
The default action for BLIK is Pay. This action has no input except the basic transaction details. Upon receiving this input, the consumer will be redirected to Blik's hosted payment page for verification and confirmation of the payment. After completion at the BLILK's site, the customer is redirected back to the merchant site.

Base JSON request



Use the base request as instructed on this page.


Basic Parameters:

  • Find basic parameters here.

Pay Request


Service-specific parameters


Example request

  "Currency": "PLN",
  "AmountDebit": 100.01,
  "AmountCredit": null,
  "Invoice": "Blik Pay 1714571145",
  "Order": null,
  "Description": "Blik Pay",
  "ClientIP": null,
  "ReturnURL": "",
  "ReturnURLCancel": "",
  "ReturnURLError": "",
  "ReturnURLReject": "",
  "OriginalTransactionKey": null,
  "ServicesSelectableByClient": null,
  "ServicesExcludedForClient": null,
  "PushURL": "",
  "PushURLFailure": "",
  "ClientUserAgent": null,
  "OriginalTransactionReference": null,
  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "Blik",
        "Action": "Pay",
        "Version": 0,
        "Parameters": []
  "CustomParameters": null,
  "AdditionalParameters": null

Pay Response

Example response

  "Key": "0AF0C3FB3B4D44C1AFC63B0*********",
  "Status": {
    "Code": {
      "Code": 791,
      "Description": "Pending processing"
    "SubCode": {
      "Code": "S002",
      "Description": "An additional action is required: Redirect to Blik."
    "DateTime": "2024-05-01T15:45:47"
  "RequiredAction": {
    "RedirectURL": "*********",
    "RequestedInformation": null,
    "PayRemainderDetails": null,
    "Name": "Redirect",
    "TypeDeprecated": 0
  "Services": [
      "Name": "blik",
      "Action": null,
      "Parameters": [
          "Name": "BankStatementId",
          "Value": "65EDCEB"
  "CustomParameters": null,
  "AdditionalParameters": null,
  "RequestErrors": null,
  "Invoice": "Blik Pay 1714571145",
  "ServiceCode": "blik",
  "IsTest": true,
  "Currency": "PLN",
  "AmountDebit": 100.01,
  "TransactionType": "C151",
  "MutationType": 1,
  "RelatedTransactions": null,
  "ConsumerMessage": null,
  "Order": null,
  "IssuingCountry": null,
  "StartRecurrent": false,
  "Recurring": false,
  "CustomerName": null,
  "PayerHash": null,
  "PaymentKey": "0EB3E62BB7994D66ABE4**********"

Pay Push

Example push

  "Transaction": {
    "Key": "0AF0C3FB3B4D44C1AFC63B**********",
    "Invoice": "Blik Pay 1714571145",
    "ServiceCode": "blik",
    "Status": {
      "Code": {
        "Code": 190,
        "Description": "Success"
      "SubCode": {
        "Code": "S990",
        "Description": "The request was successful."
      "DateTime": "2024-05-01T15:46:01"
    "IsTest": true,
    "Order": null,
    "Currency": "PLN",
    "AmountDebit": 100.01,
    "TransactionType": "C151",
    "Services": [
        "Name": "blik",
        "Action": null,
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "BankStatementId",
            "Value": "65EDCEB"
            "Name": "CustomerIBAN",
            "Value": "NL44RABO0123456789"
            "Name": "J Smith",
            "Value": "RABONL2U"
        "VersionAsProperty": 1
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "MutationType": 1,
    "RelatedTransactions": null,
    "IsCancelable": false,
    "IssuingCountry": null,
    "StartRecurrent": false,
    "Recurring": false,
    "CustomerName": "J. de Tèster",
    "PayerHash": null,
    "PaymentKey": "0EB3E62BB7994D66ABE494**********",
    "Description": "Blik Pay"


To refund a successful Blik transaction, use the action Refund. A bank transfer is then initiated which transfers the amount of the original transaction back to the consumer. This is only possible once Buckaroo received the money from the original payment. This can take up to two working days after the initial success confirmation of the original payment.

Refund Request

Example request

  "originalExternalTransactionId": "0AF0C3FB3B4D44C1AFC************",
  "externalTransactionId": "16656EEB06DE42C9AB08196CE50EA5C1",
  "externalMerchantId": "789E678AC77B4C999C3A0DE*******",
  "merchantContractId": "BUCKAROOTESTCONTRACT",
  "merchantNotificationSecret": "w6J9JpEi*********",
  "currency": "PLN",
  "amount": -100.01,
  "pushUrl": null,
  "consumerStatementOutput": "Blik Pay 1714571145 - Refund:Blik Pay",
  "specificInputParameters": null

Refund Response

Example response

  "transactionStatus": 2,
  "transactionType": 2,
  "paymentMethod": 279,
  "specificOutputParameters": {
    "SRCIBAN": "NL44RABO0123456789",
  "requestStatus": 1,
  "requestFailReason": 0,
  "errorMessage": "",
  "acquirerRequest": "returnmode=urlencodeext\nlogin=***\npassword=***\ncontractid=BUCKAROOTESTCONTRACT\ntxtype=REFUND\nreftxid=140227173533\ncurrency=PLN\namount=10001\nmerchantrefundid=16656EEB06DE42C9AB08196CE50EA5C1\nspecin.dynamicdescriptor=Blik Pay 1714571145 - Refund:Blik Pay",
  "acquirerResponse": "STATUS=SUCCEEDED\nREFUNDID=1411937477\nMERCHANTREFUNDID=16656EEB06DE42C9AB08196CE50EA5C1\nRAND1883552890=5329cd679004fe480331a18b88ccf8372628c5fe\nERRMSG=",
  "acquirerRequestDateTime": "2024-05-01T15:47:36.4375882+02:00",
  "acquirerResponseDateTime": "2024-05-01T15:47:36.7557951+02:00"

Refund Push

Example push

  "Transaction": {
    "Key": "16656EEB06DE42C9AB0819*********",
    "Invoice": "Blik Pay 1714571145",
    "ServiceCode": "blik",
    "Status": {
      "Code": {
        "Code": 190,
        "Description": "Success"
      "SubCode": {
        "Code": "S990",
        "Description": "The request was successful."
      "DateTime": "2024-05-01T15:47:36"
    "IsTest": true,
    "Order": null,
    "Currency": "PLN",
    "AmountCredit": 100.01,
    "TransactionType": "C152",
    "Services": [
        "Name": "blik",

Action": null,
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "BankStatementId",
            "Value": "65EDCEB"
            "Name": "CustomerIBAN",
            "Value": "NL44RABO0123456789"
            "Name": "CustomerBIC",
            "Value": "RABONL2U"
            "Name": "Processed",
            "Value": "Classic"
        "VersionAsProperty": 1
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "MutationType": 1,
    "RelatedTransactions": [
        "RelationType": "refund",
        "RelatedTransactionKey": "0AF0C3FB3B4D44C1AFC************"
    "IsCancelable": false,
    "IssuingCountry": null,
    "StartRecurrent": false,
    "Recurring": false,
    "CustomerName": "J. de Tèster",
    "PayerHash": null,
    "PaymentKey": "B7175F6BBF694CA284C6E***********",
    "Description": "Refund:Blik Pay"