
The Pay action is the default action for the service Payconiq. With this action, a new transaction will be initiated via Payconiq.

In case of a correct request, a pending response will follow with the transaction status 791 Pending Processing. The response will contain some details about the transaction.

When using the Buckaroo Client SDK, all you need to proceed is the SDK itself and the transactionKey. See below under โ€œExample Client SDK implementationโ€ for an example of how to use the Client SDK within your website/webshop.

Base JSON request

Use the base request as instructed on this page.

Pay Request


Service specific parameters

DescriptionStringNoYesA description for the transaction, visible to the consumer in the Payconiq app. This is a basic parameter (optional), not a service-specific parameter.

Example request

   "Currency": "EUR",
   "AmountDebit": 10,
   "Invoice": "testinvoice123",
   "Description": "Payment for testinvoice123",
   "Services": {
      "ServiceList": [
            "Name": "payconiq",
            "Action": "Pay"

Pay Response


Service specific parameters

QrUrlStringNoYesA URL pointing to a PNG of the QR code that can be scanned with the Payconiq app. Only useful for a custom QR implementation.
PayconiqUrlStringN/AN/ARedirect mobile users to this URL if the operating system is not iOS or Android.
PayconiqIosUrlStringN/AN/ARedirect mobile iOS users to this URL.
PayconiqAndroidUrlStringN/AN/ARedirect mobile Android users to this URL.
TransactionIdStringN/AN/AThis is the Payconiq transaction ID.

Example response

   "Key": "899402E3B0854F698F6FB627A00Cxxxx",
   "Status": {
      "Code": {
         "Code": 791,
         "Description": "Pending processing"
      "SubCode": {
         "Code": "S002",
         "Description": "An additional action is required: Redirect to Buckaroo"
      "DateTime": "2018-06-27T10:24:05"
   "RequiredAction": {
      "RedirectURL": "",
      "RequestedInformation": null,
      "PayRemainderDetails": null,
      "Name": "Redirect",
      "TypeDeprecated": 0
   "Services": [
         "Name": "Payconiq",
         "Action": null,
         "Parameters": [
               "Name": "QrUrl",
               "Value": ""
               "Name": "PayconiqUrl",
               "Value": ""
               "Name": "PayconiqIosUrl",
               "Value": "payconiq.ext://"
               "Name": "PayconiqAndroidUrl",
               "Value": "intent://;scheme=payconiq;package=com.payconiq.customers.external;end"
               "Name": "TransactionId",
               "Value": "5b3349a55225fb150f27xxxxx"
   "CustomParameters": null,
   "AdditionalParameters": null,
   "RequestErrors": null,
   "Invoice": "testinvoice123",
   "ServiceCode": "Payconiq",
   "IsTest": true,
   "Currency": "EUR",
   "AmountDebit": 10,
   "TransactionType": "C096",
   "MutationType": 1,
   "RelatedTransactions": null,
   "ConsumerMessage": null,
   "Order": null,
   "IssuingCountry": null,
   "StartRecurrent": false,
   "Recurring": false,
   "CustomerName": null,
   "PayerHash": null,
   "PaymentKey": "C4E20544AF0843849D948D00028xxxxx"

Pay push


Basic parameters can be found here: Basic Parameters

Example response

   "Transaction": {
      "Key": "899402E3B0854F698F6FB627A00Cxxxx",
      "Invoice": "testinvoice123",
      "ServiceCode": "Payconiq",
      "Status": {
         "Code": {
            "Code": 190,
            "Description": "Success"
         "SubCode": {
            "Code": "S990",
            "Description": "The request was successful."
         "DateTime": "2019-06-21T15:34:47"
      "IsTest": true,
      "Order": null,
      "Currency": "EUR",
      "AmountDebit": 0.01,
      "TransactionType": "C096",
      "Services": [
            "Name": "Payconiq",
            "Action": null,
            "Parameters": [
                  "Name": "QrUrl",
                  "Value": ""
                  "Name": "PayconiqUrl",
                  "Value": ""
                  "Name": "PayconiqIosUrl",
                  "Value": "payconiq.ext://"
                  "Name": "PayconiqAndroidUrl",
                  "Value": "intent://;scheme=payconiq;package=com.payconiq.customers.external;end"
                  "Name": "TransactionId",
                  "Value": "5b3349a55225fb150f27xxxxx"
                  "Name": "consumerName",
                  "Value": "John Smith"
                  "Name": "consumerIBAN",
                  "Value": "NL83RABO0123456789"
            "VersionAsProperty": 1
      "CustomParameters": null,
      "AdditionalParameters": null,
      "MutationType": 1,
      "RelatedTransactions": null,
      "IsCancelable": false,
      "IssuingCountry": null,
      "StartRecurrent": true,
      "Recurring": false,
      "CustomerName": "John Smith",
      "PayerHash": null,
      "PaymentKey": "C4E20544AF0843849D948D00028xxxxx"

Client SDK implementation

After you initiated a server-side Pay request, you can initiate the payment on the client side. You will need to initiate the Client SDK with two parameters:

  • Container selector: Use the query selector format for selecting a DOM element.
  • Transaction key: Insert the transaction key from the server-side Pay response. You can find the value in the โ€œKeyโ€ field of the JSON response.

When initiated, the Client SDK will render a minimal โ€œwidgetโ€ inside the container element of your choice. The script will render a QR code and listen for status updates. In case the consumer is using a mobile device, the script will redirect the consumer directly to the Payconiq app to complete the payment.

After the payment is completed, canceled, or failed, the consumer will be redirected (by the SDK) to the ReturnUrl.

Include the ClientSDK like this at the bottom of the BODY element of your page. Like this:

<script src=""></script>

Note: The only dependency of the Buckaroo Client SDK is jQuery 1.9+.

Script example:

$(document).ready(function() {
  BuckarooSdk.Payconiq.initiate("#payconiqQr", "94EDDFBCFF774714AEDE0F9346XXXX");


Refund request


Service specific parameters

OriginalTransactionKeyStringYesN/ATransaction key of the original transaction that needs to be refunded. This value is a 32-character hex string.

Example request

   "Currency": "EUR",
   "AmountCredit": 1,
   "Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
   "OriginalTransactionKey": "4E8BD922192746C3918BF4077CXXXXXX",
   "Services": {
      "ServiceList": [
            "Name": "Payconiq",
            "Action": "Refund"

Refund response


Service specific parameters

customeraccountnameStringN/AN/AThe beneficiary of the bank account from which the payment was made.
CustomerIBANStringN/AN/AThe international bank account number (IBAN) of the bank of the consumer. This field is optional. In some countries, banks are not allowed to provide this information to third parties.

Example response

   "Key": "F996EE747ECD43CDA8851C5F83XXXXXX",
   "Status": {
      "Code": {
         "Code": 190,
         "Description": "Success"
      "SubCode": {
         "Code": "S990",
         "Description": "De verwerking is geslaagd."
      "DateTime": "2017-03-31T09:03:45"
   "RequiredAction": null,
   "Services": [
         "Name": "Payconiq",
         "Action": null,
         "Parameters": [
               "Name": "customeraccountname",
               "Value": "J. de Tรจster"
               "Name": "CustomerIBAN",
               "Value": "NL44RABO0123456789"
   "CustomParameters": null,
   "AdditionalParameters": null,
   "RequestErrors": null,
   "Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
   "ServiceCode": "Payconiq",
   "IsTest": true,
   "Currency": "EUR",
   "AmountCredit": 1,
   "TransactionType": "C097",
   "MutationType": 1,
   "RelatedTransactions": [
         "RelationType": "refund",
         "RelatedTransactionKey": "4E8BD922192746C3918BF4077CXXXXXX"
   "ConsumerMessage": null,
   "Order": null,
   "IssuingCountry": null,
   "StartRecurrent": false,
   "Recurring": false,
   "CustomerName": "J. de Tรจster",
   "PayerHash": null,
   "PaymentKey": "AE8B6E18A2684846AAAF06A63FXXXXXX"

Refund push

Example push

   "Transaction": {
      "Key": "F996EE747ECD43CDA8851C5F83XXXXXX",
      "Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
      "ServiceCode": "Payconiq",
      "Status": {
         "Code": {
            "Code": 190,
            "Description": "Success"
         "SubCode": null,
         "DateTime": "2019-07-02T14:49:09"
      "IsTest": false,
      "Order": null,
      "Currency": "EUR",
      "AmountCredit": 0.01,
      "TransactionType": "C097",
      "Services": null,
      "CustomParameters": null,
      "AdditionalParameters": null,
      "MutationType": 1,
      "RelatedTransactions": [
            "RelationType": "refund",
            "RelatedTransactionKey": "4E8BD922192746C3918BF4077CXXXXXX"
      "IsCancelable": false,
      "IssuingCountry": null,
      "StartRecurrent": false,
      "Recurring": false,
      "CustomerName": "J. de Tรจster",
      "PayerHash": null,
      "PaymentKey": null