Credit Management

      Credit Management

        Article summary

        Credit Management

        If you’ve purchased the Credit Management module, this menu will be displayed. Here you can set up different reminder schemes for the various websites.
        On the left side, you’ll see the overview of the existing Credit Management schemes. These schemes can only be used for the website they are linked to. A scheme is always linked to just one single website. A website on the other hand can be linked to several schemes.

        Click on ‘Add new scheme’ to create a new scheme. On the right, a dropdown menu will appear. Here you can select which website you want to link this scheme to.

        There are several options to choose from.

        Possible actions

        Edit: Here you can modify a Credit Management scheme.

        Duplicate: Here you can duplicate a scheme.

        Delete: Here you can delete a scheme.

        Retry failed direct debits before invoice due date: You can execute a SEPA direct debit again in case the first attempt failed. But only before the due date of the invoice.
        Send payment invitation on invoice date: If the invoice hasn’t been paid yet on the invoice date, you can send a PayPerEmail containing a payment link.
        Send payment invitation if transaction fails before due date: If an unsuccessful transaction takes place before the due date of the invoice is reached, send a payment invitation, rather than having to wait until the due date.
        Accept invoices with a due date in the past: Normally, only future invoices are accepted. This option allows you to accept expired invoices as well. It is not possible to combine these with payment requests.

        Send an invoice specification attached to each e-mail and letter: When using Requests with product lines and/or Subscriptions a PDF invoice can be added to all payment reminders.

        Once you’ve chosen (one of) the options above, it is possible to create a reminder scheme. The first activity will take place after a specified number of days following the due date of the invoice.

        There are several options for each action. In the dropdown men you can send a reminder, add administration costs, send the invoice to a debt collection agency, introduce a threshold or stop the subscription. The latter option is only possible if you’ve purchased the Subscription module.

        By selecting ‘Reminder’, you can select the preset channel . The options are email, text message or a letter. Use the ‘Set templates’ button to select the appropriate template.

        Use the ‘Add fallback method’ button to add an additional form of communication in case the earlier communication failed.

        Use the ‘Add action’ button to add an additional action. This action is performed simultaneously.

        By using the ‘Add step’ button, you can add an additional step to the reminder scheme. Here you can also determine how many days following the previous step you want this activity to take place.

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