Manual settlement
This API is called to initiate settlement process from the merchant (sales) app. The reconciliation request will be prepared and sent to the host. The settlement result will be returned as summary of transactions grouped by transaction type.
Call example
App2AppRequest app2AppRequest = new App2AppRequest(); 2
//Optional to add register/config parameters
app2AppService.gotoManuelSettlement(app2AppRequest, eventListener);
Example request
"gotoManuelSettlement" : {
"configParameters": {
"drawerMenu": "1",
"salesButton": "0",
"voidButton": "1",
"refundButton": "1",
"historyButton": "1",
"settingsButton": "1",
"settlementButton": "0",
"tipScreen": "0",
"userPhoto": "1"
"registerParameters": {
"terminalId": "00000001",
"merchantId": "000000000000011",
"activationCode": "1"
Example response
"settlementResult": true,
"settlementResultMessage": "ACQUIRER_SETTLEMENT_SUCCESS",
"settlementSaleCount": 10,
"settlementSaleAmount": 1000,
"settlementVoidCount": 5,
"settlementVoidAmount": 530,
"batchNumber": "1713"
"errorCode": "E104",
"internalErrorCode": 4,
"internalErrorSubCode": 1
Updated 5 days ago