

        Article summary


        The pay action is the default action for the gift card service. The action is used to perform a gift card payment.

        Base JSON request

        Use the base request as instructed on this page

        Pay Request


        Service specific parameters

        FashionChequeCardNumberStringRequired if the giftcard is processed by FashionCheque.N/AThe number as displayed on the actual FashionCheque card.
        FashionChequePINStringRequired if the giftcard is processed by FashionCheque.N/AThe Personal Identification Number of the card.
        IntersolveCardnumberStringRequired if the giftcard is processed by IntersolveN/AThe number as displayed on the InterSolve card.
        IntersolvePINStringRequired if the giftcard is processed by Intersolve.N/AThe Personal Identification Number of the card.
        TCSCardnumberStringRequired if the giftcard is processed by TCS.N/AThe number as displayed on the TCS card.
        TCSValidationCodeStringRequired if the giftcard is processed by TCS.N/AThe Personal Identification Number of the card.
        CardnumberStringRequired when using a custom giftcard service.N/AThe number as displayed on the giftcard.
        PINStringRequired when using a custom giftcard service.N/AThe Personal Identification Number of the card.
        LastNameStringLast name of the customer
        EmailStringEmail address of the customer
        Basic parameters

        Example request

           "Currency": "EUR",
           "AmountDebit": 10,
           "Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
           "Services": {
              "ServiceList": [
                    "Name": "boekenbon",
                    "Action": "Pay",
                    "Parameters": [
                          "Name": "IntersolveCardnumber",
                          "Value": "0000000000000000001"
                          "Name": "IntersolvePin",
                          "Value": "1000"

        Pay Response

        If the giftcard has sufficient balance to cover the full transaction amount, the payment can be completed with one giftcard transaction. The gateway response will return status code 190 (succes) with no further required action. However, if the balance does not cover the full amount and there is a remaining amount to be paid, the gateway response will provide a redirect URL to give the customer the opportunity to complete the payment on our checkout page. The payment will then consist of multiple partial payments. For more information, see the Partial Payments section.


        Basic parameters

        Example response

           "Key": "C11C13902A0848FCA1DA17C10332XXXX",
           "Status": {
              "Code": {
                 "Code": 190,
                 "Description": "Success"
              "SubCode": {
                 "Code": "S001",
                 "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
              "DateTime": "2019-03-23T00:18:27"
           "RequiredAction": null,
           "Services": null,
           "CustomParameters": null,
           "AdditionalParameters": null,
           "RequestErrors": null,
           "Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
           "ServiceCode": "boekenbon",
           "IsTest": true,
           "Currency": "EUR",
           "AmountDebit": 10,
           "TransactionType": "V238",
           "MutationType": 2,
           "RelatedTransactions": null,
           "ConsumerMessage": null,
           "Order": null,
           "IssuingCountry": null,
           "StartRecurrent": false,
           "Recurring": false,
           "CustomerName": null,
           "PayerHash": null,
           "PaymentKey": "D450A4D7E25A49D3A5E9E643D6F2XXXX"

        Pay push


        Basic parameters

        Example push

           "Transaction": {
              "Key": "901745AE6B4643C6837497C513D2xxxx",
              "Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
              "ServiceCode": "boekenbon",
              "Status": {
                 "Code": {
                    "Code": 190,
                    "Description": "Success"
                 "SubCode": {
                    "Code": "S003",
                    "Description": "A partial payment of EUR 1 was successfully performed on a requested amount of EUR 10.00."
                 "DateTime": "2019-03-22T23:28:13"
              "IsTest": true,
              "Order": null,
              "Currency": "EUR",
              "AmountDebit": 1,
              "TransactionType": "V238",
              "Services": null,
              "CustomParameters": null,
              "AdditionalParameters": null,
              "MutationType": 2,
              "RelatedTransactions": [
                    "RelationType": "partialpayment",
                    "RelatedTransactionKey": "40591C0E384A40AC8FF5C5D1C6A0xxxx"
              "IsCancelable": false,
              "IssuingCountry": null,
              "StartRecurrent": false,
              "Recurring": false,
              "CustomerName": null,
              "PayerHash": null,
              "PaymentKey": "B14054AF06FA4997B98450C696D7xxxx"


        To refund a successful giftcard transaction, use the action Refund.

        Refund request


        originaltransactionStringYesN/ATransaction key of the original transaction that needs to be refunded. Please note: This is a basic request variable, not a service specific variable.
        Basic parameters

        Example request

           "Currency": "EUR",
           "AmountCredit": 1,
           "Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
           "OriginalTransactionKey": "901745AE6B4643C6837497C513D2xxxx",
           "Services": {
              "ServiceList": [
                    "Name": "boekenbon",
                    "Action": "Refund"

        Refund response


        Basic parameters

        Example response

           "Key": "62AB2EF2C17F42A1A79DC42CD552xxxx",
           "Status": {
              "Code": {
                 "Code": 190,
                 "Description": "Success"
              "SubCode": {
                 "Code": "S001",
                 "Description": "Transaction successfully processed"
              "DateTime": "2019-03-22T23:34:18"
           "RequiredAction": null,
           "Services": null,
           "CustomParameters": null,
           "AdditionalParameters": null,
           "RequestErrors": null,
           "Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
           "ServiceCode": "boekenbon",
           "IsTest": true,
           "Currency": "EUR",
           "AmountCredit": 1,
           "TransactionType": "V239",
           "MutationType": 2,
           "RelatedTransactions": [
                 "RelationType": "refund",
                 "RelatedTransactionKey": "901745AE6B4643C6837497C513D2xxxx"
           "ConsumerMessage": null,
           "Order": null,
           "IssuingCountry": null,
           "StartRecurrent": false,
           "Recurring": false,
           "CustomerName": null,
           "PayerHash": null,
           "PaymentKey": "B93B33C25C1840A9AF19DC609CF7xxxx"

        Refund push


        Basic parameters

        Example response

           "Transaction": {
              "Key": "62AB2EF2C17F42A1A79DC42CD552xxxx",
              "Invoice": "testinvoice 123",
              "ServiceCode": "boekenbon",
              "Status": {
                 "Code": {
                    "Code": 190,
                    "Description": "Success"
                 "SubCode": null,
                 "DateTime": "2019-03-22T23:34:18"
              "IsTest": true,
              "Order": null,
              "Currency": "EUR",
              "AmountCredit": 1,
              "TransactionType": "V239",
              "Services": null,
              "CustomParameters": null,
              "AdditionalParameters": null,
              "MutationType": 2,
              "RelatedTransactions": [
                    "RelationType": "refund",
                    "RelatedTransactionKey": "901745AE6B4643C6837497C513D2xxxx"
              "IsCancelable": false,
              "IssuingCountry": null,
              "StartRecurrent": false,
              "Recurring": false,
              "CustomerName": null,
              "PayerHash": null,
              "PaymentKey": null

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