Second Chance module

Maximize your revenue potential with the Second Chance Module. Effectively follow up on unpaid orders with one or two reminder emails, significantly increasing your conversion rate. Fully white-labelled, these emails can be sent from your own corporate identity and mail servers, maintaining a consistent brand experience for your customers. Moreover, the module offers the option to consider stock availability, streamlining your inventory management and optimizing sales opportunities.
To utilize the plugin, you must have:
- Magento Open Source version 2.3.x & 2.4.x
- Buckaroo Magento 2 plugin version 1.39.0 or greater.
You can download the module from our GitHub repository.
composer require buckaroo/magento2secondchance
php bin/magento module:enable Buckaroo_Magento2SecondChance
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
In the module configuration, various settings are available to build an ideal Second Chance flow to suit everyone.
Adjustable Settings:
- Enable/Disable Reminder Emails: Turn on or off the 1st and 2nd reminder emails.
- Email Templates: Select the template for sending the 1st and 2nd emails.
- Timing for Emails: Determine the timing for sending the 1st and 2nd emails.
- Stock Availability Check: Choose whether to send payment reminders when the product is out of stock (on/off).
- Block Multiple Emails: Prevent multiple emails from being sent to the same customer (on/off).

Updated 7 days ago