

        Article summary

        A Buckaroo account is required to do test or live transactions with the Buckaroo plugin for Magento1. Below you can find the configuration steps:

        1. Sign in to your → Magento 1 backend.
        2. Go to → SystemConfiguration in the main menu of Magento.
        3. Then go to the Sales submenu and click on the → Buckaroo logo to open the plugin settings.
        4. Fill all required information at the General Configuration settings. A description of each needed credential is provided below, see the required information to connect the plugin with your Buckaroo account.

        The following information is required to connect the plugin to your Buckaroo account:

        1. Enabled:
          Set this option to → Yes to enable the Buckaroo plugin.

        2. Payment modus:
          With this setting you can set the Buckaroo plugin in Test or in Live mode. We advise to set this on → Live because you also need to set this setting for each payment method.

        3. Secret key:
          Can be set in the Buckaroo Plaza at → ConfigurationSecuritySecret Key.
          Note: the secret key may only contain numbers and letters!
          Copy the Secret key once you've created it in the Buckaroo Plaza. If you already have a secret key for your Buckaroo account, then you can copy it.

        4. GUID:
          The GUID can be found in the Buckaroo Plaza at → My BuckarooGeneral. The Guid will be displayed at the top of the page.
          It is a pretty long code with letters and numbers.

        5. Certificate File:
          You can create a certificate in the Buckaroo Plaza at → ConfigurationSecurityCertificates.
          A certificate can be created with the → Actions button on this page.
          Please note that the certificate is downloaded directly in the browser. Save this file properly so that it can be found later.

          After creating a certificate, the certificate must be uploaded in your Magento backend at the → Certificate Management Tab which you'll find lower in the Buckaroo plugin settings.
          *When the certificate is uploaded it will be selectable in the general plugin configuration.

        6. Certificate thumbprint:
          Can be found in the Buckaroo Plaza at → ConfigurationSecurityCertificates.
          The fingerprint can only be found after a certificate has been created. After creating a certificate, the fingerprint will be visible in the overview of all certificates.

        7. Transaction label:
          This is the transaction description. We advise to fill in your website name here.
          This so customers will recognize this since this will also be showed on their bank statement.

        Payment method configuration

        Then there is a separate tab for each payment method. For each payment method you can set whether the method is active, whether it creates live or test transactions, the name of the payment method in the checkout and whether costs should be charged if the consumer chooses for a specific method.

        Refund configuration

        Under the tab → Refunding you can set how refunds should be handled. The setting "Enabled” determines whether refunds are sent from Magento to Buckaroo. The setting “Accept Payment Plaza refunds in Magento” determines how manual refunds from the Buckaroo Plaza should be handled.

        If Magento is only used for stock management and no money actually needs to be refunded to the consumer, the refund option must be disabled. Conversely, if only money needs to be refunded (for example with a partial refund), but Magento is used purely as a stock system, manual refunds from Buckaroo should be ignored.

        In most cases, however, both functions are set to active, so that both systems run as closely as possible.


        Haven't installed the Buckaroo plugin yet? Then please check out our installation page.

        Please contact Buckaroo support if you have any technical questions.  

        Our telephone number and contact details of other departments can be found in the Buckaroo Payment Plaza under "Contact details" at the bottom left of the screen.

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