The service code for integration is: BuckarooWalletCollecting
The following actions are supported:
Transaction Requests:
- Deposit: Used to increase a wallet balance. Requires transaction data like AmountCredit and currency.
- Reserve: Similar to the Deposit request but the reserved amount is not yet usable.
- Withdrawal: Used to decrease a wallet's usable balance.
- CancelReservation: Cancels a reserved amount, decreasing the wallet balance.
- Pay: Used to spend an amount from the wallet's usable balance.
- Refund: Used to perform a refund on a previously successful Wallet Pay transaction, increasing the usable balance.
Data Requests:
- Create: Used to create a new wallet. Customer details can be provided but are not required. The WalletId must be unique.
- Update: Updates information of a wallet, except for the WalletId itself. Also used to update the wallet's status.
- GetInfo: Retrieves information about a wallet.
- Release: Makes a reserved amount usable in the Buckaroo Wallet for transactions like payments and withdrawals.
Updated 4 months ago