
The Pay action can be used to perform a payment.

Base JSON request

Use the base request as instructed on this page

Pay request


Service specific parameters
FirstNamestringYesGroupType: BillingCustomer First name of billing customer
LastNamestringYesGroupType: BillingCustomer Last name of billing customer
BirthDatedatetimeGroupType: BillingCustomer Birthdate of billing customer
GenderstringRequiredGroupType: BillingCustomer Gender of billing customer. Possible values: "male", "female"
CategorystringYesGroupType: BillingCustomer Billing type. Possible values: "B2C", "B2B"
EmailstringYesGroupType: BillingCustomer Email address of billing customer
PhonestringYesGroupType: BillingCustomer Phone number of billing customer
StreetstringRequiredGroupType: BillingCustomer Street of billing customer
StreetNumberdecimalYesGroupType: BillingCustomer House number of billing customer
StreetNumberAdditionalstringNoGroupType: BillingCustomer House number suffix of billing customer
PostalCodedecimalYesGroupType: BillingCustomer Postal code of billing customer
CitystringYesGroupType: BillingCustomer City of billing customer
CountrystringYesGroupType: BillingCustomer Country of billing customer. Possible values: NL, DE, AT, FI, DK, NO, SE, GB
FirstNamestringYesGroupType: ShippingCustomer First name of shipping customer
LastNamestringYesGroupType: ShippingCustomer Last name of shipping customer
BirthDatedatetimeNoGroupType: ShippingCustomer Birthdate of shipping customer
GenderstringNoGroupType: ShippingCustomer Gender of shipping customer. Possible values: "male", "female"
CategorystringYesGroupType: ShippingCustomer Billing type. Possible values: "B2C", "B2B"
EmailstringYesGroupType: ShippingCustomer Email of shipping customer
PhonestringGroupType: ShippingCustomer Phone number of shipping customer
StreetstringYesGroupType: ShippingCustomer Street of shipping customer
StreetNumberdecimalYesGroupType: ShippingCustomer House number of shipping customer
StreetNumberAdditionalstringNoGroupType: ShippingCustomer House number suffix of shipping customer
PostalCodestringYesGroupType: ShippingCustomer Postal code of shipping customer
CitystringRequiredGroupType: ShippingCustomer City of shipping customer
CountrystringYesGroupType: ShippingCustomer Country of shipping customer. Possible values: NL, DE, AT, FI, DK, NO, SE, GB
DescriptionstringGroupType: Article Article description
IdentifierstringYesGroupType: Article Article identifier
URLstringGroupType: Article Article URL
ImageUrlstringGroupType: Article Article image URL
QuantitydecimalYesGroupType: Article Article quantity
GrossUnitPricedecimalYesGroupType: Article Article unit price
VatPercentagedecimalYesGroupType: Article Article VAT percentage
Basic parameters

Here you can find all basic parameters

Example request

  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountDebit": 10.0,
  "AmountCredit": null,
  "Invoice": "Test Invoice 123",
  "Order": null,
  "Description": "Klarna Order Test Invoice 123",
  "ClientIP": {
    "Type": 0,
    "Address": ""
  "ReturnURL": "",
  "ReturnURLCancel": "",
  "ReturnURLError": "",
  "ReturnURLReject": "",
  "OriginalTransactionKey": null,
  "ServicesSelectableByClient": null,
  "ServicesExcludedForClient": null,
  "PushURL": null,
  "PushURLFailure": null,
  "ClientUserAgent": null,
  "OriginalTransactionReference": null,
  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "klarna",
        "Action": "pay",
        "Version": 0,
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "FirstName",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "John"
            "Name": "Lastname",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "Doe"
            "Name": "BirthDate",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "01/01/1990"
            "Name": "Gender",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "male"
            "Name": "Category",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "B2C"
            "Name": "Email",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": ""
            "Name": "Phone",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "0307150000"
            "Name": "Street",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "Diemerkade"
            "Name": "StreetNumber",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "1"
            "Name": "StreetNumberAdditional",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": ""
            "Name": "PostalCode",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "1111AA"
            "Name": "City",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "Diemen"
            "Name": "Country",
            "GroupType": "BillingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "NL"
            "Name": "FirstName",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "John"
            "Name": "LastName",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "Doe"
            "Name": "BirthDate",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "01/01/1990"
            "Name": "Gender",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "female"
            "Name": "Category",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "B2C"
            "Name": "Email",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": ""
            "Name": "Phone",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "0307105000"
            "Name": "Street",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "Diemerkade"
            "Name": "StreetNumber",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "1"
            "Name": "StreetNumberAdditional",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": ""
            "Name": "PostalCode",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "1111AA"
            "Name": "City",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "Diemen"

            "Name": "Country",
            "GroupType": "ShippingCustomer",
            "GroupID": "",
            "Value": "NL"
            "Name": "Description",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "Blue Toy Car"
            "Name": "Identifier",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "111111"
            "Name": "URL",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": ""
            "Name": "ImageUrl",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": ""
            "Name": "Quantity",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "1"
            "Name": "GrossUnitPrice",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "10"
            "Name": "VatPercentage",
            "GroupType": "Article",
            "GroupID": "1",
            "Value": "10"
  "CustomParameters": null,
  "AdditionalParameters": null


Pay response

Example response

  "Key": "72635FC6D48847D4B12EB4AFXXXXXXXX",
  "Status": {
    "Code": {
      "Code": 791,
      "Description": "Pending processing"
    "SubCode": {
      "Code": "S002",
      "Description": "An additional action is required: Redirect to Klarna."
    "DateTime": "2021-02-11T08:37:43"
  "RequiredAction": {
    "RedirectURL": "",
    "RequestedInformation": null,
    "PayRemainderDetails": null,
    "Name": "Redirect",
    "TypeDeprecated": 0
  "Services": null,
  "CustomParameters": null,
  "AdditionalParameters": null,
  "RequestErrors": null,
  "Invoice": "Test Invoice 123",
  "ServiceCode": "klarna",
  "IsTest": true,
  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountDebit": 10.0,
  "TransactionType": "C700",
  "MutationType": 1,
  "RelatedTransactions": null,
  "ConsumerMessage": null,
  "Order": null,
  "IssuingCountry": null,
  "StartRecurrent": false,
  "Recurring": false,
  "CustomerName": "John Doe",
  "PayerHash": null,
  "PaymentKey": "AFEE970355454E638A11934EXXXXXXXX"

Pay push

Example push

      "Invoice":"Test Invoice 123",
            "Description":"The request was successful."
      "CustomerName":"John Doe",


After a successful payment, a refund action can be performed. Please keep in mind to use the parameter Amount_Credit to specify the refund amount and Originaltransaction to refer to the payment transaction.

Refund request

Example request

   "Currency": "EUR",
   "AmountCredit": 1.45,
   "Invoice": "Test Invoice 123_R",
   "OriginalTransactionKey": "72635FC6D48847D4B12EB4AFXXXXXXXX",
   "Services": {
      "ServiceList": [
            "Name": "klarna",
            "Action": "Refund"


Refund response

Example response

   "Key": "10C63E926E724A4E8FF53246XXXXXXXX",
   "Status": {
      "Code": {
         "Code": 190,
         "Description": "Success"
      "SubCode": {
         "Code": "S001",
         "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
      "DateTime": "2017-08-14T17:15:33"
   "RequiredAction": null,
   "Services": null,
   "CustomParameters": null,
   "AdditionalParameters": null,
   "RequestErrors": null,
   "Invoice": "Test Invoice 123_R",
   "ServiceCode": "klarna",
   "IsTest": true,
   "Currency": "EUR",
   "AmountCredit": 1.45,
   "TransactionType": "C701",
   "MutationType": 1,
   "RelatedTransactions": [
         "RelationType": "refund",
         "RelatedTransactionKey": "72635FC6D48847D4B12EB4AFXXXXXXXX"
   "ConsumerMessage": null,
   "Order": null,
   "IssuingCountry": null,
   "StartRecurrent": false,
   "Recurring": false,
   "CustomerName": null,
   "PayerHash": null,
   "PaymentKey": "608987C866A3462FA5AB550CXXXXXXXX"


Refund push

Example push

      "Invoice":"Test Invoice_R",
      "CustomerName":"John Doe",