iDEAL is the most popular and most widely used payment method in the Netherlands. All consumers with a bank account at ABN AMRO, ASN Bank, Bunq, ING, Knab, Rabobank, RegioBank, Revolut, SNS Bank, Triodos Bank, Van Lanschot Kempen, N26, Nationale Nederlanden, and Bitsafe can use iDEAL. Furthermore, payments can also be done by scanning a QR code.
Key Benefits:
- Wide range of Dutch consumers
- Popular and trusted payment method in the Netherlands
- Identifiable on the consumer’s bank statement because it mentions the online store name
- Can be used in your own checkout
- Guaranteed payment method
- Processing and Collecting are optional
- Possible to start recurrent SEPA Direct Debits based on the payment data
- Available for consumers with a Dutch bank account and supported bank
- Available in the currency Euro
Updated 5 days ago