

        Article summary


        Occasionally, a refund remains on hold (status 793). This is usually because the balance is insufficient and refunds cannot be executed.

        • You can increase your balance via Financial > Accounts and statements > Actions > Raise balance. Or you can wait for new incoming payments that increases the balance.
        • Subsequently, you can excute the refund via Execute > Refunds > Rejected refunds and payment orders > Select refund(s) > Resettle selection.

        If a refund is on hold, it is not possible to create a new refund! This is done in order to prevent that a refund is created twice (and consequently executed twice).

        A refund can also be rejected (status 690) or fail (status 490). Possible reasons include:

        • The amount you’re trying to refund exceeds the amount of the original transaction.
        • As pointed out above: a refund for this transaction is currently on hold and you are trying to create a new refund. This new attempt will be rejected immediately if the combined total exceeds the original amount.

        For more information on the rejection reason, click on the Payment attempts tab of the refund transaction.


        Under ‘Approvals > Overview’, you’ll find all refunds, payment orders and submitted files that are still waiting for approval. This overview contains the following information:

        After you have selected at least one transaction that requires approval, the ‘Actions’ button will be displayed. If you click on the Approve option under Actions, a window will open where you can review the selection and either approve or reject it.

        Type: The type that requires approval
        Description: The description of the refund/payment order, or the name of the submitted file
        Requestor: The user that requested approval for the original action
        Requested on: Date/time on which the original action was requested
        Status: The current status
        Status changed on: The date/time of the latest status change
        Action required: Is action required?

        Possible filters

        Description, Type, Status, Show items that don't require approval, Show test requests


        To be able to approve or reject the selection that require approval, the role Administrator or Financial Administrator needs to be added to the user that wants to apply the approval.

        Approval settings

        Under ‘Approval settings’, you can determine whether certain activities need additional approval. Open a new screen by clicking on an activity and enter the settings.

        Approval type:Description:
        Batch import (Plaza)Interface for batch file handling
        Batch import (SFTP)Interface for automated file handling
        Payment orderPayout as a deduction of the account balance
        RefundRefund of the payments
        Number of required approvalsNumber of users who have to approve the action
        Requestor can approveAllow the requestor to approve as well (Y/N)
        Send e-mail at requestSend an email on pending approval (Y/N)
        Send email if deniedShould an email be sent after rejection? (Y/N)
        Use approvals for tests?Should test transactions be approved? (Y/N)
        ThresholdThe threshold (in EUR) above which approvals will be necessary

        File upload

        Under ‘File upload’, you can submit a CSV file containing payment requests. This only applies to indirect payment methods such as transfers, PayPerEmails, Direct Debits, and recurrent payments. You can also submit invoices, refunds and start & edit subscriptions via a CSV file.

        Transactions that require interaction of the customer, such as iDEAL and regular credit card payments, are not possible via a CSV file.

        You can upload a CSV file via the Plaza or via the sFTP server.

        This overview contains the following information:

        Uploaded: The date the file was uploaded
        Current status: The current file status
        Status date: The latest status change
        File name: The file name
        File type: The file type
        Upload Source: The way in which the file was submitted, e.g. Plaza, SFTP.

        You can learn more about the file upload functionality in our File Upload Guide

        Click on a specific file to open it. This screen is static and will have to be refreshed manually every once in a while to display the latest status. Meanwhile, it will be validated whether the file contains the necessary entry fields. If this is not the case, the file will be rejected and will not be processed. If the file has been validated, an approval email will be sent to the user’s email address. This mail contains a unique code with regard to the file, which has to be submitted in the Buckaroo Plaza. Only then can the file be processed.

        After the file has been processed, you can download the original file as well as the validation and processing results. If certain specific entry fields from the file failed at validation, you can also download them separately.

        The validation results show all entry fields from the original file, and it is stated whether these passed the validation check or not. If validation failed, the reason shall be stated.

        The processing results list all entry fields that passed validation and state whether this transaction was created. Here you’ll also find the transaction key.

        The failed CSV fields list the entry fields from the original file that failed at validation.

        Possible filters

        By using the ‘Filters’ button, you can search for specific files. You can search by the date the file was uploaded.

        Possible actions

        Upload new batch: With this button you can offer one or more file(s) for processing.
        Check the 'Upload the batch file as test' option to test the actions of the submitted file.
        Check the 'Is a refund batch' option if refunds are sent to us.

        ## Buckaroo Payment Analyser

        One of the features the Buckaroo Payment Plaza has to offer is the Buckaroo Payment Analyzer (BPA). If you would like to use this feature, please send an email to the Buckaroo Customer Service Center via wecare@buckaroo.nl.

        The BPA has been developed to answer questions with regard to payments in a faster and more efficient way. The BPA will locate the relevant payment based on the details you’ve entered. Subsequently, you can choose from a number of automated standard solutions. This feature can solve payment problems so that a helpdesk can handle questions with regard to payment fast and in a customer-friendly way.

        E-mail bounce report

        Here you’ll find an overview of all bounced emails. This overview contains the following information:

        Website: The website from which the email was sent
        Email address: The email address to which the email was sent
        Name: The name of the consumer (if available)
        Invoice: The invoice number linked to the email
        Bounce date: The date on which the email bounced
        Bounce reason: The reason as provided by our mail server

        You can send the email again by clicking the ‘Send again’ button. By clicking the ‘Show transaction’ button, you can open the transaction instantly.

        Possible actions
        Export: Here you can download an overview of all bounced emails.

        Possible filters
        By clicking the ‘Filters’ button, you can filter bounced emails by the date they were sent.

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