

        Article summary

        1.1 Introduction

        The PayPerEmail service can be used to send an email to a customer, inviting the customerto pay by following a hyperlink in the email. Following the link, the customer can bepresented with a choice of different payment methods, or a payment method can bepreselected for the customer.Different scenarios can be created. It’s possible to have Buckaroo send the email for you,in which case it is possible to configure a custom email template in the Buckaroo PaymentPlaza. Another option is to send the email yourself, in which case the link to which to sendthe customer will be returned by the Buckaroo Payment Engine.

        1.2 Requirements

        The PayPerEmail service is special in that it does not actually processes payments. Anadditional service subscription is needed, for a service that supports the Pay action.

        1.3 Work Flow

        The merchant starts by sending the request for a PayPerEmail to a BPE transactiongateway. The gateway processes the request and sends a response to the merchant.Additionally, a transaction push is sent to the merchant as well (Both contain the currentstatus of the transaction). Next the email is sent. Depending on whether the merchanttold the BPE to send an email or not, either the merchant or the BPE sends an email tothe customer, containing a paylink. When the consumer clicks on this link, he will be takento a page where the transaction can be completed. After the customer finishes on this page, the customer is redirected back to the merchant website and the transaction detail are sent along with the consumer. In parallel, a transaction push is also sent to the merchant, also containing the transaction details.

        1.4 A Single PayPerEmail, Multiple Transactions

        A PayPerEmail results in at least 1 transaction, namely the PayPerEmail transaction. This transaction however will never have a payment directly associated with it. Instead, whenever a consumer follows the paylink and starts the payment process on the payment page, a new transaction and a payment of the selected payment method will be created. Once the payment (and consequently the associated transaction) succeeds, the PayPerEmail transaction will be given the status Succeeded. A transaction push will then be given on all transactions involved (So a push on the chosen payment method transaction and a push on the PayPerEmail transaction)Please note: Certain payment methods (for example direct debit and credit card) can be reversed. If these payment methods are used for paying the PayPerEmail, the PayPerEmail transaction can have a succeeded status, but the associated payment will have been reversed (A reversal payment and transaction will have been created).

        2. Servicecode and Actions

        To specify the PayPerEmail service, use the following service code: payperemail. This service supports the following action: paymentinvitation. With this action you can sent an invitation to a consumer to invite him/her to pay.

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