Buckaroo’s Subscriptions service allows you to manage debtor accounts and subscriptions seamlessly. The service automates invoice creation on billing days, integrates with Credit Management for reminders, and offers various API calls for subscription management.
General Subscription Flow
- Billing Day: On the subscription’s billing day, an invoice is generated for the subscription period.
- Credit Management: If the initial payment fails, reminders are sent to the debtor with options to fulfill the invoice.
Setup Steps
Create a Product
- Go to Buckaroo Payment Plaza and click on "Create Product".
- Configure a rate plan including price amounts, payment intervals, and frequency.
- Ensure your user role is set to Technical Administrator.
Create a Configuration Set
- Go to Add Configuration and click on "Add Configuration".
- Set up SchemeKey, due date, and invoice descriptions to activate Credit Management.
Create API Calls
- To activate a subscription, provide the product, configuration, and customer details.
API Calls
- CreateSubscription: Creates a new subscription.
- CreateCombinedSubscription: Creates a subscription with an initial transaction or eMandate.
- UpdateSubscription: Updates an existing subscription.
- UpdateCombinedSubscription: Updates a subscription with additional transaction details.
- StopSubscription: Stops an existing subscription.
- SubscriptionInfo: Retrieves information about a subscription.
Custom Parameters
Adding Custom Parameters
- Provide custom parameters in the CreateSubscription request. These parameters will be included in each generated invoice and transaction.
Updating Custom Parameters
- Use the UpdateSubscription request with the new custom parameter values. The updated values will be applied to future invoices and transactions.
Deleting Custom Parameters
- Use the RemoveCustomParameters parameter in the UpdateSubscription request to delete custom parameters.
Service Codes and Actions
- Service Code: Subscriptions
- Supported Actions:
- CreateSubscription
- CreateCombinedSubscription
- UpdateSubscription
- UpdateCombinedSubscription
- StopSubscription
- SubscriptionInfo
Data Requests
- Live:
- Testing:
Transaction Requests
- Live:
- Testing:
Updated 4 months ago