To make sure your customers return to your website after having executed a transaction, it is possible to set up redirects. There are two options: you can set it up in the Plaza or enclose it in the actual transaction request.
The Redirect settings can be found in the Buckaroo Plaza at: Settings -> Websites -> Redirect.
- URI success / pending: If only one endpoint is specified, this URL is the default endpoint. If a reject URL, cancel URL or failure URL are also specified, the customer will be redirected to the corresponding URL.
If all four URLs are used, both pending and success statuses will be redirected to the default URL.
- URI reject: The customer is redirected to this URL if the transaction has been rejected.
- URI cancel: Customers are redirected to this URL if they’ve cancelled the transaction themselves.
- URI failure: The customer is redirected to this URL if the transaction failed.
Transaction request
It’s also possible to enclose the above-mentioned URLs in the actual transaction request. This is especially recommended in case you want to build a custom integration. This information can then be enclosed in the basic fields of a request. Here are some examples (dummy pages):
Example of return URLs:
"ReturnURL": "",
"ReturnURLCancel": "",
"ReturnURLError": "",
"ReturnURLReject": "",