To process a payment using Fast_Checkout, merchants must use the action PayFastCheckout
and omit the Issuer
parameter from their requests, as it is not allowed with PayFastCheckout
PayFastCheckout Request
Example Request
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountDebit": 0.01,
"Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
"Services": {
"ServiceList": [
"Name": "ideal",
"Action": "PayFastCheckout",
"Parameters": []
PayFastCheckout Response
Example Response
"Key": "4E8BD922192746C3918BF4077CXXXXXX",
"Status": {
"Code": {
"Code": 791,
"Description": "Pending processing"
"SubCode": {
"Code": "S002",
"Description": "An additional action is required: RedirectToIdeal"
"DateTime": "2024-03-18T13:30:34"
"RequiredAction": {
"RedirectURL": "",
"RequestedInformation": null,
"PayRemainderDetails": null,
"Name": "Redirect",
"TypeDeprecated": 0
"Services": [
"Name": "ideal",
"Action": null,
"Parameters": [
"Name": "transactionId",
"Value": "0000000000000002"
"CustomParameters": null,
"AdditionalParameters": null,
"RequestErrors": null,
"Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
"ServiceCode": "ideal",
"IsTest": true,
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountDebit": 0.01,
"TransactionType": "C021",
"MutationType": 1,
"RelatedTransactions": null,
"ConsumerMessage": null,
"Order": null,
"IssuingCountry": null,
"StartRecurrent": false,
"Recurring": false,
"CustomerName": null,
"PayerHash": null,
"PaymentKey": "644545E2409D4223AC09E880ADXXXXXX"
PayFastCheckout Push Notification
Example Push
"Transaction": {
"Key": "4E8BD922192746C3918BF4077CXXXXXX",
"Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
"ServiceCode": "ideal",
"Status": {
"Code": {
"Code": 190,
"Description": "Success"
"SubCode": {
"Code": "S001",
"Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
"DateTime": "2017-03-28T11:24:14"
"IsTest": true,
"Order": null,
"Currency": "EUR",
"AmountDebit": 10.0,
"TransactionType": "C021",
"Services": [
"Name": "ideal",
"Action": null,
"Parameters": [
"Name": "consumerIssuer",
"Value": "ABN AMRO"
"Name": "transactionId",
"Value": "0000000000000001"
"Name": "consumerName",
"Value": "J. de Tèster"
"Name": "consumerIBAN",
"Value": "NL44RABO0123456789"
"Name": "consumerBIC",
"Value": "RABONL2U"
"Name": "Description",
"Value": "Dummy Description"
"Name": "ContactDetailsFirstName",
"Value": "John"
"Name": "ContactDetailsLastName",
"Value": "Dijkstra"
"Name": "ContactDetailsPhoneNumber",
"Value": "+31612345678"
"Name": "ContactDetailsEmail",
"Value": "[email protected]"
"Name": "ShippingAddressFirstName",
"Value": "Edsger W."
"Name": "ShippingAddressLastName",
"Value": "Dijkstra"
"Name": "ShippingAddressCompanyName",
"Value": "Cookie factory"
"Name": "ShippingAddressPostalCode",
"Value": "3512NS"
"Name": "ShippingAddressAddition",
"Value": "C"
"Name": "ShippingAddressHouseNumber",
"Value": "100"
"Name": "ShippingAddressStreet",
"Value": "Bankastraat"
"Name": "ShippingAddressCountryName",
"Value": "Netherlands"
"Name": "InvoiceAddressFirstName",
"Value": "Edsger W."
"Name": "InvoiceAddressLastName",
"Value": "Dijkstra"
"Name": "InvoiceAddressCompanyName",
"Value": "Cookie factory"
"Name": "InvoiceAddressPostalCode",
"Value": "123ZZ"
"Name": "InvoiceAddressAddition",
"Value": "C"
"Name": "InvoiceAddressHouseNumber",
"Value": "100"
"Name": "InvoiceAddressStreet",
"Value": "Bankastraat"
"Name": "InvoiceAddressCity",
"Value": "Amsterdam"
"Name": "InvoiceAddressCountryName",
"Value": "Netherlands"
"VersionAsProperty": 2
"CustomParameters": null,
"AdditionalParameters": null,
"MutationType": 1,
"RelatedTransactions": null,
"IsCancelable": false,
"IssuingCountry": null,
"StartRecurrent": false,
"Recurring": false,
"CustomerName": "J. de Tèster",
"PayerHash": "d2e447e9bd91d6e5b4507c2699f2dfa117c60e2e70a13854df4dad57aa54f26785f710b5c6022a9feaf8eace18125f5b1c6929a2ec9a4ff0e88182f9fe085ec3",
"PaymentKey": "644545E2409D4223AC09E880ADXXXXXX"
Payment Plaza Information Display for PayFastCheckout Transaction Details
Contact Details
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
Shipping Address
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company Name
- House Number
- Addition
- Street
- City
- Country
- Postal Code
Invoice Address
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company Name
- House Number
- Addition
- Street
- City
- Country
- Postal Code
User Names Received After Successful Checkout Transactions
- The name of the Payer according to the bank account used for payment.
- contactDetails.firstName and contactDetails.lastName: The name chosen by the User when creating their iDEAL profile.
- shippingAddress.firstName and shippingAddress.lastName: The name chosen by the User during Checkout as the addressee.
- invoiceAddress.firstName and invoiceAddress.lastName: The name chosen by the User during Checkout as the invoicee.
Updated 5 months ago