Get answers to common questions about the Buckaroo Shopware 5 plugin.

How do I make TEST payments using the Buckaroo Shopware 5 plugin?

To perform test payments, follow these steps:

  1. Access Plugin Manager:
    1. Go to your Shopware 5 backend → Configuration → Plugin Manager.
  2. Locate the Buckaroo Plugin:
    1. In the left menu, go to Installed.
    2. Find the Buckaroo plugin in the list of installed plugins.
  3. Open Plugin Settings:
    1. Click on the open button (pencil icon) next to the Buckaroo plugin.
    2. This will open the Buckaroo plugin settings where you can configure payment methods for Test mode.
  4. Activate Payment Methods:
    1. Ensure that the payment method is active to make it visible in the checkout.
    2. Activate the payment method from the general payment method settings in Shopware 5.



Perform these steps in a test environment to prevent customers from seeing the test payment methods in a live environment.

How do I make LIVE payments using the Buckaroo Shopware 5 plugin?

To perform live payments, follow these steps:

  1. Access Plugin Manager:
    1. Go to your Shopware 5 backend → Configuration → Plugin Manager.
  2. Locate the Buckaroo Plugin:
    1. In the left menu, go to Installed.
    2. Find the Buckaroo plugin in the list of installed plugins.
  3. Open Plugin Settings:
    1. Click on the open button (pencil icon) next to the Buckaroo plugin.
    2. This will open the Buckaroo plugin settings where you can configure payment methods for Live mode.
  4. Activate Payment Methods:
    1. Ensure that the payment method is active to make it visible in the checkout.
    2. Activate the payment method from the general payment method settings in Shopware 5.



Perform these steps in a live environment only when you are ready for customers to use the payment methods.

How do I enable and disable payment methods in the Buckaroo Shopware 5 plugin?

To enable or disable payment methods, follow these steps:

  1. Access Payment Methods:
    1. Go to your Shopware 5 backend → Configuration → Payment Methods.
  2. Select Payment Method:
    1. Select the payment method you want to enable or disable.
  3. Activate or Deactivate:
    1. Enable the payment method by ticking the checkbox next to the Active option.
    2. To disable it, simply uncheck the checkbox.

How do I change the Buckaroo payment method name in the Shopware 5 checkout?

To change a payment method name, follow these steps:

  1. Access Payment Methods:
    1. Go to your Shopware 5 backend → Configuration → Payment Methods.
  2. Select Payment Method:
    1. Select the payment method you want to rename in the left menu.
  3. Edit Name:
    1. Use the Description field to change the name that will appear in the checkout.

What payment methods are supported in the Shopware 5 plugin from Buckaroo?

For a list of supported payment methods for our Shopware 5 plugin, please visit our payment methods page.