Create a Wallet

To create a new wallet, you can use the Create request. While customer details are optional at this stage, you can add or update them later using the Update request. Ensure the WalletId is unique for both test and live environments.



wallets cannot be deleted; they can only be activated or deactivated.

Create Request

Create Request

WalletIdstringYesUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant. Should be provided when performing updates on the wallet.
ConsumerFirstNamestringFirst name of the customer
ConsumerLastNamestringLast name of the customer
ConsumerEmailstringEmail address of the customer
ConsumerIbanstringIBAN number of the customer.
CurrencystringYesCurrency of the Wallet

Example Request:

  "Currency": "EUR",
  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
        "Action": "Create",
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "WalletId",
            "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
            "Name": "ConsumerFirstName",
            "Value": "First Name"
            "Name": "ConsumerLastName",
            "Value": "Last Name"
            "Name": "ConsumerEmail",
            "Value": ""
            "Name": "ConsumerIban",
            "Value": "NL13TEST0123456789"

Create Response

Service Specific Parameters

WalletGuidStringUnique identifier of the Wallet used by Buckaroo.
WalletIdStringUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant. Should be provided when performing updates on the wallet.

Example Response

  "Key": "1757B313E57E4973997DD8C5235A3D48",
  "Status": {
    "Code": {
      "Code": 190,
      "Description": "Success"
    "SubCode": {
      "Code": "S001",
      "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
    "DateTime": "2021-12-23T11:09:24"
  "RequiredAction": null,
  "Services": [
      "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
      "Action": null,
      "Parameters": [
          "Name": "WalletGuid",
          "Value": "313BC97B38084203A4592A0515044"
          "Name": "WalletId",
          "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
  "CustomParameters": null,
  "AdditionalParameters": null,
  "RequestErrors": null,
  "ServiceCode": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
  "IsTest": true,
  "ConsumerMessage": null

Update Wallet Information

Use the Update request to modify wallet details, except for the WalletId, which is immutable. You can also update the wallet status.

Update Request


WalletIdstringYesUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant. Cannot be updated. Should be provided to specify the wallet that needs to be updated.
ConsumerFirstNamestringFirst name of the customer
ConsumerLastNamestringLast name of the customer
ConsumerEmailstringEmail address of the customer
ConsumerIbanstringIBAN number of the customer.
StatusstringStatus of the wallet. Possible values: Active, Disabled

Example Request

  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
        "Action": "Update",
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "WalletId",
            "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
            "Name": "ConsumerFirstName",
            "Value": "First Name"
            "Name": "ConsumerLastName",
            "Value": "Last Name"
            "Name": "ConsumerEmail",
            "Value": ""
            "Name": "ConsumerIban",
            "Value": "NL13TEST0123456789"
            "Name": "Status",
            "Value": "Disabled"

Update Response

Service Specific Parameters

WalletGuidStringUnique identifier of the Wallet used by Buckaroo.
WalletIdStringUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant. Should be provided when performing updates on the wallet.

Example Response

    "Key": "1757B313E57E4973997DD8C5235A3D48",
    "Status": {
        "Code": {
            "Code": 190,
            "Description": "Success"
        "SubCode": {
            "Code": "S001",
            "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
        "DateTime": "2021-12-23T11:09:24"
    "RequiredAction": null,
    "Services": [
            "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
            "Action": null,
            "Parameters": [
                    "Name": "WalletGuid",
                    "Value": "313BC97B38084203A4592A0515044"
                    "Name": "WalletId",
                    "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "RequestErrors": null,
    "ServiceCode": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
    "IsTest": true,
    "ConsumerMessage": null


To retrieve wallet details, use the GetInfo request.

GetInfo Request


WalletIdStringYesUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant. Cannot be updated.. Should be provided to specify the wallet that needs to be updated.

Example Request

  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
        "Action": "GetInfo",
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "WalletId",
            "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"

GetInfo response

Service Specific Parameters

WalletGuidstringUnique identifier of the Wallet used by Buckaroo.
WalletIdstringUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant
ConsumerFirstNamestringFirst name of the customer
ConsumerLastNamestringLast name of the customer
ConsumerEmailstringEmail address of the customer
ConsumerIbanstringIBAN number of the customer.
StatusstringStatus of the wallet
CurrencystringCurrency of the wallet balance
CurrentBalancedecimalCurrence balance of the Wallet
CurrentUsableBalancedecimalBalance that is usable for mutations like payments and withdrawals.

Example Response

    "Key": "1757B313E57E4973997DD8C5235A3D48",
    "Status": {
        "Code": {
            "Code": 190,
            "Description": "Success"
        "SubCode": {
            "Code": "S001",
            "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
        "DateTime": "2021-12-23T11:09:24"
    "RequiredAction": null,
    "Services": [
            "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
            "Action": null,
            "Parameters": [
                    "Name": "WalletGuid",
                    "Value": "313BC97B38084203A4592A051504"
                    "Name": "WalletId",
                    "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
                    "Name": "ConsumerFirstName",
                    "Value": "First Name"
                    "Name": "ConsumerLastName",
                    "Value": "Last Name"

                    "Name": "ConsumerEmail",
                    "Value": ""
                    "Name": "ConsumerIban",
                    "Value": "NL13TEST0123456789"
                    "Name": "Status",
                    "Value": "Disabled"
                    "Name": "Currency",
                    "Value": "EUR"
                    "Name": "CurrentBalance",
                    "Value": "10.00"
                    "Name": "CurrentUsableBalance",
                    "Value": "10.00"
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "RequestErrors": null,
    "ServiceCode": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
    "IsTest": true,
    "ConsumerMessage": null


The Release request makes reserved funds in the wallet usable for transactions like payments and withdrawals.

Release Request


CurrencystringYesCurrency of the release amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
AmountCreditDecimalYesThe release amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
WalletMutationGuidstringOnly if WalletId is not proviedUnique identifier of a reservation. The provided AmountCredit will be released for this reservation (even if the WalletId is provided as well). If not provided, then the WalletId is required.
WalletIdstringOnly if WalletMutationGuid is not providedUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant. The provided AmountCredit will be released starting from the oldest reservation to the newest reservation. If not provided, then the WalletMutationGuid is required.

Example Request

  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountCredit": 1,
  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
        "Action": "Release",
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "WalletId",
            "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
            "Name": "WalletMutationGuid",
            "Value": "1757B313E57E4973997DD8C5235A"

Release Response

Service Specific Parameters

WalletMutationGuidstringUnique identifier of the reservation.
WalletIdstringUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Response

    "Key": "1757B313E57E4973997DD8C5235A3D48",
    "Status": {
        "Code": {
            "Code": 190,
            "Description": "Success"
        "SubCode": {
            "Code": "S001",
            "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
        "DateTime": "2021-12-23T11:09:24"
    "RequiredAction": null,
    "Services": [
            "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
            "Action": null,
            "Parameters": [
                    "Name": "WalletId",
                    "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
                    "Name": "WalletMutationGuid",
                    "Value": "313BC97B38084203A4592A0515044"
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "RequestErrors": null,
    "ServiceCode": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
    "IsTest": true,
    "ConsumerMessage": null


The Deposit request is used to increase the wallet balance. You need to specify the amount and currency for the transaction.

Release Request


CurrencystringYesCurrency of the deposit amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
AmountCreditDecimalYesThe deposit amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
InvoicestringYesInvoice number of the Deposit transaction. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
OriginalTransactionKeystringTransaction key of a transaction that is used as reference for the deposit transaction. If provided, the specified AmountCredit will still be regarded as the deposit amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
WalletIdstringYesUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Request

  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountCredit": 1,
  "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
  "OriginalTransactionKey": "46FB241693914AA4AE7A8B6DB33DE",
  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
        "Action": "Deposit",
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "WalletId",
            "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"

Deposit Response

Service Specific Parameters

WalletMutationGuidstringUnique identifier of the Deposit
WalletIdstringUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Response

    "Key": "49B018248ECE4346AC20B9020DAD",
    "Status": {
        "Code": {
            "Code": 190,
            "Description": "Success"
        "SubCode": {
            "Code": "S001",
            "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
        "DateTime": "2021-12-23T10:23:13"
    "RequiredAction": null,
    "Services": [
            "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
            "Action": null,
            "Parameters": [
                    "Name": "WalletId",
                    "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
                    "Name": "WalletMutationGuid",
                    "Value": "313BC97B38084203A4592A051504"
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "RequestErrors": null,
    "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
    "ServiceCode": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
    "IsTest": true,
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "AmountCredit": 1,
    "TransactionType": "V803", // To be determined yet
    "MutationType": 2,
    "RelatedTransactions": [
            "RelationType": "BuckarooWalletDeposit",
            "RelatedTransactionKey": "46FB241693914AA4AE7A8B6DB33DE"
    "ConsumerMessage": null,
    "Order": null,
    "IssuingCountry": null,
    "StartRecurrent": false,
    "Recurring": false,
    "CustomerName": null,
    "PayerHash": null,
    "PaymentKey": "3E6437D538BB469FBA723A30BC33"


The Reserve request increases the wallet balance, but the reserved amount is not immediately usable.

Reserve Request


CurrencystringYesCurrency of the Reserve amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
AmountCreditDecimalYesThe Reserve amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
InvoicestringYesInvoice number of the Reserve transaction. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
OriginalTransactionKeystringTransaction key of a transaction that is used as reference for the Reserve transaction. If provided, the specified AmountCredit will still be regarded as the Reserve amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
WalletIdstringYesUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Request

  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountCredit": 1,
  "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
  "OriginalTransactionKey": "46FB241693914AA4AE7A8B6DB33DE",
  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
        "Action": "Reserve",
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "WalletId",
            "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"

Reserve Response

Service Specific Parameters

WalletMutationGuidstringUnique identifier of the reservation.
WalletIdstringUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Response

    "Key": "49B018248ECE4346AC20B9020DADEXXX",
    "Status": {
        "Code": {
            "Code": 190,
            "Description": "Success"
        "SubCode": {
            "Code": "S001",
            "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
        "DateTime": "2021-12-23T10:23:13"
    "RequiredAction": null,
    "Services": [
            "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
            "Action": null,
            "Parameters": [
                    "Name": "WalletId",
                    "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
                    "Name": "WalletMutationGuid",
                    "Value": "313BC97B38084203A4592A05150448F6"
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "RequestErrors": null,
    "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
    "ServiceCode": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
    "IsTest": true,
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "AmountCredit": 1,
    "TransactionType": "V803", // To be determined yet
    "MutationType": 2,
    "RelatedTransactions": [
            "RelationType": "BuckarooWalletReservation",
            "RelatedTransactionKey": "46FB241693914AA4AE7A8B6DB33"
    "ConsumerMessage": null,
    "Order": null,
    "IssuingCountry": null,
    "StartRecurrent": false,
    "Recurring": false,
    "CustomerName": null,
    "PayerHash": null,
    "PaymentKey": "3E6437D538BB469FBA723A30BC33AXXX"


The Withdrawal request decreases the wallet's usable balance.

Withdrawal Request


CurrencystringYesCurrency of the Withdrawal amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter
AmountDebitDecimalYesThe Withdrawal amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
InvoicestringYesInvoice number of the Withdrawal transaction. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
OriginalTransactionKeystringTransaction key of a transaction that is used as reference for the Withdrawal transaction. If provided, the specified AmountDebit will still be regarded as the Withdrawal amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
WalletIdstringYesUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Request

  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountDebit": 1,
  "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
  "OriginalTransactionKey": "46FB241693914AA4AE7A8B6DB33D",
  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
        "Action": "Withdrawal",
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "WalletId",
            "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"

Withdrawal Response

Service Specific Parameters

WalletMutationGuidstringUnique identifier of the Withdrawal
WalletIdstringUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Response

    "Key": "49B018248ECE4346AC20B9020",
    "Status": {
        "Code": {
            "Code": 190,
            "Description": "Success"
        "SubCode": {
            "Code": "S001",
            "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
        "DateTime": "2021-12-23T10:23:13"
    "RequiredAction": null,
    "Services": [
            "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
            "Action": null,
            "Parameters": [
                    "Name": "WalletId",
                    "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
                    "Name": "WalletMutationGuid",
                    "Value": "313BC97B38084203A4592A05150"
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "RequestErrors": null,
    "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
    "ServiceCode": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
    "IsTest": true,
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "AmountDebit": 1,
    "TransactionType": "V803", // To be determined yet
    "MutationType": 2,
    "RelatedTransactions": [
            "RelationType": "BuckarooWalletWithdrawal",
            "RelatedTransactionKey": "46FB241693914AA4AE7A8B6DB33"
    "ConsumerMessage": null,
    "Order": null,
    "IssuingCountry": null,
    "StartRecurrent": false,
    "Recurring": false,
    "CustomerName": null,
    "PayerHash": null,
    "PaymentKey": "3E6437D538BB469FBA723A30BC33"


The CancelReservation request cancels a reserved amount, reducing the wallet balance.

CancelReservation Request


CurrencystringYesCurrency of the CancelReservation transaction. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
AmountDebitDecimalYesThe CancelReservation amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
InvoicestringYesInvoice number of the CancelReservation transaction. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
OriginalTransactionKeystringTransaction key of a transaction that is used as reference for the CancelReservation transaction. If provided, the specified AmountDebit will still be regarded as the CancelReservation amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
WalletMutationGuidstringYesUnique identifier of the Reservation.

Example Request

  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountDebit": 1,
  "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
  "OriginalTransactionKey": "49B018248ECE4346AC20B90",
  "Services": {
    "ServiceList": [
        "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
        "Action": "CancelReservation",
        "Parameters": [
            "Name": "WalletMutationGuid",
            "Value": "49B018248ECE4346AC20B902"

CancelRervation Reponse

Service Specific Parameters

WalletMutationGuidstringUnique identifier of the CancelReservation mutation.
WalletIdstringUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Response

  "Key": "EE4E2E5270104413B73CF70B1A4XXXX",
  "Status": {
    "Code": {
      "Code": 190,
      "Description": "Success"
    "SubCode": {
      "Code": "S990",
      "Description": "The request was successful."
    "DateTime": "2024-01-16T15:38:18"
  "RequiredAction": null,
  "Services": [
      "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
      "Action": null,
      "Parameters": [
          "Name": "WalletId",
          "Value": "TestWallet001"
          "Name": "WalletMutationGuid",
          "Value": "89D137F4897D4D87BCEC7EFB0F80XXXX"
  "CustomParameters": null,
  "AdditionalParameters": null,
  "RequestErrors": null,
  "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
  "ServiceCode": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
  "IsTest": false,
  "Currency": "EUR",
  "AmountDebit": 0.5,
  "TransactionType": "C113",
  "MutationType": 1,
  "RelatedTransactions": null,
  "ConsumerMessage": null,
  "Order": null,
  "IssuingCountry": null,
  "StartRecurrent": false,
  "Recurring": false,
  "CustomerName": "First Name2 Last Name2",
  "PayerHash": null,
  "PaymentKey": "F4A38E1EDBD047669C60B9F867DDXXXX"


The Pay request is used to spend an amount from the wallet's usable balance.

Pay Request


CurrencystringYesCurrency of the Pay transaction. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
AmountDebitDecimalYesThe Pay amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
InvoicestringYesInvoice number of the Pay transaction. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
WalletIdstringYesUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Request

    "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "AmountDebit": 1,
    "Services": {
        "ServiceList": [
                "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
                "Action": "Pay",
                "Parameters": [
                        "Name": "WalletId",
                        "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"

Pay Response

Service Specific Parameters

WalletMutationGuidstringUnique identifier of the Pay mutation in the Wallet.
WalletIdstringUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Response

    "Key": "46FB241693914AA4AE7A8B6DB33DEXXX",
    "Status": {
        "Code": {
            "Code": 190,
            "Description": "Success"
        "SubCode": {
            "Code": "S001",
            "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
        "DateTime": "2021-12-23T10:23:13"
    "RequiredAction": null,
    "Services": [
            "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
            "Action": null,
            "Parameters": [
                    "Name": "WalletId",
                    "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
                    "Name": "WalletMutationGuid",
                    "Value": "313BC97B38084203A4592A051504"
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "RequestErrors": null,
    "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
    "ServiceCode": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
    "IsTest": true,
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "AmountDebit": 1,
    "TransactionType": "V802", // To be determined yet
    "MutationType": 2,
    "RelatedTransactions": null,
    "ConsumerMessage": null,
    "Order": null,
    "IssuingCountry": null,
    "StartRecurrent": false,
    "Recurring": false,
    "CustomerName": "First Name Last Name",
    "PayerHash": null,
    "PaymentKey": "DF7CC74BFBD54DF3B5CCCFF1171B3XXX"


The Refund request can be used to refund a previously successful Wallet Pay transaction, increasing the usable balance.

Refund Request

Refund Request Parameters

CurrencystringYesCurrency of the Refund transaction. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
AmountCreditDecimalYesThe Refund amount. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter..
InvoicestringYesInvoice number of the Refund transaction. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.
OriginalTransactionKeystringYesTransaction key of successful Wallet Pay transaction. This is a basic parameter, not a service parameter.

Example Request

    "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "AmountDebit": 1,
    "Services": {
        "ServiceList": [
                "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
                "Action": "Pay",
                "Parameters": [
                        "Name": "WalletId",
                        "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"

Refund Response

Service Specific Parameters

WalletMutationGuidstringUnique identifier of the Refund mutation.
WalletIdstringUnique identifier of the Buckaroo Wallet for the merchant

Example Response

    "Key": "46FB241693914AA4AE7A8B6DB33DEXXX",
    "Status": {
        "Code": {
            "Code": 190,
            "Description": "Success"
        "SubCode": {
            "Code": "S001",
            "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
        "DateTime": "2021-12-23T10:23:13"
    "RequiredAction": null,
    "Services": [
            "Name": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
            "Action": null,
            "Parameters": [
                    "Name": "WalletId",
                    "Value": "SomeMerchantUniqueValue"
                    "Name": "WalletMutationGuid",
                    "Value": "313BC97B38084203A4592A051504"
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "AdditionalParameters": null,
    "RequestErrors": null,
    "Invoice": "BuckarooWalletInvoiceId",
    "ServiceCode": "BuckarooWalletCollecting",
    "IsTest": true,
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "AmountDebit": 1,
    "TransactionType": "V802", // To be determined yet
    "MutationType": 2,
    "RelatedTransactions": null,
    "ConsumerMessage": null,
    "Order": null,
    "IssuingCountry": null,
    "StartRecurrent": false,
    "Recurring": false,
    "CustomerName": "First Name Last Name",
    "PayerHash": null,
    "PaymentKey": "DF7CC74BFBD54DF3B5CCCFF1171B3XXX"