Create Invoice Configuration
To create an invoice configuration, you need to set up the following details:
- Invoice Flow Name: Define a name for the invoice flow.
- Website Key: Specify the website key associated with the subscription configuration.
- Credit Management Reminder Scheme: Choose a reminder scheme for unpaid invoices.
- Invoice Number Prefix: Set a prefix for invoice numbers generated by Buckaroo.
- Invoice Description: Include a description with relevant tags.
- Due Date Interval: Determine the number of days between the invoice date and the due date.
- Prenotification: Decide whether to send a prenotification for new invoices.
Create Product
To create a product, follow these steps:
- Product Name: Provide a name for the product.
- Pricing Plan Name and Description: Specify the name and description of the pricing plan.
- Trial Period: If applicable, set the trial period in months and days.
- Payment Terms: Choose whether to postpay or pay in advance.
- Invoicing Interval: Define the invoicing interval (e.g., monthly, annually).
- Invoicing Start Date: Set the start date for invoicing.
- Invoicing Day: Specify the day of the month when invoicing occurs.
- Follow-Up Payment Method: Document the payment method for follow-up payments.
Create Pricing Plan
To set up a pricing plan, complete the following:
- Pricing Plan Name: Choose a name based on the product price (e.g., "Standard Plan").
- Description: Provide a detailed description of the pricing plan.
- Unit of Quantity: Specify the unit (e.g., pieces, box, pallet).
- Cost Type: Indicate whether the costs are one-off or recurring.
- Default Number of Units: Set the default quantity.
- Invoicing Options: Decide whether to invoice the due amount completely, partly, or not at all. Consider the following:
- Partial Invoicing: For fixed invoice dates, invoice a percentage from the used days until the next full invoice.
- Full Invoicing: For fixed invoice dates with a 100% allocation of costs, regardless of the number of days used.
- Non-Invoicing: For fixed invoice dates without costs for an incomplete period. Use this option for the "Pause Subscription" feature to avoid partial bills during pauses.
- Default Price: Set the default price of the pricing plan.
- VAT: Determine the VAT rate for the invoice.
- VAT Inclusion: Specify whether the price is VAT-inclusive.
Note on Invoicing Options
When deciding on full, partial, or non-invoicing:
- Partial Invoicing: Use this when there is a fixed invoice date for the product. A percentage of the cost is invoiced from the days enjoyed until the next full invoice.
- Full Invoicing: Use this for a fixed invoice date, always with a 100% allocation of the costs, regardless of the number of days the service was used.
- Non-Invoicing: Use this for a fixed invoice date without charging for an incomplete period. Also, use this option when utilizing the "Pause Subscription" feature to avoid unwanted partial bills during the pause.
Updated 5 days ago