Pay Request

Use Pay to create an iDEAL in3 transaction. Performing this call initiates a credit check of the customer and - if approved - returns a redirect URL where the customer needs to be redirected to in order to perform the first payment (one of three). The remaining two installments can be paid later; iDEAL in3 will send the payment instructions per email to the consumer.


Service specific parameters

IdentifierstringArticle1ABC123OptionalWay to identify article
TypestringArticle1PhysicalOptionalType of the article
DescriptionstringArticle1Blue Toy CarMandatoryDescription of the order
CategorystringArticle1Toy CarOptionalCategory of the article
QuantityintegerArticle11MandatoryQuantity of the article
GrossUnitPricedecimalArticle15000MandatoryGrossUnitPrice of the article
QuantityDescriptionstringArticle1PiecesOptionalQuantityDescription of the article
VatPercentagenumericArticle121OptionalVatPercentage of the article
VatAmountdecimalArticle10.01OptionalVat Amount of the Article
DeliveryDatedateArticle1YYYY-MM-DDOptionalDeliveryDate of the article
CustomerNumberstringBillingCustomer1123456MandatoryCustomerNumber of the billing customer
FirstNamestringBillingCustomer1JohnOptionalFirstName of the billing customer
LastNamestringBillingCustomer1DoeMandatoryLastName of the billing customer
InitialsstringBillingCustomer1JDOptionalInitials of the billing customer
BirthDatedateBillingCustomer1YYYY-MM-DDOptionalBirthDate of the billing customer
PhonestringBillingCustomer10612345678MandatoryPhone of the billing customer
EmailstringBillingCustomer1john@doe.comMandatoryE-mail address of the Billing customer
FaxstringBillingCustomer103012345678OptionalFax number of the billing customer
CategorystringBillingCustomer1B2CMandatoryCategory of the billing customer
CareOfstringBillingCustomer1John DoeOptionalCareOf of the billing customer
StreetstringBillingCustomer1ZonnebaanMandatoryStreet of the billing customer
StreetNumberstringBillingCustomer19MandatoryStreetNumber of the billing customer
StreetNumberSuffixstringBillingCustomer1ABC123OptionalStreetNumberSuffix of the billing customer
PostalCodestringBillingCustomer23542EAMandatoryPostalCode of the billing customer
CitystringBillingCustomer1UtrechtMandatoryCity of the billing customer
RegionstringBillingCustomer1UtrechtOptionalRegion of the billing customer
CountryCodestringBillingCustomer1NLMandatoryCountryCode of the billing customer
CareofstringShippingCustomer1Jane DoeOptionalCareof of the shipping customer
StreetstringShippingCustomer1ZonnebaanMandatoryStreet of the shipping customer
StreetNumberstringShippingCustomer19MandatoryStreetNumber of the shipping customer
StreetNumberSuffixstringShippingCustomer1ABC123OptionalStreetNumberSuffix of the shipping customer
CitystringShippingCustomer1UtrechtMandatoryCity of the shipping customer
PostalCodestringShippingCustomer13542EAMandatoryPostalCode of the shipping customer
RegionstringShippingCustomer1UtrechtOptionalRegion of the shipping customer
CountryCodestringShippingCustomer1NLMandatoryCountryCode of the shipping customer
InvoicedatedateYYYY-MM-DDOptionalInvoicedate of the Customer
InvoiceUrlstringhttps://www.buckaroo.nlOptionalURL of the Customer
CompanyNamestringBillingCustomer1NoneOptionalCompany Name of the billing customer
CocNumberstringBillingCustomer1NoneOptionalCocNumber of the billing customer

Example request

  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountDebit": 5000.0,
  "AmountCredit": null,
  "Invoice": "iDEAL In3 Pay 1693216267",
  "Order": null,
  "Description": "iDEAL In3_Pay",
  "ClientIP": null,
  "ReturnURL": null,
  "ReturnURLCancel": null,
  "ReturnURLError": null,
  "ReturnURLReject": null,
  "OriginalTransactionKey": null,
  "ServicesSelectableByClient": null,
  "ServicesExcludedForClient": null,
  "PushURL": null,
  "PushURLFailure": null,
  "ClientUserAgent": null,
  "OriginalTransactionReference": null,
  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "In3",
        "Action": "Pay",
        "Version": 0,
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "Identifier",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "ABC123"
            "Name": "Type",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Physical"
            "Name": "Description",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Blue Toy Car"
            "Name": "Category",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Toy Car"
            "Name": "Quantity",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "1"
            "Name": "GrossUnitPrice",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "5000"
            "Name": "QuantityDescription",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Pieces"
            "Name": "VatPercentage",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "21"
            "Name": "VatAmount",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "0.01"
            "Name": "DeliveryDate",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "2023-11-11"
            "Name": "CustomerNumber",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "123456"
            "Name": "FirstName",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "John"
            "Name": "LastName",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Doe"
            "Name": "Initials",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "JD"
            "Name": "BirthDate",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "1990-01-01"
            "Name": "Phone",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "0630352688"

            "Name": "Email",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": ""
            "Name": "Fax",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "0301234567"
            "Name": "Category",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "B2C"
            "Name": "CareOf",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "John Doe"
            "Name": "Street",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Zonnebaan"
            "Name": "StreetNumber",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "9"
            "Name": "StreetNumberSuffix",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "A"
            "Name": "PostalCode",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "3542EA"
            "Name": "City",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Utrecht"
            "Name": "Region",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Utrecht"
            "Name": "CountryCode",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "NL"
            "Name": "CareOf",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Jane Doe"
            "Name": "Street",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Zonebaan"
            "Name": "StreetNumber",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "9"
            "Name": "StreetNumberSuffix",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "A"
            "Name": "City",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Utrecht"
            "Name": "PostalCode",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "3542EA"
            "Name": "Region",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Utrecht"
            "Name": "CountryCode",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "NL"
            "Name": "InvoiceDate",
            "GroupType": "",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "2023-12-01"
            "Name": "InvoiceUrl",
            "GroupType": "",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": ""
            "Name": "CompanyName",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "none"
            "Name": "CocNumber",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "none"
  "CustomParameters": null,
  "AdditionalParameters": null

Pay response

The response contains a URL where the customer can be redirected to in order to perform the first initial payment.

Example response

  "Key": "9A2C1AEC43F64EAA820970**********",
  "Status": {
    "Code": {
      "Code": 791,
      "Description": "Pending processing"
    "SubCode": {
      "Code": "S002",
      "Description": "An additional action is required: Redirect"
    "DateTime": "2023-08-28T11:51:08"
  "RequiredAction": {
    "RedirectURL": "***********",
    "RequestedInformation": null,
    "PayRemainderDetails": null,
    "Name": "Redirect",
    "TypeDeprecated": 0
  "Services": null,
  "CustomParameters": null,
  "AdditionalParameters": null,
  "RequestErrors": null,
  "Invoice": "iDEAL In3 Pay 1693216267",
  "ServiceCode": "In3",
  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountDebit": 5000.0,
  "TransactionType": "C103",
  "MutationType": 1,
  "RelatedTransactions": null,
  "ConsumerMessage": null,
  "Order": null,
  "IssuingCountry": null,
  "StartRecurrent": false,
  "Recurring": false,
  "CustomerName": null,
  "PayerHash": null,
  "PaymentKey": "03AB82E49A834D2CB06B98**********"

Pay push

When the payment has been done and the customer has successfully been redirected back to the merchants' website, the following push will be performed by Buckaroo.

Example push

  "Transaction": {
    "Key": "9A2C1AEC43F64EAA820970**********",
    "Invoice": "iDEAL In3 Pay 1693216267",
    "ServiceCode": "In3",
    "Status": {
      "Code": {
        "Code": 190,
        "Description": "Success"
      "SubCode": {
        "Code": "S990",
        "Description": "The request was successful."
      "DateTime": "2023-08-28T11:51:21"
    "Order": null,
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "AmountDebit": 5000.0,
    "TransactionType": "C103",
    "Services": null,
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "MutationType": 1,
    "RelatedTransactions": null,
    "IsCancelable": false,
    "IssuingCountry": null,
    "StartRecurrent": false,
    "Recurring": false,
    "CustomerName": null,
    "PayerHash": null,
    "PaymentKey": "03AB82E49A834D2CB06B98**********",
    "Description": "iDEAL In3_Pay"


This action can be used to perform a refund (or cancellation) of a placed order.

Refund request

For this request, it is required to provide an AmountDebit and the TransactionKey of the original order.

Example request

  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountDebit": null,
  "AmountCredit": 5000.0,
  "Invoice": "iDEAL In3 Refund 1693216289",
  "Order": null,
  "Description": "iDEAL In3_Refund",
  "ClientIP": null,
  "ReturnURL": null,
  "ReturnURLCancel": null,
  "ReturnURLError": null,
  "ReturnURLReject": null,
  "OriginalTransactionKey": "9A2C1AEC43F64EAA820970**********",
  "ServicesSelectableByClient": null,
  "ServicesExcludedForClient": null,
  "PushURL": null,
  "PushURLFailure": null,
  "ClientUserAgent": null,
  "OriginalTransactionReference": null,
  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "In3",
        "Action": "Refund",
        "Version": 0,
        "Parameters": []
  "CustomParameters": null,
  "AdditionalParameters": null

Refund response

Example response

  "Key": "0AA2B55B366A48D690D762**********",
  "Status": {
    "Code": {
      "Code": 190,
      "Description": "Success"
    "SubCode": {
      "Code": "S990",
      "Description": "The request was successful."
    "DateTime": "2023-08-28T11:51:30"
  "RequiredAction": null,
  "Services": [
      "Name": "In3",
      "Action": null,
      "Parameters": [
          "Name": "Processed",
          "Value": "Classic"
  "CustomParameters": null,
  "AdditionalParameters": null,
  "RequestErrors": null,
  "Invoice": "i

DEAL In3 Refund 1693216289",
  "ServiceCode": "In3",
  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountCredit": 5000.0,
  "TransactionType": "C203",
  "MutationType": 1,
  "RelatedTransactions": [
      "RelationType": "refund",
      "RelatedTransactionKey": "9A2C1AEC43F64EAA820970**********"
  "ConsumerMessage": null,
  "Order": null,
  "IssuingCountry": null,
  "StartRecurrent": false,
  "Recurring": false,
  "CustomerName": null,
  "PayerHash": null,
  "PaymentKey": "40CB985149BE46BF9A67D5**********"

Refund push

Example push

  "Transaction": {
    "Key": "0AA2B55B366A48D690D762**********",
    "Invoice": "iDEAL In3 Refund 1693216289",
    "ServiceCode": "In3",
    "Status": {
      "Code": {
        "Code": 190,
        "Description": "Success"
      "SubCode": {
        "Code": "S990",
        "Description": "The request was successful."
      "DateTime": "2023-08-28T11:51:30"
    "Order": null,
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "AmountCredit": 5000.0,
    "TransactionType": "C203",
    "Services": null,
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "MutationType": 1,
    "RelatedTransactions": [
        "RelationType": "refund",
        "RelatedTransactionKey": "9A2C1AEC43F64EAA820970**********"
    "IsCancelable": false,
    "IssuingCountry": null,
    "StartRecurrent": false,
    "Recurring": false,
    "CustomerName": null,
    "PayerHash": null,
    "PaymentKey": "40CB985149BE46BF9A67D5**********",
    "Description": "iDEAL In3_Refund"