
- Name of the pricing plan and the description
- In case of a trial period, the number of months and days
- Choice to postpay or pay in advance
- The invoicing interval
- On which date does the invoicing start
- Day of the month on which the invoicing occurs
- Document the payment method for a follow-up payment
Create pricing plan
- Name of the pricing plan. TIP: Use a name based on the product price
- Description of the pricing plan
- Unit of quantity: pieces, box or pallet
- One-off or recurring costs
- Default number of units
- Invoice the due amount completely, partly or not at all. Please pay attention to the remark below *
- Default price of the pricing plan
- VAT on the invoice
- Is the price VAT-inclusive?
For full/partial/non-invoicing : With this choice it is important to know whether to use:
Partial invoicing : when there is a fixed invoice date for the product, such as the first day of the month, a percentage can be invoiced from the enjoyed days until the next full invoice.
Full invoicing : when there is a fixed invoice date, but always with a 100% allocation of the costs, regardless of the number of days enjoyed of the service.
Non-invoicing : when there is a fixed invoice date, but without passing on the costs for an incomplete period.
Also choose this option when using the "Pause Subscription" option : A resumption date that does not coincide with the billing date will not lead to unwanted partial bills during the pause.*