File upload

You can submit transactions in various ways, including using gateways (JSON, HTML, NVP, and SOAP) or by submitting transactions via batch.

The upload file feature allows you to execute multiple transactions simultaneously without customer interaction, which means iDEAL payments are not possible.

File upload via the Plaza

If your user account has the necessary permissions, follow these steps to upload a file:

1. Access file upload:

2. Upload new batch:

  • In the top-right corner, click on Actions > Upload New Batch.
  • Place your .CSV file in the file drop screen and select the correct settings on the right.

3. Configure settings:

  • Submit File as a Test: Check this box if you wish to run a compliance test.
  • Is a Refund Batch: Check this box if you're uploading a refund batch (note: a refund file does not have any service or action parameters).
  • Website Dropdown: Select one of your websites unless the key(s) are already included in the .CSV file.

4. Upload and approve:

  • Click on Upload File and wait for approval.
  • If the file is submitted successfully, the applicant will receive an email containing an approval code. This code must be entered to start processing the file.

Handling file upload errors and batch status in Buckaroo Plaza

Status: batch failed

If an error occurs while uploading the file, the status will change to "The batch failed." Here are common reasons for batch failures and suggestions to resolve them:

  • Currency values: Ensure the currency is correctly specified (e.g., EUR for euros, USD for American dollars).
  • Website key: Find the website key via Settings > Websites.
  • Amount format: Use a decimal point (.) to separate figures, not a comma (,).
  • Culture: Refers to the language used. Read more about culture settings here.
  • File format: Ensure the file is in .csv format, not .xls or any other format.
  • Specific values for keys: For keys like gender, service, and action, use the specific values outlined in the API documentation.
  • Unique file submission: Do not submit the same file more than once. If testing or resubmitting, change the title and content slightly to avoid duplication errors.

Status: Batch waiting for merchant verification

If everything is processed correctly, the status will change to "Batch waiting for merchant verification." The logged-in user will receive an email with a confirmation code. Follow these steps:

  • Open batch details:
  1. Go to the batch details in the Plaza.
  2. Click on the verify batch button.
  • Enter security code:
  1. Enter the confirmation code received via email to verify the batch.

Batch features

Click on the specific batch in the Plaza to view detailed information. The Details column provides:

  • Submitted: Time and date the file was submitted.
  • Number of lines: Number of lines in the .csv file used for the batch.
  • Debit amount: Total debit amount in the batch (e.g., receivables).
  • Credit amount: Total credit amount (e.g., refunds).
  • File name: Name of the uploaded file.
  • File type: CSV, which can be opened with Microsoft Excel.
  • Source: Usually Plaza, but sFTP is another option.

Processed batch

Once a batch has been processed and approved, you can click on it to see the results.

  • Original file: The submitted file.
  • Validation results: This file describes whether each line in the submitted file could be uploaded to the Plaza or not. It specifies if everything went according to plan or if an error occurred, and what exactly went wrong so you can make adjustments accordingly.
  • Processing results: An overview of batch lines and the status/details of the created transactions (e.g., TransactionKey, Status, ErrorMessage).

Multi-Level authorization

To prevent potential mistakes, Buckaroo offers multi-level authorization settings, enabling the four-eyes principle. For more details on setting up multi-level authorization, refer to the Approval Settings.

Sample files

Below are various sample files with brief explanations for specific entry fields:

iDEAL QR: Download iDEAL QR Batch Sample File

Sepa Direct Debit transaction: Download Sepa Direct Debit Transaction

Transfer: Download Transfer

PayPerEmail: Donwload PayPerEmail

Buckaroo Credit Management (BCM): Download Credit Management

Subscriptions: Download Subscriptions

Other: Download


Diacritics are signs written above or below a letter to indicate pronunciation differences. For instance, the sign above the ‘a’ in the word Fryslân. Buckaroo uses UTF-8 encoding to process these signs. Ensure that the text editor saves the text as UTF-8 encoded, as different encodes will be filtered out by Buckaroo and replaced with a question mark (?), enabling further data processing. Pay special attention to diacritics in customer names, street names, and other data.

By adhering to these guidelines and utilizing the sample files, you can ensure accurate and efficient data processing within Buckaroo Plaza.