Belfius is a popular Belgian payment method that allows consumers to pay online via their familiar banking environment. The consumer is redirected to Belfius, where they can choose to pay with either the mobile banking app or by using their bank card. After completing the payment, the consumer is automatically redirected back to the merchant's website.
Key Benefits
Instant Confirmation:
- Immediate confirmation of the transaction.
- Works on every smartphone.
- Can be integrated into your checkout system.
- Less error-prone because payment details are pre-filled.
Refunds and Recurring Payments:
- Supports (partial) refunds via Buckaroo.
- Possible to start recurring SEPA Direct Debits based on the payment data.
Security and Assurance:
- Guaranteed payment method.
- Contract and payout are managed via Buckaroo (Collecting).
Account and Currency Requirements:
- Only available for users with a Belfius checking account.
- Transactions are only possible in Euro.
- Refunds and recurring payments are only possible after reconciliation.
Updated 8 days ago