

PayPerEmail is a Buckaroo payment product that allows you to send your customers a payment request by email. You decide the text and format, with options for templates and a payment button or link leading to a secure payment environment offering various payment methods. This functionality is available in most plugins and via our API. You can also choose to create them in batch via file upload or the batch API.


  • Digital Billing: Easily digitize your billing process.
  • Faster Payments: Bills are paid faster as it's easier to pay.
  • Custom Branding: Set up completely in your branding.
  • Multilingual Templates: Templates can be set up in several languages.
  • Clear Overview: Provides a clear overview of paid and unpaid bills.
  • Flexible Payment Methods: You decide which payment methods are offered.

How to Send PayPerEmail via Buckaroo Plaza

  1. Go to Transactions > Overview.
  2. Click on the "Actions" button in the top right corner.
  3. Fill in all the required fields.
  4. Send PayPerEmail.

Required Fields

  • Amount: Desired amount.
  • Description: Description of the transaction.
  • Invoice number: Invoice number of the transaction.
  • Website: Website key.
  • Culture: Language preference (e.g., NL for Dutch).
  • Currency: Currency selection.
  • Merchant sends e-mail: Determines if Buckaroo sends the email or if only the paylink is generated.
  • Gender: Customer's gender.
  • Expiration date: Expiration date of the PayLink.
  • Payment methods allowed: Payment methods to be shown on the checkout.

Template Configuration

You can configure the PayPerEmail under Configuration > Templates.