
What is a (Cards) chargeback?

A chargeback occurs when a cardholder disputes a transaction. This can be initiated within 180 days after purchase or delivery. The cardholder must provide a reason for the chargeback, which is then communicated to Buckaroo's Credit Card Acquirer.

How to handle a chargeback?

  • Notification: Buckaroo will notify you via email.
  • Response time: Quickly respond to the notification:
    • EMS: 7 days
    • Worldpay: 12 days
    • Worldline: 14 days
    • AMEX: 20 days
    • Buckaroo: 30 days (Visa), 45 days (Mastercard)
  1. Provide evidence:
    • Through EMS/Worldpay/Worldline/AMEX: Submit proof (e.g., delivery confirmation) as requested by e-mail. The type of defence material you have to provide depends on the reason specified for the chargeback, as explained below under 'Which documents should I submit?'
    • Through Buckaroo Acquiring Services: Click here to get access to our simple step-by-step manual

Chargeback outcome

  • Check the status of chargebacks under Transactions in the Plaza.
  • If accepted, the transaction amount and fees are deducted from your balance.
  • The outcome will be available in the Plaza or through a Dispute letter.

Reason codes for chargebacks

Visa reason codes


Reason CodeReasonDescription
10.1EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit FraudThe cardholder is claiming that They did not authorise or participate in a transaction that you submitted. The terminal was not EMV compliant.
10.2EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit FraudThe cardholder is claiming that they did not authorise or participate in a transaction that you processed. The terminal was not EMV compliant.
10.3Other Fraud-Card Present EnvironmentThe cardholder is claiming that they did not authorise or participate in a key-entered or unattended transaction conducted in a card-present environment.
10.4Other Fraud-Card Absent EnvironmentThe cardholder did not authorise or participate in a transaction conducted in a card-absent environment (such as internet, mail-order, phone-order, etc.).

From mid April 2023, Visa will enforce the Visa Compelling Evidence 3.0 standard that has specific defense requirements for chargebacks with this reason code.

Reason codeReasonDescription
10.5Visa Fraud Monitoring ProgramVisa notified the cardholder's bank that the Visa Fraud Monitoring Program (VFMP) identified the transaction and the cardholder's bank has not successfully disputed the transaction under another dispute condition.


Reason codeReasonDescription
11.1Card Recovery BulletinThe transaction was below the ‘your floor limit’ and was not authorised.
11.2Declined AuthorizationAn Authorization Request was declined.
11.3No AuthorizationThe payment could not be authorised.

Processing Errors:

Reason codeReasonDescription
12.1Late PresentmentThe transaction was not sent to Visa within the timeframe required.
12.2Incorrect Transaction CodeA cardholder claims the converted amount of charge on an international transaction is incorrect.
12.3Incorrect CurrencyYou sent a transaction that was processed with an incorrect currency code. Often the cardholder was not advised or did not agree that Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) would occur.
12.4Incorrect Account NumberYou either processed the transaction to an incorrect account number or did not authorise the transaction and it was processed to an account number not on the issuer's master file.
12.5Incorrect AmountThe cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged.
12.6Duplicate Processing/Paid by Other MeansThe cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once or the cardholder claims that they paid for the merchandise or service by other means (such as cash, check, other card, etc.).
12.7Invalid DataAn authorization was obtained using invalid or incorrect data.

Consumer disputes:

Reason CodeReasonDescription
13.1Merchandise/Services Not ReceivedThe cardholder claims that merchandise or services that they ordered were not received or that the cardholder canceled the order as the result of not receiving the merchandise or services by the expected delivery date (or merchandise was unavailable for pick-up).
13.2Canceled RecurringA recurring transaction was processed after it was canceled or that the cardholder's account was closed.
13.3Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/ServicesThe cardholder claims the goods were not as described or disputes the quality of the merchandise or services.
13.4Counterfeit MerchandiseThe merchandise was identified as counterfeit by a third party.
13.5MisrepresentationThe cardholder's bank received a notice from the cardholder claiming that the terms of the sale were misrepresented.
13.6Credit not ProcessedThe cardholder's bank received a notice from the cardholder claiming that they received a credit or voided transaction receipt that has not been processed.
13.7Canceled Merchandise/ServicesThe cardholder's bank received a notice from the cardholder stating that they returned merchandise or canceled services, but the credit has not appeared on the cardholder's Visa statement.
13.8Original Credit Transaction Not AcceptedThe original credit was not accepted.

Mastercard reason codes


Reason CodeReasonDescription
4837No Cardholder AuthorizationThe cardholder states that they, nor anyone authorised by them, engaged in the transaction.
4840Fraudulent Processing of TransactionsThe cardholder claims that a fraudulent purchase was made while the card was in the cardholder's possession at the time of the transaction.
4849Questionable merchant activityThe acquirer processed a transaction that was listed in a Mastercard Global Security Bulletin for violating GMAP, QMAP, or reported to SAFE.
4863Cardholder does not recognize – Potential FraudThe cardholder claims that they do not recognize the transaction and states that they did not authorise the charge to their credit card.
4870Chip Liability ShiftThe cardholder claims they were in possession of a valid card on the date of transaction but they did not authorise or participate in the transaction.
4871Chip/PIN Liability ShiftThe cardholder claims they were not in possession of a valid card on the date of transaction and they did not authorise or participate in the transaction.
4999Domestic Chargeback Dispute (Europe region only)The issuer can supply this message for a domestic chargeback that doesn't meet another chargeback categorization.


Reason CodeReasonDescription
4835Card Not Valid or ExpiredA transaction completed with an expired card.
4807Warning Bulletin FileThe payment could not be authorised.
4808Requested /Required Authorization not obtainedThe payment could not be authorised.
4812Account Number Not on FileAccount number does not correspond to the account numbers the issuer has on file for this cardholder.

Processing Errors:

Following the Mastercard dispute guidelines, processing error chargebacks are filed under reason code 4834 - Point of Interaction Error. This reason code covers the following scenarios:

Reason CodeDescription
4834The cardholder paid twice for the same transaction using two different forms of payment
4834The cardholder's account has been debited more than once for the same transaction using the same form of payment
4834The cardholder was billed an incorrect amount
4834Cash was not properly dispensed by an ATM
4834The cardholder's account has been debited more than once for the same ATM transaction
4834The cardholder was billed for loss, theft, or damage in the same transaction as the underlying initial service
4834A dispute regarding Point of Interaction Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion)
4834The cardholder was billed an unreasonable amount (intra-EEA Transactions, domestic transactions in EEA countries, transactions between an EEA country and Gibraltar or the UK, Gibraltar domestic transactions, and UK domestic transactions)
4834The cardholder paid an improper merchant surcharge (intra-European and inter-European transactions only)
4834The merchant processed a credit (instead of a reversal) to correct an error which resulted in the cardholder experiencing a currency exchange loss
4834The acquirer presented a transaction past the applicable time frame

The following reason codes can still be used, but will disappear in the future:

Reason CodeReasonDescription
4831Transaction amount differsThe cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged.
4842Late PresentmentThe transaction was not sent to Mastercard within the timeframe required.
4846Correct Transaction Currency Code not providedA cardholder claims the converted amount of charge on an international transaction is incorrect.
4850Credit Posted as a PurchaseWhen an account is posted a debit in place of a credit by mistake.

Consumer disputes:

Following the Mastercard dispute guidelines, consumer dispute chargebacks are filed under reason code 4853 - Cardholder Dispute. This reason code covers the following scenarios:

Reason CodeDescription
4853Services not provided/Merchandise not received.
4853Canceled recurring transaction.
4853Goods not as described/defective.
4853Counterfeit merchandise.
4853Credit not processed.
4853Addendum dispute or “no-show” hotel charge was billed.
4853Purchase transaction did not complete.
4853Credit posted as a purchase.

The following reason codes can still be used, but will disappear in the future:

Reason CodeReasonDescription
4841Cancelled Recurring TransactionA recurring transaction was processed after it was canceled or that the cardholder's account was closed.
4854Not Elsewhere Classified (U.S. region only)The cardholder claims they are unhappy with the goods or services provided and that they have been unable to resolve the situation.
4855Non receipt of merchandiseThe cardholder claims that merchandise or services that they ordered were not received or that the cardholder canceled the order as the result of not receiving the merchandise or services by the expected delivery date (or merchandise was unavailable for pick-up).
4860Credit not ProcessedThe cardholder's bank received a notice from the cardholder claiming that they received a credit or voided transaction receipt that has not been processed.
6305Cardholder does not agree with amount billedThe cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged.

American Express reason codes

Based on the region in which you have set up American Express, you will receive reason codes from one of these columns:

  • Reason code North-America: Canada and United States of America
  • Reason code: All other countries


Reason CodeReason Code North-AmericaReasonDescription
4540F29Card Not Present (fraud)The cardholder denies participation in a mail; telephone or internet-type transaction.
4763FR2Full recourseA cardholder is claiming that they did not authorise or participate in a transaction that you processed.
4798F30Fraud Liability Shift – CounterfeitA cardholder is claiming that they did not authorise or participate in a transaction that you processed.
4799F31Fraud Liability Shift – Lost/Stolen/Non-ReceivedA cardholder is claiming that they did not authorise or participate in a transaction that you processed.
4534F24No Card Member AuthorizationThe cardholder denies participation in the charge submitted and you have failed to provide proof that the cardholder participated in the charge.
-FR4Placed in Immediate Chargeback ProgramThe cardholder has disputed the charge and you have been placed in the Immediate Chargeback Program.
-FR6Placed in the Partial Immediate Chargeback ProgramThe cardholder has disputed the charge and you have been placed in the Partial Immediate Chargeback Program.


Reason CodeReason Code North-AmericaReasonDescription
4521A02No Valid AuthorizationThe payment could not be authorised.
-A01Incorrect Transaction Amount PresentedCharges were incorrectly submitted by using an incorrect amount.
-A08Authorization Approval ExpiredThe payment could not be authorised because the transaction expired.
4751-Expired AuthorizationThe payment could not be authorised because the transaction expired.

Processing errors:

Reason CodeReason Code North-AmericaReasonDescription
4507P05Incorrect Transaction Amount PresentedCharges were incorrectly submitted by using an incorrect amount.
4512-Multiple ProcessingA charge was incorrectly submitted more than once to the cardholders account.
-P08Duplicate ChargeThe cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once.
4522-Authorization DeclinedAn Authorization Request was declined.
4523P01Unassigned C/M Account NumberAccount number does not correspond to the account numbers the issuer has on file for this cardholder.
4525-Transaction Amount ChangedThe cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged.
4530-Currency DiscrepancyThe cardholder was advised the charge is in a currency that differs from that which they originally agreed upon.
-P23Currency DiscrepancyA cardholder claims the converted amount of charge on an international transaction is incorrect.
4536P07Late PresentmentA charge was submitted for payment outside the timeframe.
4752P03, P04Credit/Debit Presentment ErrorWhen an account is posted a debit in place of a credit by mistake.
4755-No Valid Approval CodeA transaction where Authorization was required but not obtained.
4758F22Expired/Not Yet valid cardA transaction completed with an expired card.

Consumer disputes:

Reason CodeReason Code North-AmericaReasonDescription
4515C14Paid through Other MeansThe cardholder provided proof of payment by another method.
4532-Damaged and/or Defective Goods/ServicesThe cardholder disputes the quality of the merchandise or services.
4544C28Cancelation of Recurring Goods/Services servicesCardholder claims that their account continues to be billed for recurring goods or services that they had previously canceled or revoked.
4554C08Goods and Services Not ReceivedThe cardholder claims that the goods or services that were purchased at your business have not been received.
4754-Local Regulatory/Legal DisputeThe cardholder alleges that a law or regulation was not followed.
-C02No Credit ReceivedA credit has not been applied to cardholders account for either: goods/services canceled; an advance deposit/ payment or a no show reservation.
-C04Goods and Services not Received/RefusedThe cardholder claims that the goods or services that were purchased at your business have not been received or have been refused.
-C05Goods Returned/CanceledThe cardholder claims that the goods/services ordered were canceled.
-C31Not as DescribedThe goods or services received from your business were either not as described by your business or the price should be lower than that claimed by your business.
-C32Damaged and/or Defective Goods/ServicesThe cardholder disputes the quality of the merchandise or services.

Which documents should you provide per reason Code?

The requirements for defending against Chargebacks vary depending on the Chargeback reason. For all types of Chargeback Reason Codes, you must provide documents containing transaction details so that it substantiates your Chargeback defense.

Fraud - Card not present transaction

The cardholder claims he did not authorize or participate in the transaction. You must proof/demonstrate that the cardholder legitimately made the purchase of a service or merchandise.

Without a 3D Secure Liability shift, it is difficult to challenge a claim in this category. Defense documents should only be provided if all requirements are met. Buckaroo will request the respective 3DS Server logs for you as a Merchant.

If you haven't activated 3D Secure and still wishes to defend against the dispute, you must provide the following:

  • Documentation that proofs that you have provided the service to the cardholder (confirmation email, copy of the invoice).
  • Email correspondence with the cardholder.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery and AVS agreement.
  • The GPS location of the courier indicating the product has been delivered.

Fraud - Card Present Transaction

The cardholder claims he did not give permission or did not participate in the transaction in a card-present environment.

To defend against this dispute, you must provide the following:

  • Copy of a (signed) transaction receipt.

Duplicate processing/Paid by another means

The cardholder claims a single transaction was processed more than once.

To defend against this dispute, you must provide the following:

  • Invoice copy of two separate orders.
  • Documents to demonstrate that no other form of payment has been used.

Services not rendered/merchandise not received

The cardholder claims that goods or services as ordered were not received or not received on time.

To defend against this dispute, you must provide the following:

  • Description of the goods/merchandise.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery and AVS agreement.
  • Communications confirming the cardholder's possession of the goods.
  • Explanation for the shipment delay.
  • Confirmation email.
  • Evidence that the cardholder received the service at the agreed-upon date and time.
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment.

Cancelled goods/services

The cardholder's bank has received a message from the cardholder stating that the goods have been returned or the services have been cancelled, but the credited amount has not appeared on the cardholder's statement.

To defend against this dispute, you must provide the following:

  • Invoice copy / confirmation email.
  • Evidence that the cardholder has received your cancellation or return policy and has not cancelled according to the publicly disclosed policy.
  • Proof that the cardholder initially received the merchandise and did not return it.
  • Proof that the cardholder has not contacted you to resolve the issue or cancel the purchase.
  • Demonstrate that the cardholder has received your cancellation or return policy and has not cancelled according to the publicly disclosed policy.

Recurring transaction cancelled

A recurring transaction was processed after it was cancelled or after the cardholder's account was closed.

To defend against this dispute, you must provide the following:

  • Demonstrate that the cardholder has received your cancellation or return policy and has not cancelled according to the publicly disclosed policy.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the merchandise.
  • Proof that the cardholder received a notice of impending billing 10 days before the transaction.
  • Proof that services have been used between the billing date and the cancellation date.
  • The cardholder requested a cancellation for a different date and that services have been provided until that date.
  • Evidence that the cardholder is still interested in the service.

Goods not as described/defective

The cardholder claims that the goods were not as described or disputes the quality of the goods or services.

To defend against this dispute, you must provide the following:

  • Evidence that the cardholder has not contacted you to resolve the issue or did not return the merchandise.
  • Proof to demonstrate that the merchandise was as described or not damaged or defective.
  • If the goods have been replaced/repaired, you should provide a DHL-signed proof of delivery.
  • Email communication with the cardholder.

Counterfeit Goods

The goods were identified by the customer or a third party, such as a customs agency, as counterfeit.

To defend against this dispute, you must provide the following:

  • Invoice copy.
  • Neutral third-party opinion.
  • Certificate of authenticity.

Misrepresentation of the purchased good and/or service

The cardholder claims that the terms of sale (Terms and Conditions) have been misrepresented.

To defend against this dispute, you must provide the following:

  • Evidence that your terms and conditions were clearly communicated before the transaction was processed.
  • Evidence that the cardholder acknowledged your Terms and Conditions (e.g., a screenshot of your website's checkout page showing that the cardholder accepted the Terms and Conditions by checking a box before proceeding with the payment).

Credit not processed

The cardholder claims that you agreed to refund the cardholder, but the refund was not processed, or that you did not process a credit when the cardholder cancelled or returned goods, cancelled services, or cancelled a guaranteed reservation.

To defend against this dispute, you must provide the following:

  • Proof that a credit or chargeback issued by you was not handled by the issuer.
  • Proof that the cardholder has not returned or has not attempted to return the merchandise.
  • Proof that the cardholder's return does not comply with your written policy.

Mastercard 4853 – Cardholder Dispute

The cardholder contacts its issuer and claims that one of the following dispute reasons applies:

  • Services not rendered/Merchandise not received.
  • Cancelled recurring transaction.
  • Goods not as described/defective.
  • Counterfeit merchandise.
  • Credit not processed.
  • Addendum dispute or "no-show" hotel charges have been billed.
  • Purchase transaction not completed.
  • Credit has been posted as a purchase.

Since Mastercard has combined the above eight dispute reasons into one reason code, there is no opportunity to obtain additional information about the underlying reason why a 4853 dispute has been raised.

We recommend you will try to determine which dispute reason(s) may apply and provide as much evidence as possible to ensure the defence is valid. To defend against the last three of the above-mentioned dispute reasons, please find the defence requirements below.

If you suspect the cardholder is claiming an addendum or disputing a "no-show" hotel charge:

  • Provide evidence to demonstrate that the cardholder is responsible for the addendum or the "no-show" fee.

If you suspect the cardholder is claiming that the purchase transaction was not completed:

  • Provide evidence to show that the transaction was correctly completed and that the cardholder received confirmation of completion.

If you suspect the cardholder is claiming that the credit was posted as a purchase:

  • Provide evidence to prove that the transaction was correctly posted as a credit to the cardholder's account.