Occasionally, a refund may remain on hold (status 793) due to insufficient balance. Here's how to manage these refunds:
- Increase balance: Go to Financial > Accounts and statements > Actions > Raise balance. Alternatively, wait for new incoming payments to increase the balance.
- Execute refund: Navigate to Execute > Refunds > Rejected refunds and payment orders > Select refund(s) > Resettle selection.
If a refund is on hold, creating a new refund for the same transaction is not possible to prevent duplicate refunds.
A refund can also be rejected (status 690) or failed (status 490) for reasons such as:
- The refund amount exceeds the original transaction amount.
- An attempt to create a new refund while one is on hold leads to immediate rejection if the total exceeds the original amount.
For more information on the rejection reason, check the Payment attempts tab of the refund transaction.
Under Approvals > Overview, you can find all refunds, payment orders, and submitted files waiting for approval.
Details include:
- Type: Type requiring approval
- Description: Description of the refund/payment order, or submitted file name
- Requestor: User who requested the approval
- Requested on: Date/time of the original request
- Status: Current status
- Status changed on: Date/time of the latest status change
- Action required: Indicates if action is required
Possible filters
- Description
- Type
- Status
- Show items that don't require approval
- Show test requests
To approve or reject a selection, the user must have the Administrator or Financial Administrator role.
Approval settings
Determine whether certain activities need additional approval by opening the settings for each activity under 'approval settings'.
Approval types
- Batch import (Plaza): Interface for batch file handling
- Batch import (SFTP): Interface for automated file handling
- Payment order: Payout as a deduction of the account balance
- Refund: Refund of the payments
Settings include
- Number of required approvals: Number of users needed to approve the action
- Requestor can approve: Allow requestor to approve (Y/N)
- Send email at request: Send an email on pending approval (Y/N)
- Send email if denied: Send an email after rejection (Y/N)
- Use approvals for tests?: Should test transactions be approved? (Y/N)
- Threshold: EUR amount above which approvals are necessary
File upload
Submit CSV files containing payment requests for indirect payment methods (transfers, PayPerEmails, Direct Debits, and recurrent payments), invoices, refunds, and subscriptions via the Plaza or SFTP server. Transactions that require interaction with the customer, such as iDEAL and regular credit card payments, are not possible via a CSV file.
- Uploaded: Date the file was uploaded
- Current status: Current file status
- Status date: Latest status change
- File name: File name
- File type: File type
- Upload source: Submission method (e.g., Plaza, SFTP)
File processing
- Validate whether the file contains necessary entry fields; rejected files will not be processed.
- After validation, an approval email with a unique code will be sent.
- Only upon submitting the unique code in the Buckaroo Plaza will the file be processed.
- Download the original file, validation results, and processing results post-validation.
- Failed CSV fields will be listed separately.
Possible filters
- Date the file was uploaded
Possible actions
- Upload New Batch: Submit one or more files for processing
- Option to test the actions of the submitted file
- Option to mark as a refund batch if applicable
Buckaroo Payment Analyzer (BPA)
To use the Buckaroo Payment Analyzer, email Buckaroo Customer Service at wecare@buckaroo.nl.
BPA features
- Quickly answer payment-related questions
- Locate relevant payments based on the provided details
- Offer automated standard solutions to resolve payment problems helpdesk in handling payment inquiries efficiently
Email Bounce report
Here youβll find an overview of all bounced emails.
- Website: The website from which the email was sent
- Email address: Email address to which the email was sent
- Name: Name of the consumer (if available)
- Invoice: Invoice number linked to the email
- Bounce date: Date the email bounced
- Bounce reason: Reason provided by the mail server
Possible actions
- Send Again: Resend the email
- Show Transaction: Open the associated transaction
- Export: Download an overview of all bounced emails
Possible filters
- Filter bounced emails by the date they were sent
Updated about 1 month ago