About App2App SDK

You can make your payment with amount and the registration information that you send to the softPOS application without adding any payment library to your application, with App2app integration. Data exchange is provided between applications by creating channel with Messenger Service.

Scheme of App2App communication

How to import App2App SDK?

Follow the steps below to import App2App SDK in your application.

  • Place the App2AppSDK library file in the directory where your application dependencies are stored, typically in the libs folder
  • Add the library to gradle dependencies as 'implementation' like shown below:
allprojects {
	repositories {
  	flatDir {
			dirs 'libs'

 dependencies {
			implementation(name:'App2App-SDK-v1.0.0-Debug', ext:'aar') 

Now you are ready to use this by initializing the App2App SDK.

Payment app response code list

1002Internal ErrorUnexpected error in app
1003Register errorerror encountered during registration. Backend message can be added to the continuation. For example :
Register error : Server Error please contact with your administrator
1004unregister ERROR, please try againIf registerParameter is sent, softpos app unregister then registers. Message during unregisteration.
1005Initialize errorIf an error is received during initialize, this code and message are returned. Backend message can be added to the continuation.
1006JsonParse errorIf the message from Merchant application is not suitable for the json structure, this message and code will return.
1007Amount cannot be alphanumeric characters, null, 0Relates to the submitted amount.
1008transaction size = 0If there is no transaction and you want to see the last transaction (appLastTxn), this message returns.
1009Registration Successful
1010SoftposApp Stoped
1011The application was closed because application was opened standaloneIn app2app there is a feature as standalone mode which allows application gets payment independent from merchant app. If this feature is disabled and payment app started this error is returned.
1012Connection ErrorThis error is returned when there is a problem with the connection
1013Manual Settlement SuccessfulThis response is returned when manual settlement process is completed
1014Registration NeededThis error is returned if required registration does not exist.