π³ Payment methods
Buckaroo offers over 40 payment methods, providing flexibility and security for processing transactions. More detailed information about each payment method is available on the Buckaroo Payment Methods page. For technical details, you can visit the Buckaroo Knowledge Base.
Supported Currencies
Buckaroo supports the following currencies for collecting payments:
- Euro (EUR)
- British Pounds (GBP)
- Polish Zloty (PLN)
- Danish Kroner (DKK)
- Norwegian Kroner (NOK)
- Swedish Krona (SEK)
- Swiss Francs (CHF)
- US Dollars (USD)
Plugin or API Integration
Enabling Payment Methods
To enable a specific payment method, you need an active subscription. Contact your account manager or request the activation via the Merchant Support department by sending an email to [email protected].
Plugin Integration
- Activation:
- After activation by the Merchant Support team, enable the payment method in your plugin.
- Configuration:
- For more information on plugins and their configuration, refer to the Buckaroo Plugins page.
API Integration
You can also integrate Buckaroo via the JSON API. Example requests are available in the knowledge base under Your Payment Method > Integration > Requests. Below are the required parameters for a base payment request.
Base Payment Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Example | Description |
Currency | Yes | String | EUR | The currency for the transaction. Possible values include EUR, USD, GBP, etc. |
AmountDebit | Yes | Decimal | 1.0 | The debit amount in decimal format. For example, "1" or "1.00" means 1 euro, "0.01" means 1 cent. A transaction must have either a debit amount or a credit amount, not both. |
AmountCredit | No | Decimal | 1.0 | The credit amount in decimal format. Similar to AmountDebit, but indicates a credit instead. A transaction must have either a debit amount or a credit amount, not both. |
Invoice | No | String | Test Invoice 1234 | The invoice number for the request, consisting of numbers and letters. Leading and trailing white spaces will be trimmed. |
Order | No | String | Order 1234 | The order number for the request. Currently not supported and will be ignored. |
Description | No | String | Example for docs | The description for the transaction. |
ClientIP | No | Yes | | The IP address of the customer or employee performing the action. If not provided, the server IP address will be used, which may cause issues with anti-fraud checks. Format: "ClientIP": { "Type": 0, "Address": "" } for IPv4 or IPv6. |
ReturnURL | No | String | https://www.buckaroo.nl/return | URL where the customer is redirected after completing the payment. If omitted, the URL configured in Payment Plaza is used. |
ReturnURLCancel | No | String | https://www.buckaroo.nl/returncancel | URL for redirecting the customer if the transaction is cancelled. |
ReturnURLError | No | String | https://www.buckaroo.nl/returnerror | URL for redirecting the customer if an error occurs during processing. |
ReturnURLReject | No | String | https://www.buckaroo.nl/returnreject | URL for redirecting the customer if the transaction is rejected. |
OriginalTransactionKey | No | String | 4E8BD922192746C3918BF4077CXXXXXX | Refers to a previously created transaction for additional actions. |
ServicesSelectableByClient | No | String | paypal,ideal,mastercard | Payment methods available in the Buckaroo checkout. Other active methods will be hidden. |
ServicesExcludedForClient | No | String | billink,visa,nexi | Payment methods hidden in the Buckaroo checkout. Other active methods will be shown. |
ContinueOnIncomplete | No | Boolean | 1 | Redirects the consumer to the Buckaroo Checkout even if the transaction is incomplete. |
PushURL | No | String | https://www.buckaroo.nl/push | Overrides configured push URLs for the associated website key for this transaction. |
PushURLFailure | No | String | https://www.buckaroo.nl/pushfail | Overrides configured push URLs for failed transactions for the associated website key. |
ClientUserAgent | No | String | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Specifies the user agent of the clientβs web browser. Used for statistical and anti-fraud checks. |
OriginalTransactionReference | No | String | Provides an alternative reference to the original transaction for additional actions. |
Example Request
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountDebit": 1.0,
"AmountCredit": 1.0,
"Invoice": "Test Invoice 1234",
"Order": "sample string 3",
"Description": "Example for docs",
"ClientIP": {
"Type": 0,
"Address": ""
"ReturnURL": "https://www.buckaroo.nl/return",
"ReturnURLCancel": "https://www.buckaroo.nl/returncancel",
"ReturnURLError": "https://www.buckaroo.nl/returnerror",
"ReturnURLReject": "https://www.buckaroo.nl/returnreject",
"OriginalTransactionKey": "4E8BD922192746C3918BF4077CXXXXXX",
"StartRecurrent": true,
"ContinueOnIncomplete": 1,
"ServicesSelectableByClient": "ideal,mastercard,visa,giftcard",
"ServicesExcludedForClient": "payconiq,nexi",
"PushURL": "https://www.buckaroo.nl/push",
"PushURLFailure": "https://www.buckaroo.nl/pushfail",
"ClientUserAgent": "sample string 17",
"OriginalTransactionReference": null,
"Services": {
"ServiceList": []
"CustomParameters": null,
"AdditionalParameters": null
In addition to the basic variables, each payment method or additional service may require additional parameters. These are explained in the respective sections of the Buckaroo Knowledge Base under the specific payment method or additional service.
Updated 5 days ago