AddShippingInfo action
AddShippingInfo Request
Used for providing details of the shipment related to a Pay action.
AddShippingInfo Request
"Description": "Add shipping details to a capture",
"OriginalTransactionKey": "1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF",
"Services": {
"ServiceList": [
"Name": "KlarnaKP",
"Action": "AddShippingInfo",
"Parameters": [
"Name": "Company",
"GroupType": "ShippingInfo",
"GroupID": "1",
"Value": "FedEx"
"Name": "TrackingNumber",
"GroupType": "ShippingInfo",
"GroupID": "1",
"Value": "AAAA1234567890"
"Name": "ShippingMethod",
"GroupType": "ShippingInfo",
"GroupID": "1",
"Value": "HOME"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | OCM | Description |
OriginalTransactionKey | string | M | Buckaroo reference to the Capture at Klarna |
ShippingMethod | string | O | Allowed values: PickUpStore, Home, BoxReg, BoxUnreg, PickUpPoint, Own, Postal, DHLPackstation, Digital, Undefined, PickUpWarehouse, ClickCollect, PalletDelivery |
Company | string | O | Name of the shipping company |
TrackingNumber | string | O | Unique tracking number |
AddShippingInfo Response
"Key": "EAAAB34E80844CA98EC700F11D004086",
"Status": {
"Code": {
"Code": 190,
"Description": "Success"
"SubCode": {
"Code": "S990",
"Description": "The request was successful."
"DateTime": "2023-03-27T14:05:08"
"RequiredAction": null,
"Services": null,
"CustomParameters": null,
"AdditionalParameters": null,
"RequestErrors": null,
"ServiceCode": "KlarnaKp",
"IsTest": true,
"ConsumerMessage": null
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | OCM | Description |
ServiceCode | string | M | Klarna service label is KlarnaKp |
Code | string | M | Contains the status of adding Shipping details |
IsTest | boolean | M | If there are actual funds processed |
Updated 4 months ago