Data points

Data Points in Buckaroo Shield

Shield uses data points as objects of measurement. They represent categories of transaction data and are used in rules and lists.

Standard Data Points

AmountTransaction amount10.00
Card numberCard number of the debit or credit card522078**3273
Card number categoryCard category of the debit or credit cardprepaid, business, gold
Card number countryIssuing country of the debit or credit cardNL
Card number owner typeOwner type of the debit or credit cardpersonal, commercial, unknown
Card number typeCard number type of the debit or credit cardcredit, debit, chargecard
Client IPIP address of the client192.123.456.78
Client IP countryCountry of the IP address of the clientNL
CurrencyCurrency of the transactionEUR
IBANUsed IBAN in an IBAN transactionNL06ABNA1234567890
Is recurringIndicates if it is a recurring transactionTrue/False
Is start-recurringIndicates if it is the FIRST transaction of a series of recurring transactionsTrue/False
Payment methodUsed payment method in the transactionVISA
PayPal accountUsed PayPal email address in a PayPal
Website keyThe registered website key of the transactionsd6f8s7df6

Custom Data Points

Merchants can create additional data points by defining custom variables. Once created, Shield will automatically regard them as data points.